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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

03/10/09 The Raw Greenwich News Feed: This Just In.....

The Latest Greenwich News Briefs:


Greenwich High School's Kates breaks own record in 600 meters
Norwalk Advocate
Already the school record holder in the 600-meter run, Greenwich sophomore Kiki Kates broke her own mark this past weekend at the New England High School ...

Pierce Onthank Charged For Possession Of An Illegal Semang Ape
Post Chronicle
Needless to say Onthank owned a siamang at the Lionshare Zoologicsal Center in Greenwich. Authorities were shocked to find out he no kind of permits to own ...
BOND REPORT: Treasurys Turn Lower As Stocks Recover; GE Capital In ...
"The story is becoming long in the tooth -- weakening economic data are balanced by massive supply," said strategists at RBS Greenwich Capital. ...
Here Is A Sign That Spring Is Officially Here In Greenwich......
Ramped up: Greenwich skaters hit the park in force
Stamford Advocate
By Meredith Blake Sebastian Oe, 11, said he couldn't wait for the Greenwich Skatepark to open on Sunday. "I was really happy because I haven't skateboarded ...

The Latest Greenwich Blog Post:

Jerks Like Henry Kravis Cause America And The World To Hate Greenwich.....

We Sure Hope Henry Kravis Likes Sitting Down
By John Carney
Forget what you've heard about the end of conspicuous consumption. The big hitters are still out there spending like mad. Last month, as you may have heard, Christies auctioned off items from the
Yves Saint-Laurent collection for a total of $431 million. Over at Gawker, Owen Thomas points out that the prize for decadence at this "orgy of consumption" goes to an arm-chair that sold for $28 million.

The Economist reveals, in a passing reference, that the man who spent that money on a chair was Henry Kravis

From Gawker:

Of course, the person holding the paddle in Paris was dealer Cheska Vallois, who has been suspected of secretly making purchases for Kravis before. In 2004, rumor had it that he'd purchased an entire suite of furniture by early 20th-century designer Armand-Albert Rateau.

"There are still a lot of extremely wealthy people out there," Christie's managing director Edward Dolman told Bloomberg of the auction which included the "Dragons" armchair, designed by Eileen Gray.

Just not ones who invested with Kravis. KKR Private Equity and KKR Financial, two publicly traded affiliates of Kravis's KKR & Co. buyout firm, have had heavy writedowns on their stakes in debt-laden firms and mortgage and corporate bonds. KPE, which raised $5 billion in 2006, is down 91 percent; KFN is down 95 percent since its 2005 IPO.
The Business Insider - http://www.businessinsider.com/

TC Commented:

I hate to quote Frank Rich here, but in this weekend's NYT, he hit it spot on: "The level of taste flaunted by America’s upper caste at the bubble’s height had less in common with the Medicis than, say, Uday and Qusay Hussein."

At least the Medicis left us Tuscany. Will tens of thousands of, say, Chinese or Mongolians, or whoever rules the world in 2610, come and tour the historic McChateaux, dog boutiques and organic coffee shops of Greenwich, CT in the 27th century?

Hari_Seldon Added:

Exactly TC. Exactly.

Also, the Hamptons will have washed out to sea.

Palladio Continued:

I hope his shareholders and investors are sitting down when they read this. I don't care how much cash Henry has stashed away, it takes a lot of cajones to spend $28M on a chair when your shareholders are out 91% on their money. Did he buy an YSL designer asshat to go with it?

Lifeisgood Says:

Solid stuff TC. I've hung out at Martha Stewart's Greenwich shack, and the "S & M" dungeon I can attest rivals anything the Hussein boys designed. The cuffs are 14k gold and a real Versace rack. Martha's own line of hot glue guns for everyone...

I also believe there will be guided tours of the Media Rooms/home theatres of fallen Masters of TU

Hugues da mousse said:

Upon reading your headline I thought it meant he was funding a chair at a university -- shows how naive I am

Historian Remarked:

" Will tens of thousands of, say, Chinese or Mongolians, or whoever rules the world in 2610, come and tour the historic McChateaux, dog boutiques and organic coffee shops of Greenwich, CT in the 27th century? "

No, they will fly around in their jet-packs to view how capitalism ended, look at the rubble of the cardboard mansions with fake brick fronts and pick up a few worthless treasury bonds on the way to wallpaper their mansions

Tim said:

"McChateaux" won't qualify for architectural greatness in 500 years, that's for sure. The comparison of usage of wealth between the Medicis and the McWealthy was spot on.

Please Read More Recent Doom And Gloom About Greenwich:

03/09/09 Before the Public Simply Goes Apesh-t and Starts Burning down Greenwich Via Motley Fool's Beta Blog CAPS

03/09/09 Pastor urges everyone to stockpile a 30-day supply of food and other necessities to deal with the catastrophe he foresees

Connecticut’s Doomed, Pastor Predicts

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GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of this post.

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