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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

06/03/09 The Greenwich Time Comes Out Swinging At Greenwich Roundup: Re RTM eligibility

Republican Puppet Niel "I Protected Insiders By Sitting On The Fake Beach Pass Binder" Vigdor Once Again Gets The Facts Wrong And Then Doesn't Answer His Telephone So That He Can Produce A One Sided Story.

Dear Greenwich Roundup,

There have been reports coming out of the RTM that you are no longer a
resident and are no longer eligible to serve. I had a recent conversation
with the town clerk, who said you are supposed to be resigning from the RTM
but you have not submitted a resignation letter yet. Is this accurate? Are
you still a town resident? If so, where do you currently live? I was hoping
to discuss the situation with you by telephone. I can be reached at
625-4436. Thank you.

Neil Vigdor

Greenwich Time


Greenwich Roundup Called Town Clerk Carmella C. Budkins And Read Her Neil Vidgor's Email And She Told Greenwich Roundup That Greenwich Time Reporter Neil Vidgor's Statements Attributed Too Her Were False And That She Was Calling Mr. Vidor.

Further, She Said That She Had Informed Mr. Vidor That Greenwich Roundup Was A Town Resident And That She Had Not Heard One Word From Greenwich Roundup About Resigning From The RTM.

Further, Ms Budkins Was Going To Call Neil Vidgor Right Away And Complain About His False Statements Attributed In The Above Email.

Further, Ms. Budkins said that all of this was coming from Robert McKnight


After Leaving Messages For Neil Vidgor, As Well As, A Voice Messages For Neil "I Like To Libel Bloggers Who Criticize My Newspaper's Performance" Vidgor Is Hiding And Not Returning Phone Calls.

For The Record Niel, Greenwich Roundup Is A Resident Of Greenwich

Greenwich Roundup Has Been A Resident Longer

Than You Have Been Inaccurately Reporting At The Local Rag.

My Youngest Son Went To New Lebanon School, Western Middle School And Graduated From Greenwich High School Before Serving In Iraq.

He Now Goes To Norwalk Community College

Second of all this is the second time that the Greenwich Time has used Robert McKnight as A source that claimed that Greenwich Roundup was not a resident of the Town Of Greenwich.

The last time was when the Greenwich Time was in December and January of 2007 and 2008.

Robert "I Were Little Tin Foil Hats" McKnight at that time claimed to have a three month old letter saying Greenwich Roundup was not a town resident. At that time the Greenwich Time would not tell Greenwich Roundup's side of the story and told him to send a letter into the Greenwich Time editor.

The Letter was sent by Greenwich Roundup

and never published by the Greenwich Time.

Later, the letter was to be given to First Selectman Peter Tesei by Robert McKnight.

Later when Greenwich Roundup asked Mr. Tesei's office for a copy of the letter he was told that they never got McKnight's three month old mystery letter.

Greenwich Roundup has expressed a desire to resign from the RTM, because he feels that his reporting conflicts with his public service to the town.

In fact, Greenwich Roundup has started refraining from voting at RTM Meetings.

Greenwich Roundup used to serve as a Republican Election official for 12 hours at each town election, but stopped doing so when he was elected to the RTM.

Greenwich Roundup has a deal with the Greenwich Republicans that he will resign from the RTM if the illegally elected and later illegally appointed Republican Developers were to resign.

To date one Wabba brother has resigned, but Jamie Wabba has avoided Robert McKnight's calls for him to resign from the RTM.

If Neil Vidgor Were To Grow A Pair Of Journalistic Balls, Then He Would Be Able To Freedom Of Request Robert Mcknight's Emails About The Wabba Brothers.

Any Of McKnight's Emails That Are About Town Bussiness Are Public Documents That Can Be Obtained For 25 Cents per page.

Maybe, The Cash Strapped Greenwich Time Can't Afford To Give Neil Vidgor 25 Cents A Page Foe Wabba Brother Emails.

Didn't Greenwich Time Publisher David McCumber Promise That There Would Be Investigative Reporting About Greenwich Government?

The Wabba brother's are a sore spot with Greenwich Roundup, because RTM Moderator Thomas Byrne and Joan Caldwell asked Greenwich Roundup, in First Selectman Peter Tesei's Office, not to go to the district RTM Meeting of January 2008, while they "smoothed over things" with Robert McKnight.

Greenwich Roundup complained and the Wabba brothers resigned from the RTM positions they were illegally elected to and then changed their address. After that the Republican developer's were appointed to the RTM by Robert McKnight and his Republican cronies.

Even though Greenwich Roundup was an elected official at the time he never got notice of the special election. If Greenwich Roundup had known about the special election he would have went to the meeting and voted against the illegally elected Republican developers.

The Greenwich Time came to the General RTM Meeting a took a front pagepicture of Greenwich Roundup shaking Peter Tesei's hand at the Central middle school.

Now Robert Mcknight and his Republican buddies want to get the Greenwich Time to start publishing false and inaccurate statements all over again.

