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Thursday, March 26, 2009

03/26/09 Richard Blumenthal Chickens Out: The names of AIG bonus recipients were edited out out Hearst Newspaper Freedom Of Information Requests.

AIG documents released - Topix
Comments: 16 posts
AIG documents released.

HARTFORD -- In the days after news of their federally funded bonuses became public, Wilton-based AIG was deluged with angry e-mails, many threatening violence.

"I would rejoice if someone went bin Laden on AIG headquarters," said one message dated March 15 on an AIG Yahoo Groups' message board titled, "When does AIG get bombed?"

"The burned corpses of those responsible would bring a smile to my face, as would any tears of their families on the news shows," it concludes.

"The Revolution is coming," another e-mail said. "The family members of your executives are not safe. Your blood will run through the streets in the coming months."

In documents released on Wednesday to Hearst Connecticut Newspapers under the state Freedom of Information Act, AIG Financial Products Corp. officials detailed dozens of threats, along with bonuses for 418 employees totaling $218 million from federal bailout money.

The smallest bonus was $1,000. One hundred people earned bonuses of $82,500 or less, while 317 earned more than $85,000 in bonuses.

Seventy-three were paid more than $1 million in bonuses, according to the documents.

Full Story: Stamford Advocate

These "So-Called" Threats Are Hype.
There Have Not Been Any Threats In CT
No Fairfield County Newspaper
Has Reported That Any AIG Employee
Has Filed A Complaint With Any Local
Police Or State Police Department
Some Drunk Guy Gets On A Yahoo Message Board
And Mouths Off
This Is The Best AIG Can Come Up With?
This Is Not A Good Enough Reason Not To Tell
Greenwich Residents Where Their Hard Earned
Tax Dollars Went To.
If AIG Bailout Bums receive Death Threats Via Email Or By Phone, They Should Immediately Contact The Police And Let Them Trace Down The Offender.
Greenwich Bloggers Get Threatened All The Time By Drunken Bums
Usually, Greenwich Bloggers Ignore These Idiots And Their Flames Sent Via Comment Links
Greenwich Bloggers Are Able To Trace Down The Idiots With Ease At No Cost, So Why Can't AIG With Its Billions In Tax Dollars And Lawyers Find One Credible Threat.
The Local Topix Message Boards Directly Linked To Scores Of AIG News Reports, Have Been Death Threat Free.
This Is Just A Smoke Screen That AIG Is Using To Prevent The Public From Exercising Their Right To Know Where Their Hard Earned Tax Dollars Went.
Eventually, We Will Learn Who The AIG Bonus Bums Are Because New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo Is Not Afraid Of AIG.
After Cuomo Releases The Names, Then Resident "Me Too" Richard Blumenthal Will Join The NY Attorney General's Band Wagon
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