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Thursday, April 2, 2009

04/02/09 Why Hasn't Walter Noel Taken The Money And Ran

Is It Time For Walter Noel To Get The Hell Out Of Dodge?

Officially, Greenwich Resident Walter "Feeder Fund" Noel Will Tell You He Is A victim.

According To Wally Hindsight Is 20/20 And Things Are Being Taken Out Of Context

As Walter Noel is preparing to walk into federal court with the expectation of a long prison sentence, many social commentators can’t help but wonder:

Why isn't Wally and his other family members taking the ill-gotten money and running away?

Maybe all of the Noels could get some plastic surgery. The four daughters could be uglied up a bit. Daddy could make a few discreet payoffs and purchase the Noel clan a sun-tanned life on an Indian Ocean archipelago that has no extradition treaties with the United States.

Maybe Wally could go to Somalia and buy the protection of pirates and warlords.

Surely this would be preferable to a life term in a maximum-security federal prison next to his buddy Bernie Madoff.
Yet as Walter Noel faces criminal investigation, he seems to view fleeing with the money as an option that he would never exercise.

Perhaps it is a failure of Wally's nerve.

Or perhaps, in this age of “America’s Most Wanted,” Noel feels the world suffers a shortage of corners or rocks that a financial cockroach can hide under.

Perhaps, the pampered Walter Noel doesn't think that he would not be comfortable in Libya, Syria, North Korea, or the tribal lands of Pakistan .

However, if Wally does not have an escape plan, he has got a problem, because the noose is now tightening around his neck.

Maybe, Wally Could go to Costa Rica, where years ago they passed a law barring extradition.

Today, Costa Rica is a popular vacation destination for budget travelers and decidedly unwelcome to scalawags seeking to avoid extradition. Moreover, his wife Monica would love the four star hotels. He could just hop on the family Yacht and dock at Coccos Island or Calero Island which is the largest island of the country.

Maybe Walter "Feeder Fund" Noel is convinced that is too smart to be convicted.

Could it be that Wally thinks .... "Just let me testify and I will persuade the jurors with a Perry Mason moment."

Clearly, Wally fails to understand he has a problem, because he has stuck around letting the Feds encumber his assets one account and a house at a time..

Some men in trouble do run.

In 2006, a federal jury indicted Jacob Alexander, on charges of wire and securities fraud. Mr. Alexander and his family flew to Namibia, which has no extradition treaty with the United States.

In 1983, commodities trader Marc Rich, who sought refuge in Switzerland. Mr. Rich, perhaps with the help of his wife’s campaign donations, would experience his own miracle in 2001, as President Bill Clinton pardoned him hours before leaving office.

James “Whitey” Bulger Jr., boss of the Winter Hill Gang in Boston, disappeared in 1999 and has not been seen since.

Robert Vesco, the stock scammer and maker of illegal campaign contributions to President Richard Nixon ran and escaped.

Walter Noel, could take off for Brazil, where he has relatives. He could immediately acquire a girlfriend and quickly impregnate her, because the country’s law bars extradition if a fugitive has a child.

Better yet, Wally could hire a couple of dozen prostitutes to increase his odds of conceiving quickly. The Key is conceiving with a Brazilian Bunny before the FBI show up with an extradition warrant.
One man Ronnie Biggs is most famous for the Great Train Robbery of 1963. Together with other gang members, he stole £2.6 million from a mail train and quickly ran to Brazil to impregnate a young woman.
Here's An Idea.
Walter "Feeder Fund" Noel could hide in plain sight. Wally could pay Greenwich Roundup $250,000 to hide him in his basement. No one would ever suspect that Noel was living in Greenwich Roundup's basement. Of coarse, Greenwich Roundup would keep up appearances by bashing the Noel clan at least twice a day.
However, if someone did find out Greenwich Roundup might soon be an the prowl for a young Brazilian Bar Girl, as the FBI is chasing him with a Federal warrant for harbouring A fugitive.
Perhaps, Walter "Feeder Fund" Noel has a false sense of security, because Failed Hearst Newspaper Editor Bruce Hunter doesn't have the journalistic balls to assign a reporter to cover the Greenwich backcountry resident.

Every morning Walter Noel opens up the Greenwich Time and is not reminded of the missing $7.5 Billion dollars. Many in Greenwich are not even aware of who Walter Noel is or what Fairfield Greenwich was.

But the rest of America are sick and tired of the greedy fraudsters like Walter Noel who have helped destroy the trust needed for the American financial system to function fairly and properly.

More over scammed investors want Walter "Feeder Fund" Noel's Head on a platter.
Please send your comments news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of this post.
Note To Any Judge That Greenwich Roundup
May Appear Before In The Future:
This post is only an attempt a satire. Please gran me a low bail bond or better yet please release me on my own recognisance. Greenwich Roundup will show up to court, because he thinks .... "Just let me testify and I will persuade the jurors with a Perry Mason moment."

1 comment:

  1. Good thing that move revitalized the family otherwise well who knows what would have happened too bad it might be cursed dundudun


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