Hyper Local News Pages

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


What's That Giant Sucking Sound?

It's School Superintendent Betty Sternberg Ordering Kim Eves To Get Town Attorney John Wayne Fox To Flush Union Pay Cuts Down The Crapper.

from: Betty Sternberg <Betty_Sternberg@greenwich.k12.ct.us>

to: Greenwich Roundup <greenwichroundup@gmail.com>

date: Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 4:48 AM

mailed-by: greenwich.k12.ct.us

Kim-Check with out with Wayne tomorrow.

Dr. Betty J. Sternberg

Superintendent of Schools
290 Greenwich Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830

Tel: (203) 625-7425

FAX:(203) 618-9379


Joan Caldwell And Peter Tesei Have Pressured The Towns Unionized Workers To Give Up Their Pay Increases And School Superintendent Betty Sternberg Starts Wasting Their Proposed Give Back With A Click Of A Mouse.

Greenwich Roundup Asked Kim Eves To Put GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com on the school districts press notification list, but Greenwich Board Of Education Director Kim Eves was afraid to do so, because she new School Superintendent Betty Sternberg disliked Greenwich Roundup's reporting About Hamilton Avenue School.

So instead of taking 30 seconds and adding GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com to the emailed press release list at no cost to the taxpayers, she sent an email to Greenwich Roundup an email that was carbon copied to Betty Sternberg.

No one else who has been requested to be put on the list has been sent a denial email. Let alone an email that was carbon copied to the Greenwich Superintendent.

In fact no one has ever been had their request to be put on the emailed press release list.

But because Greenwich Roundup's reports had been critical of the school administration in general and Betty Sternberg in particular, Greenwich Communications Director Kim Eves denied the requests with carbon copies to outgoing Sternberg.

As you can see, Betty Sternberg's response was to immediately start wasting tax payers dollars via the town attorney, instead of doing the right thing and having Kim Eves take 30 seconds and add GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com to the press notification email list.

When I spoke to Kim Eves she claimed not to know about the Betty's email directing her to contact the town attorney and further claimed not to have contacted Town Attorney John Wayne Fox.

But When Greenwich Roundup called Mr. Fox he indicated he had talked to the Greenwich Public Schools and was beginning to research the mater at great cost to the single family homeowners of Greenwich.

At a time when town services are being cut, when 70 town positions are being eliminated, when unionized workers are being pressured for givebacks and pay cuts; Betty Sternberg, Kim Eves And John Wayne Fox are preparing to flush tax dollars down the toilet in a civil rights lawsuit that they will lose.

If Betty Sternberg dropped Greenwich Post reporter Ken Borsuk from the email list, because she did not like his reporting the town would very quickly find itself on the losing end of a civil rights lawsuit.

No wonder Greenwich school children are doing poorly, because our own school superintendent seems unaware that there is is something called the First Amendment that protects Freedom Of Speech And The Freedom of the press.

It is a god awful shame that Betty Sternberg, Kim Eves And John Wayne Fox Want To Play Censor When Brave Young American Me And Women Are Spilling Blood Protecting The Constitution From Those Who Seek To Destroy Our American Way Of Life.

The problem is that Betty's pettiness might actually increase the contracted amount tax dollars the John Wayne Fox and his firm get from the single family homeowners of Greenwich, because Mr. Fox is not a town employee.

Greenwich gets involved in a lot of unnecessary lawsuits, because there is no financial incentive for John Wayne Fox to advice the town to settle matters.

If John Wayne Fox can continue to get Betty Sternberg and Kim Eves not to take 30 seconds to add greenwichroundup@gmail.com to the email press release list, he potential will increase the number of tax dollars that will go in his pockets long after Betty Sternberg is long gone.

Personally, Greenwich Roundup doesn't know why someone like the Board Of Education Chairwoman or the First Selectman doesn't intercede and tell John Wayne Fox to drop the legal mumbo jumbo and to have Betty and Kim to add GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com to the email press release list.

Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of this posting.

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