Hyper Local News Pages

Monday, April 27, 2009

04/27/09 READER SUBMITTED COMMENTS: Advocate / Greenwich Time Newspapers

Please understand that many Hearst Newspaper employees were fire , because of managerial incompetence

Dear Editor,

I wonder if you would be kind enough to pub (and encourage the Greenwich Post and others) an article encouraging companies to take advantage of the Advocate/Greenwich Times' very talented work staff that is being laid off.

The mismanagement here at the newspapers is criminal. I have never met a more disrespectful and disgraceful group of individuals.

Thank you in advance.



Dear Anonymous,
As you know Greenwich Roundup has had a nasty reputation of as being a strong critic of Greenwich Time reporting in general and of Greenwich Time management in particular.
Some in in Greenwich society would characterize it as cruel, ruthless and somewhat crude and lewd.
Others in Greenwich society would say that criticism of the haughty Greenwich Time and it's management was long over do.
It is clear that the corporate owners new that they had a management problem, because the went through 5 editors in less than a year. First we had Joe Pisani, then David Warner, then Jim Zebora, then Bruce Hunter and now Bruce McCumber is the new editor of the Greenwich Time.
Hearst Newspapers has went so far as to replace the Greenwich Time's Publisher earlier this year.
Chances are that many of us in Greenwich know someone who has lost his or her job this year.

Being cut loose involuntarily – whether their fault or not – is devastating to most people.

Think about it: You're not needed or wanted. You've been rejected, pushed away, kicked to the curb.
It is much like when very good town employees were cut loose, after Greenwich Republicans wasted millions of millions on poorly managed project after project. So much money was wasted that there was no rainy day fund to see us through the current storm.

It is similar when the Greenwich Board of Education let staffers go after Frank Mazza wasted multi - millions in the Hamilton Avenue School fiasco.

Job loss is a disorienting experience.Individuals experiencing job loss grieve and mourn the loss of their job, security, routines, friendships and future.
I am sure there is anger and resentment for the lost years spent devoted to the Greenwich Time and the effort exerted to climb the ladder in the journalism field.
When interviewing for jobs, the former Greenwich Time employees are expected to dazzle interviewers with confidence, a tough assignment for someone who's feeling like an also-ran.
In the past Greenwich Roundup has had dealings with a Greenwich Time named Martin Cassidy who Greenwich Roundup felt performed improperly. Martin told me that he had been pressured to back off stories by Ex-Greenwich Time Managing Editor Jim Zebora.
Because of this Martin Cassidy And Jim Zebora have been a strong focus of Greenwich Roundup's reporting about the Greenwich Time. At one point last December Martin Cassidy's father wrote in to complain about Greenwich Roundup's coverage of Martin.
On reflection, Greenwich Roundup's coverage of reporters like Martin Cassidy was somewhat unfair, because they were simply stuck in the middle and victims of bad management.
Further, if the truth was told, Martin Cassidy is an excellent and very talented writer.
Greenwich Roundup wishes that he had the command of the English language that Martin has.
Support staff that has been let go at the Greenwich Time are truly victims of the Greenwich Time's failed management. If any of these support people had performed poorly they would have been let go a long time ago.
In fact any recently fired Greenwich Time / Stamford Advocate support person has survived a couple of years of multiple job cuts and if obviously not "a corporate body just taking up space."
Obviously, these support personnel were some of the best in Hearst Newspaper's 500 some person Connecticut Newspaper Group.
So yes Greenwich Roundup encourages any employer to consider strongly any Hearst Newspaper job candidate.
It is true that Greenwich Roundup has wished for Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz to clean house at the Greenwich Time.
But now there has been multiple house cleanings.
Greenwich Roundup says, be careful what you wish for, because it just might come true.
This last Hearst Newspaper cut has hurt 80 families in Fairfield County.
From Bridgeport to Danbury to Greenwich.
To any Hearst newspaper employee that Greenwich Roundup employee like Martin Cassidy That He might have unfairly reported on ...... Greenwich Roundup apologizes.

Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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