Hyper Local News Pages

Thursday, October 29, 2009

10/29/09 Reader Submitted Comments About Paying To Read The Greenwich Time Online

There are too many other free web sources for Greenwich news to pay for theirs. Since they got rid of Topix, although I like to see what's going on in town, my time spent on GT is a fraction of what it was. While we are at it, where is the new comment site that they promised when Topix was stopped??

GreenwichRoundup is trying but just doesn't seem to have the manpower or $$ to get the job done in a reader friendly manner. Keep Trying!!


Dear North Idaho,
You have always been a thoughtful commentator at the Greenwich Topix Forum.
Hopefully, Greenwich Roundup will get its act together and seize the day if Greenwich Time Editor David McCumber goes to a pay model.
Like Avis, Greenwich Roundup is going to try harder.
Please See:

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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