So let's let Neil Vidgor publish one of his false and one sided stories and Greenwich Roundup will correct it line by line.


Greenwich Roundup Is Getting Upset, Because Niel "I Like To Libel And Only Report One Side" Vidgor Has Not Had The Courtesy To Return His Phone Call And It's 4:30 PM.

Niel Sent This Email At 12:58 PM Today And Greenwich Roundup Called As Soon As He Read The Message.

The Last Time That Hearst Newspapers Came After This Greenwich Time Critic, Greenwich Roundup Was Barely Breaking 1,000 Unique Visitors A Day.

But Then Ex-Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Got Hearst Corporate Lawyer Ravi Sitwalla To Go After Greenwich Roundup

After that Greenwich Roundup Started Consistently Breaking Over 2,000 Unique Web Visitors A Day.

One Day Last Week Greenwich Roundup Set A New All Time Record And Had Over 3,000 Unique Web Visitors.

So Greenwich Roundup Wishes Neil Vigdor And The Greenwich Time Would Stop Pussy Footing Around And Get This Pissing Contest Started.

Greenwich Roundup Is Getting Goose Bumps Thinking That Neil Vidgor Is Going To Bring In At Least Another 1,000 Unique Visitors To This Greenwich Time Competitor.

Who Knows Maybe Greenwich Roundup Will Have More Daily Unique Visitors Than Even The Greenwich Time.

Greenwich Will Only Have Neil Vidgor's Amateurish Attempt At A Libelous Hatchet Job To Thank.

Neil Vigdor's Retaliatory Actions Do Not Discredit This Greenwich Time And Hearst Newspaper Critic.

They Only Prove That Greenwich Roundup Has Been Right About The One Sided And Politically Motivated Reporting At The Greenwich Time All Along.

If Hearst Newspaper Editor David McCumber Wanted A Fair Story About Greenwich Roundup He Would Not Have Chosen A Reporter Like Neil "I Didn't Have The Journalistic Balls To Publish The Fake Beach Passes" Vidgor To To The Story On A Greenwich Time Critic.

Why Couldn't Hearst Newspaper Editor David McCumber Assign Greenwich Time Reporter Frank MacEachern To Do The Article On Greenwich Roundup?

Greenwich Roundup Has Never Criticized Frank MacEachern Job Performance Or Reporting Skills.

It Is Clear That The Lower Fairfield County Fuax News Wannabe Isn't Interested In Fair And Balanced Reporting.

Personally, Greenwich Roundup Is Shocked At David McCumber For Assigning A Clearly Biased Reporter To Do This So Far Libelous Story.

The More Things Change At The Greenwich Time

The More They Stay The Same


It's 5:37 PM

And Still No Niel Vidgor Call Back

What Is The Matter With This Guy?


It's 6:08 PM

And Niel Vidgor Wont Pick Up The Phone A Call Greenwich Roundup

One Greenwich Roundup Reader Suggestted That We Get Neil Vidgor To Agree To Let Us Tape His Little Interview If He Ever Calls.


It's 7:16 PM

And Greenwich Roundup Still Has Not Gotten A Call Back From Neil Vidgor. Now I am Late For Church.


It's 11:53PM


It Looks Like Greenwich Roundup's Limited Vision

Has Gotten In The Way Of His Reporting Once Again

Greenwich Roundup Has Just Discovered That Neil Vidgor

Had Left A Brief 4 Second Voice Mail On

Greenwich Roundup's Cell Phone At 3:55 PM

Since Greenwich Roundup Is Blind In The Right Eye

And The Left Eye Is Crossed With Low Vision

He Some times has trouble reading his tiny cell phone.

Maybe Neil Vidgor Should Just Put

Robert McKnight's Questions In An Email.

And Then Greenwich Roundup Can Blow Up The

Email To 150% Of Size And Answer The Questions

Or Even Better, Niel Vidor And Greenwich Roundup

Could Pay Twenty Questions Via Email

Neil Vidgor Could Ask Greenwich Roundup If He Lives In Greenwich.

Greenwich Roundup would Respond, "Yes."

Then Greenwich Roundup Could Ask Neil Vidgor Whose Names Were On Those Counterfeit Beach Passes In That Binder That He Has Hid From The Taxpayers Of Greenwich.



06/02/09 ONCE AGAIN HEARST NEWSPAPERS ARE LOST IN GREENWICH........I didn't have a clue that the former Greenwich resident was Crockefeller, ex testifies

06/02/09 The Greenwich Time's Corporate Sister (Fairfield County Weekly) hired Indian freelance journalists to write the paper this week. Is this the way of the future?

Sorry, Greenwich Time Staffers, But You Might Be Outsourced To India If This Hearst Newspaper Experiment Is A Success.

06/02/09 Sign Of The Times: The Incredibly Small And Shrinking Greenwich Time

LESS NEWS MORE MONEY: The Money Losing Greenwich Time Has Never Been Venerable - But Now, More Than Ever, It's Vulnerable.

