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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

05/19/09 Would Greenwich residents even notice if the Greenwich Time disappeared?

Greenwich Time Watch

Wait a minute, there are still newspapers in Greenwich???

Wow, I had no idea.
Gee, I thought the Greenwich Time had shut down already.

San Francisco might become the first major American city without a daily newspaper if Hearst Newspapers closes it down.. The San Francisco Chronicle is just like the Greenwich Time in that it continues to lay off staffers in an attempt just to stay in business.

The San Francisco Mayor, Gavin Newsom, was quoted as saying if the newspaper does disappear, “People under 30 won’t even notice.”

Greenwich bloggers and citizen journalists as well as the recession is threatening the survival of a very weak Greenwich Time

As the Greenwich Time see fewer advertising dollars coming in, more and more personnel including the time's lackluster reporters are getting laid off.

The Greenwich Time's fifth editor in a year is David McCumber who was previously an editor in a city that lost the print versions of a daily newspaper. His Hearst Newspaper was the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

Many Greenwich residents are so disgusted with the Greenwich Time they are saying it really doesn't matter whether the local rag is killed or not. After all, technological change has destroyed lots of popular products, and Greenwich has survived and thrived.

Greenwich bloggers and citizen journalists are slowly starting to be the best source of aggressive reporting on local issues — such as the Greenwich Board Of Education. When Greenwich School Superintendent Betty Sternberg hid the school satisfaction survey from Greenwich parents and taxpayers.

Greenwich Time cub reporter Colin Gustafson was too timid to demand the report and it was Bill Clark at Greenwich Gossip who had the journalistic balls to file a freedom of information request that forced the release of the report.

With in a week of Bill Clarke publishing that report Superintendent Sternberg shocked everyone by suddenly resigning.

It was Greenwich Roundup that exposed the repeated failures of Hamilton Avenue School Building Committee Charmain Frank Mazza and his band of idiots. It was Greenwich roundup that released the pictures of water pouring into the new 30 Million Dollar plus Hamilton Avenue School and causing mold in the basement.

It was Greenwich Roundup that released shocking BOE emails and documents as Greenwich Time cub reporter Gustafson regurgitated Sternberg's press releases.

When the local PTA's spent months covering up the fact that they had lost parents money to a Washington State company, and had sent a someone out on a plane to try and recover the money it was Greenwich Roundup that broke the story in Greenwich.

When parents were concerned, because the Greenwich Lacrosse coach got another drunk driving arrest they said forget about the Greenwich Time we are going to see Greenwich Roundup.

When Greenwich resident Walter "Feeder Fund" Noel ripped his investors off to the tune of $7.5 Billion. Greenwich Time editor Bruce Hunter and Hearst Corporation Business editor Jim Zebora were both a sleep at the switch as Chris Fountain at "For What It's Worth" covered the local angle of the Madoff scandal.

It was Frank Trotta who scooped the Greenwich Time with his exclusive access to the Greenwich Police Department and told everyone about the Merit Parkway burglary spree. Apparently, the Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg has given up on the Greenwich Time crime reporter and now relies on a blogger to get the news out.

I bet the wife of the Old Greenwich Beach Pass Counterfeiter wishes she has gave that binder of evidence to Claudete Rothman at "Greenwich Diva" instead of handing the binder over to Greenwich Time reporter Niel Vidgor who was too scared to publish them.

Claudete would have had the guts to publish to the beach passes and the Old Greenwich felon that was ripping off Greenwich taxpayers just might be in jail right now.

Everyday, Greenwich Citizen Journalists are becoming stronger and stronger as Hearst Newspaper's money losing Greenwich Time gasps it's last remaining breaths of air.

By the time the Greenwich Time comes comes the single family homeowners of Greenwich already scoured all of their favorite Greenwich bloggers and other news sources on-line.

A cup of coffee and reading Greenwich Roundup is starting to be a vital part of many Greenwich insiders daily routine. Many movers and shaker's in town get the NY Times on Sunday to catch the things that the Greenwich Time misses.

Most Greenwich residents would notice if I would notice if Fox News and MSNBC and the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal disappeared, but would easily forget about the thin little seventy five cent a day Greenwich Time.

Actually many Greenwich home owner's will be happy when the Green Kitty Liter Liner is finally gone. They are tired of having to go to the front lawn every morning to grab the Greenwich time and then throw it in the blue recycle bin. There is no need to print the paper that Bill Clark likes to call the "Yellowich Time" any more now that we have the Internet and a growing number of citizen journalists.

While it is true that very few person's would miss the Greenwich Time, it must be noted that there are a few caged Greenwich birds that would miss being able to crap on the mindless Susie the Dish column in the Greenwich Time. But these birds should remember that Ex-Greenwich Time Editor Joe Pisani's volunteer column in the free Greenwich Post makes an excellent target with that silly little bow tie.

The truth is that daily Greenwich Time is barely big enough to cover the bottom of a bird cage.

A few mouse clicks can provide Greenwich readers with an overload of local information without killing countless trees to make paper that will ultimately wind up in a landfill. The Greenwich Time is destined to travel the same path as the horse and buggy as the Blog of Greenwich and Viva Pop continue covering local social events here in town.

