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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

03/24/09 Greenwich Roundups International Corespondent: Stop Injustice Now (SIN): News Stories!

'Stop Injustice Now' News Letter

Five News Stories

News Item One:

Ivan Cameron's legacy to the living (Telegraph)
Ivan Cameron's legacy to the living (Telegraph)

CLICK HERE For The Full Article:

Mother of two disabled sons Henrietta Spink offers an insight into the
anguish of the Camerons
My heart goes out to the Camerons. A few years ago, David wrote me a letter saying
that my book, Henrietta's Dream, about the heartache of caring for our disabled sons,
had touched him and Samantha profoundly. Parents of disabled children are an emotional club,
brought together by the constant fear of our children dying.
Death is such a presence in our lives that my husband and I rarely discuss it.
Every morning, when we go in to our boys' rooms, we wonder if they will be alive.
We have seen so many of their school friends die. The parents of those with degenerative
diseases have the agonising experience of watching them slowly losing their faculties,
while those whose children â€" like Ivan Cameron â€" have cerebral palsy and/or epilepsy
and are prone to fitting, often find that children who seem fine one day can be gone the next.
People who don't have a severely disabled child will think that death must be to some degree
a blessed release. A tiny part of you does feel that, but a parent's guilt and the grief
is so overwhelming that it far outweighs any relief. When you have a very disabled child,
you feel totally responsible and overwhelmingly protective. Such children so totally swamp your
life that, if they are no longer there, the void is enormous.
It is hard to move on. I once spoke to a mother for four hours about her son â€" and only
discovered at the end that he had died six years earlier. I've seen parents burst into
tears at the sight of my sons because theirs were no longer with them, even though theirs
had lost all function and awareness. Even if you have always known at the back of your
mind that your child might die, nothing prepares you for the reality of loss.

News Item Two:

Boy, 14, sentenced for sex abuse (BBC News)
Boy, 14, sentenced for sex abuse (BBC News)

CLICK HERE For The Full Article:

A 14-year-old boy has been given a three year supervision order after
sexually abusing two 10-year-old boys in Wiltshire.
The boy, from Wootton Bassett, committed the offences when aged 13.
He cannot be named for legal reasons.
The sexual assaults, which took place in the bedroom of one of the boys,
happened between January and May 2008.
The judge said he chose a supervision order due to the boy's previous
good character and admission of the charges.
Judge Douglas Field, who sentenced the teenager at Swindon Crown Court,
highlighted the young age of all concerned as the major factor in this case.

News Item Three:

Michael Jackson: What Really Happened (Documentary)
Michael Jackson: What Really Happened (Documentary)

CLICK HERE For The Full Article:

This revealing and gripping documentary has received strong critical acclaim.
Writer - and Michael Jackson fan - Jacques Peretti - had a legal minefield to negotiate
to get to the former pop star and made himself seriously ill in the process,
but the results are fascinating.
Two years ago Jackson was acquitted of child molestation, but instead of returning
to his Neverland home, he disappeared. Peretti wanted to find out why, and in so doing,
get to the truth of what really drove Jackson to such spectacular self-destruction.

News Item Four:

Give Her Back (ITV News, Late Edition)
Give Her Back (ITV News, Late Edition)

CLICK HERE For The Full Article:

Watch The Broadcast;
Social workers who snatched four-day-old baby (ITV Evening Edition)
(The Story of Sarah, Ian Walton and their Daughter Crystal) (Our Story)
I Ian Walton Take Responsibility For Naming Our Selves In This Article And Not London Tonight
Social workers who snatched four-day-old baby put her up for adoption over unproven abuse claim
Mums heartbreaking fight to get her daughter back.
A mum and dad have been told they will never see their young daughter again after she was
snatched away at only four days old.
Tiny Baby A was taken from her mum by social workers who claimed the tot,
who we will call Emily, was at risk in the family home.
Not because of the mums failure to care for her but because of a six-year-old
unproven claim that her husband had injured his son from a previous marriage.

News Item Five:

Support for Natural Parents is Key Factor
Support for Natural Parents is Key Factor

CLICK HERE For The Full Article:

Originally Published 18th February 2009
Readers Letter:
I AM writing concerning the proposed adoption of the four-old girl whose father has been
accused of causing brain damage to his son years earlier ...Advertiser, February 4...
The mother has done nothing wrong and it is a despicable and inhumane act to remove
from her the child whom she bore and loves. The sanctimonious pontification by
Andrew Fraser seems to be couched in terms of self-justification and smacks of an
attitude that social services are always right and no one else has any right to
question their decisions.


Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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