In An Effort To Wring Out More Savings From The Cash Strapped Greenwich Time, Hearst Newspapers Has Been Shrinking The Number Of Pages In Each Issue Of The Newspaper


06/01/09 Today Is The Day To Start Your Greenwich Blog
Have You Thought About Being A Greenwich Citizen Journalist?


05/30/09 Greenwich Time's Online Readers Scream,"Basta Jonathan Basta !!!! Enough Is Enough !!!!!"

Cos Cob Parents And Students Tell Greenwich Time We Editor, Jonathan Lucas.....
"Basta !!!!"

Hearst Newspaper's Online Newspaper Readers Are Sick And Tired Of Being Ignored By Greenwich Time Web Editor Jonathan Lucas.

Over 24 Hours Ago The Greenwich Public Schools Issued A Press Release About Swine Flu Now Being At Cos Cob School, But Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz's Greenwich Web Editor Still Has Not Gotten The Story Up On The Web.

05/29/09 RSS What? When Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz Going To Have The Balls To Fire The Incompetent Greenwich Time Webmaster?

As Donald Trump Would Say,"No RSS feed? You're fired!"
FOUR YEARS AGO.... prominent blogger Robert Scoble (formerly with Microsoft, now with
Podtech.Net) stated, "You should be fired if you do a website without an RSS feed." http://scoble.weblogs.com/2005/02/19.html .

Many Of The Greenwich Time RSS Feeds Have Been Broken For Months.Almost All Of Hearst Newspaper's News Feeds Don't Work In GreenwichThe Greenwich Citizen Has No RSS Feed At All

Just Take A Look At All The Broken Greenwich Time RSS Feeds

05/29/09 Once Again Hearst Newspapers Has Trouble Keeping Time At The Greenwich Time

Hearst Newspaper President Stephen Swatz Allows Greenwich Time Webmaster To Screw Up Again !!!!!
It Looks Like Greenwich Time Blogger
William A. Ruskin Can See Into The Future

05/29/09 Greenwich Roundup Breaks The News And Then Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin Gusafson Reports The Rest Of The Story.....

First Greenwich Roundup Breaks The News:

05/28/09 Greenwich Roundup Exclusive: Reader Submitted Comments About A Second Swine Flu Outbreak At Gateway Preschool

And Then The Hearst Newspaper Editors Asign The Story To Colin Gustafson:

Preschool closed by flu

As public schools remain open despite rising swine flu infections, a private day care center in Pemberwick will stay closed until Monday, after nearly the entire staff called out sick this week amid concerns about another outbreak of the virus.


05/27/09 Hearst Newspaper Web Editor Jonathan Lucas Seems To Have Trouble Telling Time At The Greenwich Time

There Is Something Fishy Going On With Web Editor Jonathan Lucas At The Greenwich Time......

Lucas Is Missing Time At The Greenwich Time

A Greenwich Roundup Reader points out that there appears to be some discrepancies with the posting times at the Greenwich Time, Stamford Advocate and Connecticut Post. The reader points out that the exact same story appears at the Stamford Advocate and the Connecticut Post.

All three articles are written by Debra Friedman but the Stamford Advocate and Connecticut Post articles indicate that they were updated while the Greenwich Time is once again having trouble keeping time.

The update for the Greenwich Time has been removed or was never ever posted as it should have been. This is clearly a violation of Hearst Newspaper and basic journalistic standards......

05/27/09 Grenwich Public Schools Press Release: Inaccurate Numbers in Greenwich Time Article

Inaccurate Greenwich Time Article GetsShot Down By The Board Of Education
FYI all - hopefully you are not reporting based on the Greenwich Timearticle this morning,

please note that:

As we reported to you in the update posted to the web site last night (5/26/09), to date - there have been NO additional confirmed cases of the H1N1 flu virus in the Greenwich Public Schools.
As of last night (5/26/09), there are 16 confirmed cases in the Town ofGreenwich, 11 of those 16 are from the Greenwich Public Schools.

The Greenwich Time newspaper INCORRECTLY reported these numbers in theheadline article of the Wednesday, May 27, 2009 edition of the paper.

Please continue to check the Greenwich Public Schools web site for themost up-to-date and accurate information.http://www.greenwichschools.org/page.cfm?p=6651

Kim Eves
Director of Communications
Greenwich Board of Education
290 Greenwich Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830


Please send your comments while Greenwich Roundup wait for Niel Vidgor to return the phone call made to his voicemail.

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Useful criticism, helpful links and corrections and general comments are always welcome at Greenwich Roundup. Generally only spam ads and posts with very foul language get censored.

Contact me directly at GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com if you have a suggestion or comment you don't want publicized (but tell me so in your email).

I look forward to publishing your opinions.

COMMENTING RULES: We encourage an open exchange of ideas in the Greenwich community, but we ask you to follow our guidelines. Basically, be civil, smart, on-topic and free from profanity. Don't say anything you wouldn't want your mother to read!