Greenwich Roundup allows those in the know to scan multiple news sources daily – all faster and more efficiently, and with greater variety in tone and coverage than they would get from the Greenwich Time. As Greenwich Roundup points local residents and allows them to follow a number of Greenwich blogs regularly, then you will soon discover that the local rag is already dead. Everyone is just waiting for the fat lady to sing out the Greenwich Times Obituary.

The subscription rate at the Greenwich Time continues to skyrocket while both the quality and quantity of newsworthy its stories continue to dwindle. The Greenwich Time is just not as exciting as the local blogs.

Many Greenwich Seniors are starting to say they can’t afford to buy the Greenwich Time. They are starting to get their news from the local blogs, and WGCH.

Many Seniors say the learn more from listening to one hour of the Sam Romeo's Greenwich Matter's Show. than reading the a weeks worth of the Greenwich Time.

The only left for seniors is the Wednesday and Sunday ads and coupons. Now they can get that on line. There’s nothing the Greenwich time provide that you can’t get somewhere else. Now Funeral parlors have the obituaries with electronic guest books at their websites..

Some new Greenwich residents have told Greenwich Roundup that they did not know that Greenwich had a local news paper. They get their Greenwich coverage as they read the NY Post and the Wall Street Journal on the train to New York City in the morning. On the way back they use their web enabled phones to go to Greenwich Roundup for links to local blogs and other news sources.

To many other Greenwich residents, the Greenwich Time is already dead. A lot of single family homeowners quit subscribing to it, because the media bias became unbearable as the Greenwich Time tried to become the Faux News of lower Fairfield county and excluded many Greenwich voices.

One Representative Town Meeting member once told Greenwich Roundup that he I haven’t accepted home delivery of the Greenwich Time in over 20 years. Once each week, the other local newspapers mail him a free a free copy of their newspaper.

He says the Greenwich time delivery person sometimes screws up a throws a copy of the local rag in his driveway and it apparently goes goes straight to the trash.

In fact, he says he wouldn’t even wrap fish in it.

That's the pain that Ex-Greenwich Time Editor Joe Pisani's one sided reporting legacy has caused Hearst Newspapers.

Many residents and officials have kicked the Greenwich Time to the curb and haven’t missed it. They would rather dig through web news and local blogs for info because this Hearst Newspaper has become so bias.

Everyone knows that Greenwich has had many events take place over the last few years and that the Greenwich Time either wouldn’t cover (to protect political interests of officials involved) or covered in a very one-sided way. Greenwichites expect their local newspaper to tell them what’s going on, from all sides of the issues, and allow them to form their own opinions but the Greenwich Time no longer do that.

The entire paper has turned into one big local opinion piece.

Maybe if the Greenwich Time could just produce on big biased issue on Sunday that would be good enough. By the time the Greenwich Time gets delivered in the late morning its old news with 50% advertising. When there is more advertising on every page than news article its easy to determine its not worth the money.

Why would anyone pay seventy five cents and more for a newspaper covered in cheesy stickers?

If the Greenwich Time published on big biased Sunday edition then the driveways of the people that get the papers in many parts of town would not have anywhere up to 6 or 8 left on them.

However to be fair and balanced Greenwich Roundup should report that some Greenwich residents would miss the Greenwich Time if it disappeared.

Some local eBay sellers say "It will be harder to find stuffing for the items they sell."

But some would also point out that it's not just the Greenwich Time.

The Hartford Courant, the country’s oldest continuously running paper, has just merged with a the local Fox affiliate as they are both owned by Tribune. It is a vain attempt to stem the flow.

Maybe Hearst Newspapers can buy radio station WGCH and merge it with it's Greenwich Time, Greenwich Citizen and Fairfield County Weekly.

The Greenwich Time has such wonderful potential on the web, however they haven’t been able to keep up in the age of instant communication.

Sadly, Greenwich Roundup thinks we’re witnessing the death of the hopelessly biased Greenwich Time – if not the death of print altogether.

Over the last few years Hearst Newspapers came to Fairfield county bought all of the daily newspapers. The rumor is that Hearst Newspapers will eventually close down the Greenwich Time and the other newspapers, except for the CT Post in Bridgeport.

The plan is for the CT Post to become a countywide daily muck like Gannet's Journal News is in neighboring Westchester County or like how Newsday covers long Island.

This plan will extend the life of Hearst Newspaper's investments in Fairfield county, but local bloggers and citizen journalists will eventually win this competition without buying out anybody.

What the Greenwich time can not seem to grasp is that Internet sources offer immediate delivery. Each time a single family home owner picks up the Greenwich Time they are read yesterday's news.

They receive the Green Kitty Litter Liner every day, and it is always filled with nothing really interesting, it probably takes them only about 3 minutes to go through the entire thing before it goes into the cat box.

The Greenwich Time needs to become a news service that can provide instant coverage of important events. Once the Greenwich Time understands it just can’t beat digital media, then and only then will it have a chance to survive as web based local news organization.

Greenwich Time editors and reporters should ask themselves, "What happened to all those typewriters that once were in every newspaper office?
IBM survived and the Greenwich Time can in a totally different way, that allows insures that all of those trees will be saved.

Let's all hope the Greenwich Time wakes up and smells the reality.
Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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