Hyper Local News Pages

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

11/18/09 Letters from Greenwich Time Readers - Sensationalism

To the editor:

Where is the integrity of the Greenwich Time? I would like to know how sensationalizing Dr. Ramaley's court settlement, which was closed by the courts, is "serving the community" as your paper has claimed to be doing since 1877.

Is circulation of the paper so poor that you need to attempt to create scandal to sell papers? For the past 27 years, I have trusted Dr. Ramaley as my doctor and appreciated his professionalism and integrity. Your sensationalism can't undo the complete confidence I have had in him through the years, nor can it lead me to believe he hasn't conducted his practice with anything but the highest of standards. In this case, who are you serving, the community, or yourself?

Susan Tyrrell

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