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Friday, December 26, 2008

12/26/08 Greenwich Time News Links: Top Story God's Love Was In Action On Christmas Day

Bob Kaufmann, a Stanwich Church parishioner,
who cooked the turkey, left, serves Katharine Cerow.
(Neafsey/Greenwich Time photo)

Spreading real Christmas spirit . . .
it's all about the contribution of time and caring

Stanwich leaves no one alone on Christmas

They weren't quite sure who would show up, but members of the Stanwich Congregational Church were armed and ready with ham, turkey, board games and big smiles Thursday for their first-ever Christmas day dinner.

"This is a first-year tradition," said program administrator and church member Genie Wells, while waiting for 32 confirmed guests to arrive for the 1 p.m. supper, at the church on Taconic Road. "We're hoping to make it annual."

In years past, Stanwich pastor Chuck Davis III always tried to arrange for congregants who found themselves alone on Christmas to spend the day with other members, Wells said. Because members don't want impose on other members, however, that effort never produced much of a response, she said.

But this year, Wells and her husband found themselves alone for Christmas, as their adult children could not come home. Upon discovering that her friend, congregant Ellen Kaufmann, was in the same position, the two women decided to host a dinner at the church.

"We advertised it within the church, but some people are coming and we don't even know how they found out about it,'' said Wells, dressed in a red Christmas sweater. "It's very exciting."
As Wells and Kaufmann greeted early guests with egg nog and apple cider, their husbands carved turkey and ham in the church kitchen, each wearing Christmas-themed hats. Guests supplied the side dishes, and by the time dinner was presented on a buffet table across from the roaring fire, salads......

.....Another first-time guest to the church, Russian native Sasha Lyapin, 34, said he felt very welcome in the community, even though Christmas is still a bit foreign to him.

"When I grew up in Russia, it was still the Soviet Union," said Lyapin, who moved to the United States 15 years ago and has lived in Greenwich for the past eight years. "So there was no religion of any kind. We were all raised to be atheists."......

Love thy neighbor was, in part, Jesus' answer when the Pharisees, the chief religious sect of that day, asked Him about the greatest commandment in the Law. These religious leaders had made almost an art form of classifying all the various laws and giving them relative degrees of importance, so in asking Jesus this question, their aim was to test Him.
His answer stunned them:
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.
Jesus was summing up all the law in these two statements. If we love the Lord God with all our heart, soul and mind, loving our neighbor is the natural result. The question then is, who is our neighbor, and how do we love him or her?
This Is Basically Where I Screw Up,
Because I Am An Old Testament Kind Of Guy
You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. (Matthew 5:43)
Is our neighbor more than the guy next door? He or she be someone in our community or almost anyone we meet? Could our enemies also be our neighbors? Jesus says that it's so.
There are actually hundreds of men and women at Harvest Time Church, where I attend church that will really love someone who acts hatefully toward them or their family?
My fellow church members say that when they love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength, and they have grown to recognize that everyone is part of God's creation.
Even myself.
However, I still find this teaching very difficult
For Example:
Greenwich is full of idiots like Illegally Appointed Captain Micheal Pacewicz who selfishly costs the town a million bucks and can't even conduct a proper investigation.
Joe "I Refuse To Apologize For Helping Martha Moxley's Killer" Pisani who censored many voices in Greenwich.
Failed School Administrators Like Betty "The Buck Doesn't Stop Here" Sternberg who has allowed so many small children to suffer and fall behind their peers.
Kitt "I Made A 78 Year Old Greenwich Farmer Homeless" Watson
Walter "Feeder Fund" Noel
Paul "No You Can't Have Your Money, But You Can Watch Be Burn 30,000 Christmas Lights" Tudor Jones as families in Western Greenwich do without this Christmas.
Come On Let's Get Real:
Jesus Wants Me To Love These
Greenwich Losers.
Well I think I have found a way out of this.
Nowhere does Jesus say I have to like my greedy and hideous neighbors!
Maybe "Love thy neighbor" is not as hard as it looks on the surface.
Keeping this commandment, however, is likely to require
the supernatural assistance only God can provide
How can I learn to love the guy born with a silver spoon up his rear end that takes joy in making 78 year old farmers homeless , especially when I don't think that I ever would like him?
Perhaps the secret is for me to recognize that my neighbors, whether it's the hedge fund guy that won't pay his investors, but will show off by burning 30,000 light bulbs, or the Greedy Illegally Appointed Police Captain, is someone as worthy of God's love as you or I.
The challenge for me this year is to truly learn that the way I love my less than desirable neighbors is through getting to know Jesus Christ.
It's human nature to emulate those we admire most, so in getting to know Jesus, hopefully I will discover a God worthy of my whole-hearted love, and my greedy and hideous neighbors will start to see that love in me.
Greenwich Can Be A Very Tough Town
To Learn To Love All Of Your Neighbors.
When You See A Lady On Greenwich Avenue On A Weekly $10,000 Shopping Spree Walk Past A Working Class Family Who's Public School Has Had To Cut Programs.
I Don't Like This Type Of Selfish Lady, But I Am Going To Try And Love This Kind Of Greedy Being In 2009.

A piece of the stimulus pie
It didn't exactly amount to the three wise men bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, but a trio of Greenwich politicians held formal talks on Christmas Eve to discuss the town's strategy for getting a piece of an anticipated $700 billion economic stimulus package for infrastructure projects.

First Selectman Peter Tesei hosted U.S. Rep.-elect Jim Himes, D-Conn., and state Rep.-elect Alfred Camillo, R-151st District, Wednesday morning in his office at Town Hall to go over a list of preliminary projects that might qualify for federal funding under the stimulus package proposed by President-elect Barack Obama.

