Hyper Local News Pages

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

06/03/08 One can't help, but to feel sorry for those defending Principal D"Amico - The confessed liar should be ashamed of what he did to Glenville

Principal D'Amico explains the situation at Glenville School


Why were parents signing petitions
when they had no facts?

They only had misleading Greenwich Time
headlines and news stories

It is hard for a reasonable person to believe
that some parents could think that a principal
would be suspended over cups of ice cream.


The The Allegations Against Principal D'Amico Were "Serious"

School Leader Apologizes For Lies And Other "Mistakes"


"He did something wrong,"
Hamden lawyer John Gesmonde said


Suspended principal apologizes

Suspended Glenville School Principal Marc D'Amico yesterday apologized to Superintendent of Schools Betty Sternberg for misleading his boss on changes he made to a student handbook, his lawyer said.

During a meeting attended by D'Amico, Sternberg and lawyers from both sides, the principal acknowledged making a mistake when he told his supervisor, the deputy superintendent, that a section of the student handbook barring parents...

....His mistake was in misleading his superiors about when that section was added to the handbook, though he later corrected himself, Gesmonde said.

"There is no justification for that except for the fact that we have all embellished or lied about things that may or may not have been significant," he said.

Carbino said he questioned whether D'Amico was truly sorry for his actions or sorry that he was caught because time stamps on the document that D'Amico changed showed when he made the revisions.

"In covering his tracks is where he got caught," Carbino said...

Principal D'Amico has apologized to his superiors but let's face it, his credibility has taken a huge hit.

If this is his first offense, he will probably see him back at Glenville School. If there are more issues that are not public knowledge, he probably won't be back.

But should Principal D'Amico be allowed back?
Just what is the situation at Glenville School?

Principal D'Amico's departure could give another principal a chance to fix Glenville School's poor test scores.

Why aren't parents in front of Glenville School protesting the poor test scores at Glenville School.

Doesn't low test scores bother the parents of Glenville parents?

Maybe parents should be signing a petition demanding that steps are taken to reverse the low test scores.

The facts are the facts.

The downward slide of some of these test scores came when Principal D'Amico came to the school.

These parents need to get their children a change so they can get the education they need.

Do the Glenville parents want an ethically challenged principal or a first rate education for their children?

There has been no attention given to the struggling children of Glenville School.

If Principal D'Amico returns to Glenville School and test scores don't improve and these poor children struggle at the Middle School and the High School, who will be at fault?

The new Principal at Hamilton Avenue School has dramatically improved test scores while her students were crammed in contaminated modular trailers with no computer lab or adequate library.

Maybe, Glenville parents should ask themselves....

Would Hamilton Avenue parents accept the an ethically challenged principal that delivers declining test scores year after year?

And There has been way too much of a focus on a very selfish Principal with no moral principals.

How incredibly divisive Principal D'Amico lack of moral values has been for the Glenville School community.

Principal D'Amico devious behavior has caused parents to feud with other parents over whose "side" they are on.

"I can't stand you, because you want the liar to stay!!!"

"Well, I hate you, because you want to keep the liar!!!!"

"You are an ignorant fool, we love our liar!!!!!

"Well shame on your liar!!!!!!"

For far too long some patients have been taking over the asylum at Glenville School.

The madness won't end until parents start loving test results and not some guy who has shown that he is willing to lie and change documents.

This ia about an insecure man with a huge ego that lied and manipulated public documents in a vain attempt to prove that he is right.

Everyday when this guy showed up at Glenville School in that oversized Hummer, he showed every parent in school what was important to him.

Principal D'Amico was on a huge power trip and that power trip brought him down and divided a school community.

Only a principal on a huge power trip would lie and change documents just to prove that he is right.

Do you really think that a principal on such a power trip will listen to administrators, teachers and parents.

No wonder the poor little children at Glenville school are struggling with low test scores and getting left behind.

No wonder, the school parents are at each others throats in a bitter and hate filled fight.

If the ethically challenged Principal D'Amico returns to Glenville School things will not get better. The School community will not come together and the children's test scores will not get better.

06/03/08 - Poor Dorothy Gets So Confused By Misleading Greenwich Time Headlines

To the Greenwich Time editor:


I have never read anything so ridiculous as the lead story on cupcakes in Glenville School ("Cupcakes center of dispute," Greenwich Time, May 30). Glenville School has more important problems facing it.

If I were that principal, I would run to the nearest exit and find a position in a town that has adults on the Board of Education instead of people who are worried whether a father can or cannot deliver cupcakes to his little darling's classroom. And I am sorry for parent Frank Carbino if he believes his reputation is on the line because of not being able to deliver those cupcakes. I am embarrassed for him having his name in the newspaper for something so petty.

What kind of message are we sending to our children? How are they going to make it in this dog-eat-dog world when Daddy and Mommy can't take no for an answer.

My children are fully grown, and I know they would have been mortified if we did something like that. And what this nonsense is costing - between the superintendent meeting with the principal, lawyers being involved, district officials getting in on the act - a truckload of cupcakes could have been purchased.

Stop the practice of parties in the classroom; kids have allergies and should not have homemade goodies brought to them. And the kids get enough parties at home.

Dorothy D'Amato


It Looks like poor Dorothy decided

to read only the headlines and not

the facts of the case surrounding

Principal Marc D'Amico's suspension.

Principal D'Amico's own lawyer has admitted to

the unethical principal's wrong doing.

Dorothy, Principal D"amico did lie to his superiors and changed a public document after the fact.

The ethically challenged Principal D'Amico even lied to his boss about manipulating the public document after the fact.

