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Monday, May 4, 2009

05/04/09 Could Someone Please Give David A Job

Since Greenwich Roundup First Saw This AP Story Days Ago It Has Appeared In Over 200 Daily Newspapers In America.


05/01/09 How Did The Greenwich "King Of The AP Reports" Time Miss An AP Report About A Jobless Greenwich Man

Greenwich Roundup Even Gave It's Readers

An Inside Look At How The Associated Press Followed Up

And Alerted The Greenwich Time About The Story:

05/02/09 AP Connecticut at 2 p.m. - Nobody Has More Associated Press Stories Than The Greenwich Time.....

Here Is The Latest Version Of The Associated Press Story......

The recession Nation struggles through one day
Casa Grande Valley Newspapers - ‎16 minutes ago‎

And in Greenwich, Conn., home to hedge fund billionaires, it's David Rabin, who lost his $100,000 job last October as a senior vice president for a small financial services firm. He spends part of his morning in his basement, job hunting.

In better times, Rabin would be preparing for his annual spring golfing trip with three buddies at his condo in Myrtle Beach, S.C. Instead, the 48-year-old Rabin, wearing jeans, a blue hockey sweat shirt and white sneakers, is poring over Monster.com and other online job boards. He sends out 10 resumes a day, but has had few nibbles in six months.

A day earlier, he learned he didn't get a job recruiting members for a gym. That hurt.

"I didn't sleep a freakin' wink," he says. "If I don't fit that job, what the hell am I going to do?"
Rabin's wife, Lauren, has a marketing job. And he receives $476 weekly unemployment - about a quarter of his former salary - that runs out in July. Both checks keep them afloat.

Rabin copes by keeping busy. He and Lauren compile a daily list of chores. Each time he completes one, he checks off a box.

Today's list: Drive his 19-year-old son to school. Search online for cheaper auto and home insurance. (No luck there.) Look for work; his target area has expanded to Buffalo, N.Y., Ohio and Florida - any city where he has friends or relatives. Walk the dog. Buy flip flops for his Florida-bound wife. Work out at the YMCA. Paint the basement.

"You have no idea how humbling all this is," he says. "It's extremely humbling. I'm ready to go to Stop & Shop and start bagging groceries."

"I've been in this situation before and I wasn't nearly as frightened," he says. "This is the Great Recession we're in." ...

Let's Hope That All Of This Publicity Helps Mr. Rabin Get Back To Work.

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