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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

04/08/09 BUDGET TRANSFER: After last month's riot at the Wilbur Peck complex, officials said they will foot the bill for extra police patrols


LESS MONEY FOR THE POOR IN GREENWICH: Anthony L. Johnson, director of the Greenwich Housing Authority, Wont have the money to fix the broken security cameras at Wibur Peck Court.


"Unfortunately it had to get to this," said Aldina Portu, a resident of Wilbur Peck Court


Debra Friedman


Housing authority seeking solutions at Wilbur Peck Court

....Terry Mardula, deputy director of the Greenwich Housing Authority, said he met with police last week and discussed filling those extra patrols, in which officers would be paid overtime. Funds would come from the housing authority's budget, Mardula said.

Housing officials did not release any figures on how many hours of overtime they are requesting or how much money they are willing to spend on the extra patrols.....

....Those arrested were Daniel Flores, 21, of 70 Wilbur Peck Court; Jorge Cardenas-Rey, 21, of 12 Wilbur Peck Court; Stephen Wells, 18, of 8 Booth Place; Joseph Antanascio Carey, 19, of 97 Wilbur Peck Court; and a 17-year-old boy. Wells does not face eviction because he lives outside the complex. However, he has since been banned from the property, officials said.

All five were charged with inciting a riot, breach of peace, interfering with an officer and inciting injury to persons or property. Cardenas-Rey was additionally charged with criminal attempt at first-degree assault and assault on a peace officer after he allegedly tried to take an officer's police baton. Police said Cardenas-Rey also injured an officer when he kicked out the back window of a police cruiser, shattering glass that cut the officer, according to the police report.....

To the editor:

In response to the articles written regarding the alleged melee and/or "riot" at Wilbur Peck Court on March 13, my following comments stem from familiarity.

The information submitted by the Greenwich Police Department is exaggerated and inflamed to enhance their role as police officers. Characteristic of inflating small incidents and blowing them out of proportion: Calling the incident a "riot" and then later announcing that it did not actually reach "riot" level. The information supplied by the police officers is a coordinated attempt to hide unpleasant facts that would expose their misconduct.

The newspaper in collaboration with the Greenwich Police Department will present a false report damaging the alleged suspects' future prospects and infringing upon their basic rights. The statements made depict the alleged suspects as deserving sole blame based upon a police report filled with hyperbole and propaganda.

The newspaper will serve the public's interest by verifying the information received and obtaining the other side of a story before publishing.

Shelly Thompson

......Bruce Hunter And Lazy Merideth Blake Need To Learn That There Are At Least Three Sides To Every Story And They Need To Include All Of The Vioces Of Greenwich Society.

In This Case There Is At Least Four Sides, The Meyhem With The Police, Gang Activity In The Area, The Greenwich Police Departments Community Relations And The Minority Police Officer's Lawsuit That Alleges That Discrimination Is Pervasive In The Greenwich Police Department.

Lazy Greenwich Time Reporter Meridith Blake Ignored Everything Except The Meyhem With The Police Department And Then Only Used One Sourse .....

Sgt. James Bonney The Head Of The Greenwich Police Union

Greenwich Roundup Is Not Saying That Sgt. Bonney Is Not A Good And Dedicated Policeman. No Officer Bonney Lives In And Cares About Greenwich.

In Fact, Greenwich Roundup, Thinks BonneyIs One Of The Best Police Officers In Greenwich.

Moreover, Bonney Has Proved Himself A Very Able Union Leader Who Taught Former First Selectman Jim Lash And The Previous Police Cheif A Thing Or Two

But This Is Not About How Good An Officer Or Union Leader Jim Bonney Is Or Is Not.

It Is About Hearst Newspaper Reporter Lazy Merideth Blake's Continual Failure To Be Impartial And To Seek Out And Listen To All Members Of Greenwich Society When She Reports In The Town.

This Is Why Greenwich Blogger Bill Clarke
Calls The Paper The Yellowich Time.

It Is Time For Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter, To Start Following Hearst Media Journalistic Standards And To Report All The Facts.

Don't Be Like Ex-Greenwich Time Editor Joe "The Censor" Pisani And Pick And Chose Sides.Just Tell It Like It Is And Let The Chips Fall Where They May.