Dorothy if this same scenario happened at your place of work and you lied to your boss about a client and then changed a document to prove your point you'd probably be fired.

Dorothy, why can't you see that whatever happened with the cups of ice cream has nothing to do why Principal D'Amico was suspended.

Dorothy if Principal had been ethical he would not have been suspended.

Maybe, if the selfish D'Amico had apologized to the Carbino family and to Dr. Sternberg a month ago, maybe the principal's blind faith supporters, like Dorothy would not look like a fools.

Dorothy, Mr. D'Amico's lawyer has admitted to the principal's unethical wrong doing and instructed him to apologize to the school superintendent.

Perhaps, Marc D'Amico also owes an apology to persons like Dorothy who could not imagine that a school principal would do these awful things.

Please see:

06/02/08 - Marc D'Amico Has A Very Serious Integrity Issue - Can He Be Trusted With The Care Of Children Who Are Headed To The Modular Classrooms?


Please send your comments and letters to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

06/03/08 Greenwich Citizen News Links For Tuesday


The Greenwich Citizen Is Stuck On Stupid

What a waste of Bandwidth.

The Greenwich Citizen Website still has not been updated.

Nor, has the Greenwich Citizen bothered to reported that Glenville School Superintendent Marc D'Amico was suspended.

The Greenwich Citizen's School Coverage Is A Joke

TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North America.
MARIA: Here it is.
TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America?
CLASS: Maria.

TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell "crocodile?"
TEACHER: No, that's wrong
GLENN: Huh uh, you asked me how I spell it.

TEACHER: Glen, why do you always get so dirty?
GLEN: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.

TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with "I."
MILLIE: I is...
TEACHER: No, Millie.... Always say, "I am."
MILLIE: All right... "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet."

TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now,Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him?
LOUIS: Because George still had the ax in his hand.

TEACHER: Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?
SIMON: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.

TEACHER: Clyde, your composition on "My Dog" is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his?
CLYDE: No, teacher, it's the same dog.

TEACHER: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
HAROLD: A teacher.


Please send your comments and jokes to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

What's the difference between a the Greenwich Citizen managing
editor and a sack of fertilizer? The sack.

If you threw a Greenwich Citizen reporter and a photographer off a cliff at
the same time, who would hit bottom first?
(Two answers.)
1. The photographer, becausethe Greenwich Citizen reporter would get
lost on the way.
2. Who cares?

How do you know when there's a Greenwich Citizen reporter at a press conference? Her
hat says "Domino's."

How long does it take for the Greenwich Citizen publisher to get his editor
to send a reporter to Glenville School?
Nobody knows.

Please see yesterday's Glenville School articles:

06/02/08 - Marc D'Amico Has A Very Serious Integrity Problem
Can He Be Trusted With The Care Of Children Who Are Headed To The Modular Classrooms

An Open Letter To Nancy Weissler Of The Greenwich Board OF Education -
Situation At Glenville - Where's The Leadership And Accountability.

Please also see:

One Of Principal Marc D'amico's Supporters Is Keith Crocco Who Posted
On The Topix Greenwich Time Message Board 26 Times In 24 Hours.

Sometimes Greenwich Time Reporters Remind One Of The Bush
Administration Before Nine Eleven. They Just Can't Connect The Dots.

05/31/08 Friday's News Headlines From The Greenwich Citizen
Late And Incomplete

Serious "Cup Cake" Allegations? With Ten School Days Left In The Year
It Is A Disgrace That School Spokesperson Kim Eves Is Withholding Vital
Information From Parents.

More Information:

This month principals from all over the world have been suspended and
in each and every case the parents were told why, except in Greenwich

06/03/08 Greenwich Post News Links For Tuesday

Justin Lee and William Blumberg will be competing in an international tennis competition. They are Brunswick School students.

Brunswick boys head to international tennis match

Brunswick School students William Blumberg, a rising fifth grader, and Justin Lee, a rising fourth grader, have made it to the seventh annual international tennis team competition between the United States and Europe.

Smiths appeal Probate ruling

The Smith family has filed an appeal of Greenwich Probate Judge David Hopper’s decision upholding Jennifer Hagel Smith’s $1,085,000 settlement with Royal Caribbean cruise lines, saying potentially embarrassing information about her behavior motivated the settlement.

Sweet symphony

Krystof Witek, concertmaster of the Greenwich Symphony Orchestra and his wife, flutist Tanya Dusevic-Witek, recently spent the day with third, fourth and fifth graders at Glenville School, presenting four performances of baroque to contemporary music for violin and flute. Underwritten by the Greenwich Symphony’s 'GSO in Greenwich Schools' program, other events this year included a string quartet at Eastern Middle School and 'Storytime Quartet' with narrator for second and third graders at North Street School.

Why is the Greenwich Post failing to keep the single family home-owners of Greenwich and the Glenville School parents "posted" on the unfolding Principal Marc D'Amico story?

Please send comments and news tips to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

06/03/08 Greenwich Time News Links For Tuesday

Ryan Wolfe, captain of the boat crew for the town, sands a railing...
(Bob Luckey Jr./Greenwich Time photo)

Town ferries pass annual inspection
In a sign that summer is fast approaching, the town's three ferries have passed an annual U.S. Coast Guard safety inspection.
Several months of work may soon come to fruition as members of the town's Environmental Action Task Force endeavor to bring about policy changes.

Family disputes ruling
The parents of a Greenwich man who disappeared while aboard a honeymoon cruise are seeking to usurp their daughter-in-law's authority over his estate because they said her fear of personal embarrassment is clouding her judgment.

Please send comments and news tips to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com