Hyper Local News Pages

Friday, June 5, 2009

06/05/09 The Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feeds:

Bloggers Who Are From, Work In Or Used To Live In Greenwich ......

Rock Star Diary
Solymosi painting - My old friend, Peter Solymosi sent me a painting from India....out of the clear blue sky. For no reason at all??!! Just a surprise. He also sent prizes for ...

Greenwich Student, Blogger And Receptionist krystle's Collection of things *not to forget*
Short Circuit! - Dimension Films is rewiring "Short Circuit," acquiring rights to remake the 1986 film. The original introduced Number 5, a robot built by the military ...

The Latest From Claudette Rothman, AKA,Greenwich Diva
HIV man charged with attempted murder - Forty-six year old Carlton Davis was arrested on Thursday and charged with attempted murder for having unprotected sex with at least one person and not ...

Exit 55 By Rob "WGCH" Adams - The Sports Voice Of Greenwich
Basketball...ZZzzzzz, Hockey...Not So Much - I just finished watching the enjoyably game four of the Stanles Cup Finals. The Penguins used a flurry of goals in the second to beat the Red Wings, 4-2. ...

For What It's Worth By Riverside Blogger Chris Fountain
Dear Erin – it’s because we realtors all graduated from the same mail-order licensing school (don’t know the sellers’ excuse) - From Indiana comes this tale which suggests that Greenwich does not hold a monopoly on dummies. That’s reassuring somehow, I suppose. Read about your blog ...

Amazing But True:
Greenwich Time Web Editor Jonathan Lucas Got Some Of The Greenwich Time RSS Feeds Working Again .....

Greenwich Time: Community Events - RSS Feed
Fairfield County Scene - Injured veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were honored by more than 200 supporters of the Wounded Warrior Project at the nonprofit's April 25 ...

Greenwich Time: Life And Family - RSS Feed
Reinventing yourself - Is it time to reinvent yourself? If your business is drying up or you've lost your job, the answer to this question is an unequivocal "yes.
Rouge Winebar latest in trendy eateries in South Norwalk - South Norwalk continues to have some of the most interesting restaurants in our area. It is also a place where some dining establishments come and go before...
Mystic Bowie set for number of Connecticut gigs - As a child, Mystic Bowie sang in the church choir of his tribal village of Lacovia and later performed across Cornwall County in western Jamaica. Though he...
FOUR YEARS AGO.... prominent blogger Robert Scoble (formerly with Microsoft, now with Podtech.Net) stated, "You should be fired if you do a website without an RSS feed." http://scoble.weblogs.com/2005/02/19.html .

Many Of The Greenwich Time RSS Feeds Have Been Broken For Months.Almost All Of Hearst Newspaper's News Feeds Don't Work In GreenwichThe Greenwich Citizen Has No RSS Feed At All

Just Take A Look At All The Broken Greenwich Time RSS Feeds
The Raw Greenwich Time Blog And RSS Feed Continues .......

Lincoln's Log - Hearst Newspaper VP Lincoln Millstein

Vivapop Community Events RSS Feed
European Painting Exhibit: June 13 - Bruce Museum Greenwich, CT 203-869-0367 Museum A new summer exhibition called “Masterpieces of European Painting from Museo de Arte de Ponce” opens, ...

EDDIE "Greenwich Native" ROSS
A Spin Through the Market - Eddie and I are off to Chicago tomorrow, where on Saturday we'll be meeting up with readers and fellow flea market fanatics at Kane County in St. Charles, Il...

Ask the Doctor: Medical Health Articles
Why is Fish Oil Important for Pregnant Women and Infants? - Pregnancy is one of the most crucial times in a woman's health. There are so many changes going on inside the body, and there is one additional life develo...

The Daily Spurgeon
The spotless Lamb of God - "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." - Isaiah 53:6....

Wowzio - Greenwich Ct - Engaging late-breaking posts
06/04/09 The Raw Greenwich Blog Feed; - The Latest Greenwich Blog Posts:mike draper of Guilford, Ct: A heart stopper!By mike draper One day he decides to take the Metro into New York from his hom...
Here Come Today's Republican Talking Points.......

CAMILLO WITH GREENWICH DELEGATION HAILS SAFE RIDES PASSAGE - Hartford, CT - Today, legislation to save the Connecticut Safe Rides program cleared its last legislative hurdle and now heads to Governor M. Jodi Rell for...

FLOREN WITH THE GREENWICH DELEGATION HAILS SAFE RIDES PASSAGE - Hartford, CT - Today, legislation to save the Connecticut Safe Rides program cleared its last legislative hurdle and now heads to Governor M. Jodi Rell for...

GIBBONS WITH GREENWICH DELEGATION HAILS SAFE RIDES PASSAGE - Hartford, CT - Today, legislation to save the Connecticut Safe Rides program cleared its last legislative hurdle and now heads to Governor M. Jodi Rell for...
The Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feed Continues ......

Former Greenwich Resident Rosie O'Donnell"s RBlog
AskRo - Paula writes: Is Sharon Gless gay? sadly no [...]
The Perrot Memorial Library Blog
New-- Stamford Museum and Nature Center Pass - NEW MUSEUM PASS TO BORROW! Free admission to the Stamford Museum and Nature Center for 2 adults and 2 children. Borrow the pass from the Youth Services ...

Greenwich Blog : The Blog of Greenwich, Connecticut :: USA
Venetian Renaissance Ball - Renaissance Ball Bruce Museum at the Riverside Yacht Club Saturday, June 6, 2009 The Long Island Sound waterfront will be the backdrop for this year’s ...

Greenwich Geek David S. Isenberg's musings at isen.blog
20% of Harvard MBAs pledge for greater good. - NYT [link]: *Nearly 20 percent of the graduating class have signed “The M.B.A. Oath,” a voluntary student-led pledge that the goal of a business manager is...
Please send your comments and Greenwich blog post links to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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