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Monday, October 12, 2009

10/12/09 Paul Curtis: "Somebody said, 'Oh, he's a Democrat and he edited out the ghetto.' I could care less."

A Rose Mary Woods Falshback:

GCTV producer apologizes for glitch that erased Lavery housing remark

Debate tape skips 'ghetto' comment in Greenwich selectmen's debate - Greenwich Time

The main producer of the town's government-access television station apologized Monday for what he said was the inadvertent omission of a controversial sound bite from a recent selectmen's debate.

A two-minute-13-second clip from the two-hour Oct. 1 Byram Neighborhood Association debate was accidentally cut because of a technical problem with the recording system of Greenwich Community Television, said Paul Curtis, who filmed the event himself at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church.

During the missing segment of the debate, which is posted on GCTV's Web site and was scheduled to air Monday night and twice more this month on Channel 79 for Cablevision customers, Democratic first selectman candidate Lin Lavery used the word "ghetto" during a discussion on affordable housing, a hot-button issue in Byram.....

...."I found it very curious that the debate was presented in its entirety by GCTV, except for this one moment when she referred to the complexes," said Edward Dadakis, a Republican Town Committee member. "I don't believe anyone would stoop low enough to either edit out or request that it be edited out, but it does raise a lot of questions."....

....Lavery, a selectman who came into office two years ago at the same time as Tesei, denied any involvement in the omission of the clip from the debate.

"Good grief, no," Lavery said in an interview. "This is news (to me). I didn't even know this happened."....

Comment About This Greenwich Time Story At The Greenwich Topix Forum


To the editor:

I would like to put to rest any rumors concerning the Greenwich Community Television coverage of the Byram Neighborhood Association debate recorded on Oct. 1. I did not realize a portion of the debate commentary was missing until this rumor was brought to my attention.

During the recording of the debate, a technical problem occurred that dropped two minutes and thirteen seconds of the debate. This was not intentional, nor was the loss of recorded footage under my control.

Greenwich Community Television always records and presents "gavel-to-gavel" coverage of all public meetings. In the more than 150 town meetings and public events Greenwich Community Television has covered since 2004, this problem has only occurred three times.

I apologize for any missed commentary during the Byram Neighborhood Association debate, and assure the viewing public that Greenwich Community Television's policy of unfettered and transparent coverage of town meetings and events will continue.

Paul Curtis

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