Hyper Local News Pages

Monday, April 6, 2009


I'm writing something on the family. Is there someone there I can speak with regarding the Greenwich angle?

Thanks a lot.


David Margolick

Conde Nast Portfolio

(212) 721-3328


Dear Mr. Margolick,

You are not the first national media company to contact Greenwich Roundup about the Bernard Madooff, Walter Noel and local victims of the Fairfield Greenwich Group. In fact, Greenwich Roundup has also been contacted by lawyers and government investigators.

Greenwich's Daily Newspaper is owned by Hearst Media and for some odd reason Hearst Newspaper's president Steven Swartz has allowed The Greenwich Time's Managing Editor Bruce Hunter to totally ignore the local angle of this story.

It is clear to many in Greenwich that Bruce Hunter doesn't have the journalistic balls to go after Greenwich resident Walter "Feeder Fund"Noel and his $7.5 Billion Financial swindle.

The Greenwich Time also ignored Greenwich's nine figure WG Trading Ponzie scheme.

Personally, I would recommend that you speak to Greenwich Citizen Journalist Chris Fountain has been all over the Bernard Madoff / Walter Noel / Fairfield Greenwich Group story.

Chris is a lawyer and a published author. Further, before becoming a Greenwich blogger he was a paid columnist about real estate in one of Greenwich's weekly newspapers.

In May Of 2008, local real estate brokers threatened to pull their ads and thus pressured the publisher of the weekly newspaper to fire Chris. The Greenwich real estate brokers were upset that Chris kept warning his readers that the Greenwich real estate was over priced and headed for a crash.

The local real estate brokers choose to shoot the messenger and told the local newspaper publisher that Chris was "talking down the local real estate market"

Well eleven months later there are many Greenwich residents that now wish that they had listened to Chris and lowered their asking price in early 2008.

You can reach Chris Fountain at:

Chris Fountain

Riverside CT

(203) 249-4394

email christopher.fountain@gmail.com

website http://www.christopherfountain.com/


03/21/09 GREENWICH BLOGGERS SAY QUIT YOUR CRYING AND GROW A PAIR: It's Not Just Greedy AIG Bailout Thieves That Get Harrassed And Threatened

03/21/09 READER SUBMITTED COMMENTS: Fairfield They Laughs At The Toubled AIG, But Greenwich Residents Don't Like It When Their Bloggers Are Threatened

03/21/09 READER SUBMITTED COMMENTS: Threats Against Greenwich Blogger Chris Fountain Should Be Traced

03/21/09 Threats Against Greenwich Blogger May Be Comming From No Other Than Ex-Bear Sterns Fat Cat Robert Steinberg


12/25/08 Greenwich Resident Robert Steinberg Wasn't Happy With Helping Destroy Bear Sterns. No He Has To Destroy Whats Left Of The Republican Party!!!


Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of this post.

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