Hyper Local News Pages

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

02/18/09 We Found A New Greenwich Blogger

My congressman does me proud

By Greenwich Resident David S. Isenberg

TPM's man in Washington DC, Matthew Cooper, recently interviewed freshman Congressman Jim Himes, who lives in Cos Cob less than a mile from me, who I worked for when he was running against long-time incumbent Chris Shays, who (since way before he was running for Congress) I've worked *with* to get out the vote on election day, who rides his bicycle as a serious means of transportation, who I count as a friend and colleague . . . you get the picture, Jim Himes is very high in my book of wonderful people. I am so proud he is my Representative in Congress! [Representative Himes' Web site.]

Cooper points out that Jim represents a district that might as well be named Hedgefundistan (formerly Stepford, aka Greenwich CT), got more campaign money from TARP recipients than ANY other member of the House, used to work for Goldman Sachs, etc., etc., and from appearances and motivations, might be expected to be as strong advocate for the financial sector as anybody in Congress, he quotes Himes thus:

". . . the highest priority is transparency . . . I want to make sure that risk resides with the people who take it."

That's Jim. One of the best of the good guys. Cooper says Jim's voting pattern will be an indicator that Washington is really changing. I think the fact that Jim is there already shows it. I'm hoping that Jim keeps his moral compass in Washington DC. I think the fact that he kept it in Hedgefundistan is telling. Nevertheless, I'm going to visit him on a regular basis to remind him . .

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