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Monday, November 16, 2009

11/16/09 The Raw Greenwich News Feed: State Politics

Dannel Malloy Lacking In Name Recognition, But Well Known Among Political Insiders
Hartford Courant
That number lagged behind the two Democratic leaders in the poll, Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz and Greenwich cable TV entrepreneur Ned Lamont. ...
Media Research Center
In Florida, 'Far Right' Is 'Hounding' GOP To Back Conservatives
Media Research Center
By contrast, when left-wing anti-war candidate Ned Lamont challenged Sen. Joe Lieberman for his Connecticut Senate seat in 2006 over his support for the ...
In Courtroom, Candidate Just Didn't Get It
Connecticut Law Tribune
I was surprised when Ned Lamont surfaced in a jury pool in Stamford in the wake of his race against Joseph Lieberman for the US Senate. ...

Better late than never. Lawmakers to examine new tax on ...
By Brian Lockhart
Vigilante: And Ned Lamont will be bringing the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson back to Connecticut to support... Joel Gonzalez: With poll numbers like that, I'd be looking into a change of career. ...
Political Capitol - http://blog.ctnews.com/politicalcapitol/
Roger L. Simon » The Importance of Being Lieberman
By Roger L Simon
I am a Connecticut resident and know some of the players in Democratic politics in CT, even "Red Ned" Lamont. Lieberman is a politician whose only lodestar is his own self-interest. Nov 16, 2009 - 1:06 pm 27. willis: ...
Roger L. Simon - http://pajamasmedia.com/rogerlsimon/
Stage Being Set For Mid-term Election And The Stock Market ...
By admin
The figures are almost final, and country club liberal Ned Lamont has bested the Senator by 52% to 48%. The actual vote so far is 142000 votes to 136000 votes. How did Lamont get it done, and what does it mean for the country in the ...
domain name availability - http://www.domain-name-availability.com.cn/
t r u t h o u t Bazooka Joe: Lieberman's Comic Health-Care Ploy
Some of his oldest supporters voted for Ned Lamont in Connecticut's 2006 Democratic primary! Unforgivable! He's technically an in-dependent and still votes for some liberal things because he wants to get reelected in 2012. ...
Truthout - All Articles - http://www.truthout.org/articles/feed
Cave News: Lieberman on ObamaCare: I've got to stop it!
By Caveman
In 2006 the Democrats dumped Lieberman and backed Ned Lamont for the Senate. Lieberman subsequently ran as an Independent and was successful in defeating Lamont. Joe Lieberman is now an Independent Senator from Connecticut and is a ...
Cave News - http://caveviews.blogs.com/cave_news/

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