At The Very Least Bruce Hunter Should Of Had Lazy Merideth Blacke Mention That Greenwich High School Security Officer Carlos Franco, Former Greenwich Police Department Officer Terral Hardy And Greenwich Police Officers John Rodriguez, Scott Johnson, Carlos, John Woodward, Robert Brown, and Vincent O'Banner Contention That There Was A Pattern Of Racial Discrimination Against Minority Members Of The Greenwich Public.

Even If Lazy Meridith Blake Doesn't Have Any Contacts With The Members Of Greenwich Society That Have To Live On Davis Avenue And In Wilbur Peck Court, She Still Could File A Freedom Of Information Request With Greenwich Housing Authority Honcho Terry Mardula For The Video Of The Incident.....
Greenwich Time Hates To Tell
Failed Greenwich Time
Managing Editor Bruce Hunter
We Told You So, But.....

.....Eby Kerekes, 52, an eight-year resident of Wilbur Peck Court, said she is constantly disturbed by a group of young men she sees hanging out from her window."I have no peace," said Kerekes.

"You have to walk on egg shells around here. It keeps getting worse."Ramone Medrano, 86, who has lived at Wilbur Peck Court for 20 years, said he often hears a group of men drinking and making noise late at night."Every day it's the same thing," he said.....

What's Terry Mardula Hiding?

....Terry Mardula, deputy director of the Greenwich Housing Authority, said he was aware of residents' frustration over a group known to cause disturbances and they are taking the matter seriously.

However, he said that there is no simple solution to solve the problem.

"People think this wouldn't have happened if there was more security there, or if there were more cameras. That is not the cause of this. These are young adults who abuse alcohol and do not like to be directed on what to do," said Mardula.

While Mardula said the Wilbur Peck complex is equipped with security cameras, he declined to comment on their condition or disclose how many there are. Residents said the cameras only monitor the garbage areas.....
Gang Members Threaten Wilbur Peck Residents With Retribution If They Call Or Talk To The The Greenwich Police Department
Failed Green Kitty Litter Liner, Managing Editor, Bruce Hunter Is Too Afraid Of Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg Reaction To To Report The Facts
Hearst Newspapers Rookie Reporter's Were Too Scared To Go To Wilbur Peck And Interview The Residents Who Have To Deal With Criminal Activity On A Daily Basis - That's Why The Greenwich Time Only Published One Side Articles That Only Quoted Police And Housing Authority Officials
Wilbur Peck Senior Citizens And Children Live In Fear, Because Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg Lets A Gang Of Punks Run An Open Air Drug Market On Town Property
.....Wilbur Peck resident Aldina Portu said she has long been sounding the alarm about the Flores brothers and the overall problems in the complex, but neither the Housing Authority nor the police have done anything about it.
She said there is an overall lack of security in the complex and the brothers and their friends are constantly harassing people, drinking, doing drugs and threatening people they think might be speaking to authorities.
Ms. Portu has been a resident of the complex with her eight-year-old daughter for two years. She said she filed complaints with Housing Authority Executive Director Anthony Johnson and Deputy Director Terry Mardula well before the incident.“
They chose to ignore me,” Ms. Portu said. “They promise things to us that they never deliver and we don’t feel safe. I told them that someone is going to be seriously hurt or killed. I told them to take action but they didn’t do anything.”
Ms. Portu told the Post residents are afraid to go out at night and people are afraid of retribution. She said the central problem in the complex is the Flores brothers and their friends, and the complex needs increased and regular patrol presence by police.“
"All of the trash in Greenwich comes to visit the Flores brothers,” Ms. Portu said. “They’re drinking and doing drugs and committing vandalism and no one is doing anything about it.” Speaking to the Post on Tuesday, several Wilbur Peck residents, some of whom declined to go on the record due to safety concerns, said there has been a long-term problem at the complex.
Candice Smith said she constantly finds drugs, empty beer bottles and used condoms around the grounds.......
.........Another resident, a senior citizen who declined to give her name, said she has been insulted with profanity to her face and had rocks and bottles thrown at her door. She also criticized the Housing Authority for focusing on small issues......
The housing authority holds monthly board meetings at different complexes.
The next meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. April 22 at Wilbur Peck.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of this post.

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