Hyper Local News Pages

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

12/18/09 Chris Fountain Says Don't Blame Him for the Greenwich Real Estate Crisis

Given the sweep and severity of today's global economic and real estate crisis, it would seem there's plenty of blameto go around. But local Greenwich Blogger Chris Fountain doesn't think any of it should fall on his shoulders.

However, some very unsuccessful real estate sales persons are starting a whispering campaign that a crazed real estate blogger and local gadfly has single handily brought the Greenwich real estate market to it's knees with a few simple blog posts

Do any of these low preforming real estate whiners seriously believe that Mr. Fountain had been President for the last eight years?

Has Mr. Fountain spent the last eight years advising the worse presidential economic team since Herbert Hoover?

Any reasonable member of Greenwich Society would know that the answer to these two questions would be: "No."

Last time I checked TIME's list of the 25 people to blame for the financial crisis I did not see Mr. Fountain's name. The magazine's story, which apportioned blame widely between such figures as Countrywide co-founder Angelo Mozilo, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, former Lehman Brothers CEO / Greenwich resident Dick Fuld and President George W. Bush.

However, Mr Fountain's blog posts were not even mentioned in the Time magazine article.

There are a few bits of good news coming out this attempt by some so called "real estate professionals" to try and blame Mr. Fountain for their poor selling skills.

This economic down turn will weed out low performing and whiny real estate sales persons who are unable to adapt to the changing market.

Plus, President Obama has spent his first month on the job fixing many of these problems that developed over the last eight years. Obama is off to a good start given the fact that he had to do it in a hurry, and he had to deal with Congress and the inevitable compromises.

Yes President Obama is going to make Mr. Fountain's critics shut up and stop trying to blame the For What Its Worth Blog for all that's wrong in Greenwich.

Mr. Fountain didn't even vote for our new president, but President Obama is going to cause those low performing Greenwich real estate sales people to go away.

Obama's stimulus package is going to be the beginning of our bridge over troubled waters. Things are going to turn around a low performing Greenwich real estate sales persons will stop trying to make Chris Fountain their whipping boy.


By Chris Fountain

I feel a rising heat from Greenwich real estate agents and their managers because they blame this humble blog for ruining their fun - I’m “talking down the market” they say, and if I’d stop reporting negative news and put a sunny face of things buyers would still be willing to pay 2007 prices despite what they might otherwise hear about the national real estate market. Because Greenwich is different, or would be, if I wouldn’t spoil the party.

Get a grip, fellas. This blog doesn’t cover real estate in Stamford, New Canaan or Darien yet those markets are as dead as ours. For that matter, England, Dubai and Spain aren’t doing so well either. Or California, Arizona or Florida. What’s really got your knickers in knots is that your clients aren’t buying the line of bull s…. you’ve been feeding them and you don’t know what to do. Try telling them the truth - they can handle it. Or start your own blog of “Happy News” and send that to your clients - you’ll have them howling with laughter in no time.





Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of this post.
“I never blame myself when I'm not hitting. I just blame the bat, and if it keeps up, I change bats. After all, if I know it isn't my fault that I'm not hitting, how can I get mad at myself?”
-Yogi Berra

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