Hyper Local News Pages

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

05/27/09 Grenwich Public Schools Press Release: Inaccurate Numbers in Greenwich Time Article

Wrong Place - Wrong Time

Inaccurate Greenwich Time Article Gets
Shot Down By The Board Of Education

FYI all - hopefully you are not reporting based on the Greenwich Time
article this morning, please note that:

As we reported to you in the update posted to the web site last night (5/26/09), to date - there have been NO additional confirmed cases of the H1N1 flu virus in the Greenwich Public Schools.

As of last night (5/26/09), there are 16 confirmed cases in the Town of
Greenwich, 11 of those 16 are from the Greenwich Public Schools.

The Greenwich Time newspaper INCORRECTLY reported these numbers in the
headline article of the Wednesday, May 27, 2009 edition of the paper.

Please continue to check the Greenwich Public Schools web site for the
most up-to-date and
accurate information.

Kim Eves
Director of Communications
Greenwich Board of Education
290 Greenwich Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830


Phone: 203-625-7415
e mail:
Fax: 203-869-8003

When Greenwich Roundup Types ....

Hearst Newspapers And The Greenwich Time Listens

Greenwich Roundup,

If you look at our Web site, which I know you’re obsessed with, you would see that we have a correction — it’s in big, bold, red letters and really hard to miss. Unlike you, we’re honest with our readers and when we make a mistake we own up to it and are completely transparent about it. You could learn from our example.

Jonathan Lucas

Web Editor

The Advocate/Greenwich Time

9 Riverbend Drive South, Building 9A

PO Box 4910Stamford, CT 06907-0910

P: 203.964.2268

TF: 866.210.3764

F: 03.964.2345






Dear Jonathan,

Let's publicly compare server logs and then we will see who is obsessed with whom.

Hearst newspaper servers in general and the Greenwich Time server in particular is all over Greenwich Roundup multiple times a day.

I am sure you remember that thin skinned Greenwich Time managing editor Bruce "Thin Skin" Hunter was the one who tried to intimidate us with Hearst Corporate lawyers when we criticized his poor performance at the Greenwich Time.

The Greenwich Time loves to sit in the seat of judgement from everyone from the Presidents on down to regular town folk.

But if someone points out a Greenwich Time error

then they go crazy with anger.

"How dare anyone criticize the Greenwich Time"

Second of I did not write the public criticism about the Greenwich Time's screw up.

This is a Greenwich Public School's Press Release that is officially written on behalf of The Greenwich Board Of Education.

Greenwich Roundup only wrote a headline that said....

Wrong Place - Wrong Time
Inaccurate Greenwich Time Article Gets
Shot Down By The Board Of Education

As for your silly little statement

"Unlike you, we’re honest with our readers and when we make a mistake we own up to it and are completely transparent about it. You could learn from our example."

First of all there has never been an error at Greenwich Roundup that has been brought to our attention that has not been responded to and corrected.

Second of all in the past Greenwich Roundup brought some Greenwich Time reporting errors to the attention of Greenwich Time editors who refused to acknowledge the dispute or correct the errors.

The Greenwich Time's response was for Greenwich Roundup to send in a letter to the editor that was to be published.

The letter was sent in by Greenwich Roundup and never published by the Greenwich Time.

Maybe we should have a public debate if the Greenwich Time is honest with their readers.

You can bring Joe Pisani, Jim Zebora and Bruce Hunter.

Greenwich Roundup will bring Hamilton Avenue School Mother's who were repeatedly ignored by the Greenwich Time. Then Greenwich Roundup will bring bloggers like Greenwich Diva and Greenwich Gossip who have been burned by the Greenwich Time.

Greenwich Roundup would love that public debate.

Maybe we could get Paul Curtis to put the

debate on cablevision channel 79


Update: Western to stay open despite flu

By Lisa Chamoff

Staff Writer

Posted: 05/26/2009 10:04:39 PM EDT

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story reported that 16 new cases of swine flu had been reported in Greenwich. There have been a total of 16 cases of the virus in town with 11 of those being

GREENWICH - Despite a mounting number of swine flu cases in town and an unknown number affecting the student body, Greenwich Public School officials kept Western Middle School open Tuesday.

The state Department of Public Health confirmed a total of 16 cases of the H1N1 flu strain have been reported in Greenwich as of Tuesday afternoon. Eleven of the cases are students in the public school system, according to the state health department.

Schools Superintendent Betty Sternberg did not return several messages left on her cell phone seeking comment Tuesday. District spokeswoman Kim Eves said she would get back to Greenwich Time Tuesday afternoon with additional information but never did.......


Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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