Hyper Local News Pages

Monday, March 30, 2009

03/30/09 The Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feed - Bloggers Who Are From, Work In Or Used To Live In Greenwich (Updated)

Bill Clark Alerts Us That You Can Order Your Girl Scout Cookies By Visiting All The Vacant Store Fronts On Greenwich Avenue


Greenwich Gossip By "The Scribe Of Greenwich" Bill Clark

Another Empty Storefront on Greenwich Avenue...

As your scribe took advantage of yesterday's mild weather to stroll down Greenwich Avenue, he paused at the three empty storefronts that are part of the former Mead's Stationery store and its next-door neighbor. And then he looked across the street at the storefront where Coach had been just a day or two before. It was empty.

Another chain store bites the dust. Was this where the old Cheese Shop used to be? What a loss - a popular local family-owned business where you could meet your friends and buy something you actually wanted was driven out by greed, and replaced by a handbag store where only out-of-towners looking for mall merchandise would venture in. Well, now it, too, is gone, and Greenwich Avenue looks even more like a Western ghost town than it did a week ago.

But there's a silver lining: a local Girl Scout troop was ensconced in front of the vacant store, selling cookies. And they had Thin Mints! Your scribe walked away from their table a happier man, glad that another chain store has left the Avenue and toting two boxes of Thin Mints. A most satisfactory stroll, all in all.


The Greenwich Dollar Plummets to Zero

.....young Kerrin Kinnear (whose name is consistently misspelled by the equally worthless Local Rag, aka Yellowwich Time) won $75 of Greenwich Dollars in an essay contest. When she took them to Wish List on Greenwich Avenue to buy some clothes, she was told by the store manager, Ashley Kane, to suck eggs. Well, maybe not in those exact words, but basically Kerrin's mother, Jill, had to come up with the scratch for the threads.......

.....The Greenwich Chamber of Commerce's logo is prominently plastered at the top left corner of these rubber checks. But will Mary Ann Morrison, the overpriced "CEO" of the GCC, do anything about it? Probably not. She's too busy trying to find more tacky national chain stores to come and take a bath on Greenwich Avenue, now that she has helped to drive out the local businesses that used to thrive here.

For years your scribe has watched as Morrison has browbeat local businesses into joining her organization. More than one manager has told him that he paid the annual dues only after hearing threats of negative PR from her and her minions.

Frankly, your scribe would love to be bad-mouthed by Mary Ann and her ilk; it would mean he must be doing something right.

Do you remember the Greenwich Sidewalk Sales Days, dear reader? Time was when they were a happy street fest all up and down the Avenue. Then the Chamber of Commerce took over, charging a hefty fee to participate. Fewer stores participated. Some who dared to hold their own sidewalk sales were issued "bills" by Mary Ann for the participation fee.

Whether they allowed themselves to be browbeaten into paying these specious assessments, your scribe does not know.

Had he had a storefront on Greenwich Avenue, he would have told Mary Ann to go suck eggs.....

.....The next time you walk down Greenwich Avenue, dear reader, know that you can thank Mary Ann and the CGG for all the empty storefronts and parking places. If you look hard enough, you will even see the GCC logo on some of the empty windows.

The same logo that is on the worthless checks, by the way. If your scribe had been so foolish or unlucky ever to have had one of these Greenwich Dollars, and still be carrying it in his wallet, he would be at the courthouse right now filing suit against Mary Ann and the Greenwich Chamber of Commerce. They promoted these fraudulent checks, and their logo is right there in living color......

.....Here is a novel suggestion, dear reader: let us all begin to boycott stores bearing the Chamber of Commerce logo until such time as Mary Ann gives Kerrin Kinnear her money back.....


St. Patty's Day

Fifteen More Days...

Spring is Sprung...

The Local Scene

The Virtual Local Rag?

Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures...

Barbados Comes to Christ Church

The Gravy Train Has Left the Station...


Greenwich Blog : The Blog of Greenwich, Connecticut :: USA
Friday Films at Greenwich Library - Friday Film Series Greenwich Library Cole Auditorium 101 W. Putnam Avenue Friday, April 3, 2009 8:00pm-10:00pm WHO KILLED THE ELECTRIC CAR? (2006) ...

For What It's Worth By Riverside Blogger Chris Fountain
A.I.G. - taxpayer money being used to bailout banks surreptitiously? - That’s what ZeroHedge is reporting. Exclusive: AIG Was Responsible For The Banks’ January & February Profitability ...

The Latest From Claudette Rothman, AKA,Greenwich Diva
Spanish government takes over troubled bank - The Bank of Spain took over a troubled savings bank on Sunday, saying the savings bank has more than a 2 billion euro ($2.65 billion)...

