Hyper Local News Pages

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

03/03/09 The Raw Greenwich News Feed - Greenwich Citizen

There Is Nada, Nothing, Zip, Zero Nothing New On The Greenwich Citizen Web Site
Once again the Greenwich Citizen has fallen silent as other local news gatherers bring Greenwich residents the latest news.

The Hearst Newspaper News Hounds At The Greenwich Citizens Have Been Unable To Uncover Any Greenwich News For Days And Days....
The Greenwich Citizen Editor Must Think That No News Is Good News
But Greenwich Roundup Says No News Is Bad News
If you want an idea of the state of journalism today, you probably could not do better than to point out how the Greenwich Citizen Web Site lays dormant for a week at a time.
Citizen journalists and bloggers update through out the week. The Greenwich Post and the Greenwich Time updates everyday, but the Greenwich Citizen waits to see what other reporters have written, before they update their so-called news web site.
Hearst Newspaper's repeated Internet initiatives always fall short, because old school editors like Don Harrison treat their news web sites as a cute little hobby.
Has Greenwich Citizen Editor Don Harrison ever broke a Greenwich News story on his sleepy little web site?
Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of this post.

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