Jane Genova: Speechwriter - Ghostwriter
Branding - Will packaged-goods loss to private label bleed into other categories - Has the current crisis also affected that powerful concept of brands? According to management consultants including George Stalk, severe economic pressure co...

When Greenwich Roundup Types
Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor
Bruce Hunter Listens......

These Citizen Journalists Remind Me Of The Greenwich Citizen, Because They Have Not Updated Their Blogs In Over A Week.......

Did You Ever Notice That: Most Of The Pokey Bloggers Are Current And Ex-Hearst Newspaper Employees.......

Greenwich Time: Life And Family - RSS Feed (Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Is Really, Really, Really, A Sleep At The Switch)
Sound gardening: Salad garden - Now that the witch hazel has finished blooming - a dwarf plant installed last autumn managed to put out tiny yellow flowers on and off all winter - I've go...
11 months ago .....


Greenwich Time: Life And Family - RSS Feed
Helping kids slim down in 7 steps - Childhood obesity is a thorny issue without simple solutions, but that hasn't daunted health-care experts who work diligently to come up with viable ...

If You Want Something Fixed At
The Green Kitty Litter Liner
Call Greenwich Roundup

The Blonde Excuse
Another Miscellaneous Entry - All right, so I got excited and a little ahead of myself with the "New Camera" entry. I actually have a lot of pictures that I need to post before getting up...

Exit 55 By Rob "WGCH" Adams - The Sports Voice Of Greenwich
Off The Bench (or "There's Thunder and Lightning, so Be Quick!") - Sean Adams (once and forever, "The Son") will play for the Phillies this year. That means, I will be coaching the Phillies this year. Mets fans smile and s...

The Fox Trot By Nick "The Sly" Fox
What would you do? - I'm currently watching "High Stakes Poker" on the Game Show Network, and one hand really got me steamed. It was between Frenchmen David Benyamine and ...

Greenwich Geek David S. Isenberg's musings at isen.blog
Proud Brother Report - My sister Sara Isenberg has been recognized by We Magazine as one of the "101 Women Bloggers to Watch in 2009." Check out her blog,.........

Greenwich Property Market
Byram Shubert Library Opens - This is great news for the Western side of town as well as for all Greenwichites who take advantage of this resource. Here is the article from the ...

EDDIE "Greenwich Native" ROSS
In the Meantime - Hey, y'all! We've only been down here in N'awlins for a few days, but I'm already talkin' like the locals! Maybe that's because Jaithan and I have been meeti...
20 hours ago

Greenwich Time Editorial - RSS FEED
Vandals went too far this time - Vandalism of public property can be a serious problem in the best of times. When money is tight, it's even worse.

Greenwich Time: Community Events - RSS Feed
Birth announcements - Stamford Hospital To Andrea and Brett Wilderman of New Canaan, a girl, Mallen Violet Wilderman, March 3.


The Daily Spurgeon
We hit 400 subscribers - thanks, readers! - Although the numbers do fluctuate, today is the first day I've seen our RSS subscriptions hit the 400 mark. My sincere thanks to all who read and pass it along...

Greenwich Time Letters To The Editor
Wake up call - To the editor: Can someone please wake me up because I thought that I just read an article in the Greenwich Time that the pocket park project in Byram is moving forward and costing the taxpayers $350,000.

At a time when the police force has been cut back because of revenue issues...

....Has anyone thought about what the upkeep of this park will cost the taxpayers, who is going to patrol the park and what the liability insurance is going to cost? ......

....I know that one of the issues is parking spaces for cars, but I feel there are much larger issues: the safety of the public .......

Diane Carpenteri

Here Is An Update On The
Greenwich Based Ponie Scheme That
Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter
Has Failed To Cover

Tribune Company's Greenwich News RSS Feed
Iowa recoups $35 million in frozen IPERS assets - Iowa officials said Friday the state has recovered $35 million in retirement assets that were frozen as part of an investigation into an alleged investment scam....

....Stephen Walsh, 64, of Sand Point, N.Y., and Paul Greenwood, 61, of North Salem, N.Y., are charged with conspiracy, securities fraud and wire fraud. The men also face civil action by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

They are accused of misappropriating at least $550 million as part of an alleged $1.3 billion investment scam.

The men ran Greenwich, Conn.-based Walsh WG Trading Company LP and Westridge Capital Management Inc.

....Two days after Walsh and Greenwood were arrested, a federal judge froze the assets involved in the alleged scam.....

If You Want To Know
What's Going On In Greenwich
You Have Got To Read The
Out Of Town Newspapers

Please send you comments and Greenwich Blog Links To GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of this post.

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