The three were joined by a contingent of municipal department heads as well as Selectman Lin Lavery and Frank Farricker of the Planning and Zoning Commission.

On the table was the list of $38.4 million in "shovel-ready" projects that officials said includes everything from road repaving and drainage improvements to bridge repairs and the construction of a new town animal shelter.

"Time is of the essence here. Our economy is getting no better. We all need to be prepared to act responsibly, but quickly," Himes said in an interview after the meeting.

Himes is reaching out to elected officials across the district, which includes most of Fairfield County and a sliver of New Haven County, to listen to their needs and convey a common message.

"While I will fight for the 4th District getting a fair share, we need to make sure that this is being done impartially, objectively and without a lot of, let's call it, political log rolling," Himes said.

Tesei said the message came through loud and clear at Wednesday's meeting.

"I echo Jim's comments. You want to be careful not to lard up things," Tesei said. "I guess you could argue, Merry Christmas. No pork. He was clear about that.".....

..... A project to transform the former Cos Cob Power Plant site into a waterfront park, which Tesei said is on the January agenda of the Planning and Zoning Commission, is being bandied about as a candidate for federal money as well.

Lavery said the town should not miss out on the opportunity.

"I think the town should definitely add projects to the list. This is a unique situation in our lifetime where we are going to have a large amount of money available," Lavery said.
Cooperation among local, state and federal officials is critical, she said.

"I think what's very important here is that everyone work together and, if necessary, fast-track (projects) to take advantage of this," Lavery said.....


New pharmacist takes helm of Byram store
Scott Wong is hoping his newly opened Greenview Pharmacy can bring back neighborhood business with the charm of personalized service and free prescription delivery.

The pharmacy, which occupies the building that once housed Byram Pharmacy at 13 N. Water Street, opened on Dec. 12 with a new staff and pharmacist.

"So far it's been good. This is a very nice neighborhood," said Wong, 32, of Elmont, N.Y.

Prior to starting his own pharmacy, Wong was the head pharmacist at a CVS in Stamford for eight years. However, he said the high-volume chain store did not give him the chance to get to know his customers and provide help on a more personal level.

"I really enjoy talking to people. Working in a chain didn't allow me to do it," said Wong.

"I wanted to change my work environment so I can build a relationship with my customers."

On Wednesday, Wong was introducing himself to customers who did not realize the pharmacy had changed hands.

"We knew there was a change in the name but we didn't know there was a new pharmacist," said Clare Adams, 16, of Byram.

Adams said she and her family had been coming to the former Byram Pharmacy for many years and would continue to support the new Greenview Pharmacy.

"My parents want to support the business because it is local," said Adams, who was picking up a prescription for herself......

....."Customers keep mentioning that the place was closed for two weeks," said Wong, who noted that he has no affiliation with any of the people who used to work at the Byram Pharmacy.

Wong said he was hesitant to take over the pharmacy due to recent events, and contacted the state's Drug Control Division, which told him that so long as he followed the law he would not be affected by anything that happened at the prior business.

So far, Wong said he has encountered many returning customers, who like Morrison, are tired of the chains and had hoped a new pharmacy would move in since there are hardly any in the Byram area.

In addition to providing more personalized service compared to larger chain drugstores, Wong said he also offers specialized knowledge in natural supplements.

"I specialize in natural supplements and vitamins. I do want to talk to my customers about that," said Wong.

The pharmacy is also equipped to check blood pressure, Wong said.

Wong hopes his pharmacy's services will help bring people in to fill their prescriptions at a locally run drug store.

"We want them to know that we have changed the name and that this is a new pharmacy," said Wong, who explained that the name of his business had a special meaning.

"Green is for Greenwich, and 'view' because we are hoping people take on a new view about the store," he said

My Wife Uses This New Pharmacy And She Says The Couple Running The Place Seems To Be Very Nice. In Fact The Old Proprietors Of The Pharmacy Introduced Her To The New Owners.
The New Couple Worked A Bit With The Former Owners In Order To Get To Know The Store And Some Of The Regular Customers.

Economic slowdown boosts use of library
Jim Gilmartin, 56, sat in Greenwich Library's music center with a small sack of CDs in front of him by artists ranging from Alice Cooper to saxophonist David Sanborn.

Golder to fight kidnap verdict
Dinnertime Bandit Alan Golder is taking his case to the state Supreme Court after being slapped with a 15-year sentence on burglary, larceny and kidnapping charges in October.

Art Openings Dec. 28
Openings Nathaniel Witherell Winter Thaw Greenwich Art Society member Carol Dixon of Old Greenwich displays her embroidered collages, oil paintings, photographs, computerized prints and mixed-media pieces.

Local woman gives furniture a face-lift
Pamela Frisoli of Greenwich doesn't mind if her furniture might have a little nick or stain - she thinks it has character.

Child-porn-case lawyer seemed to lack contrition
To the editor:

The story about Greenwich lawyer left me feeling both mad and sad ("Lawyer returns to work after probation," Greenwich Time, Dec. Dec. 21).

I'm mad that even now that after being suspended for a year, Philip Russell expresses no remorse for his crime. He essentially removed evidence in a criminal case by destroying a church employee's computer that contained child pornography.

Russell also had a chance to stress how hurtful child porn is or urge church officials to stop concealing clergy sex crimes. But he did neither.

Child predators deserve punishment, treatment and some degree of understanding because they're sick individuals who likely experienced some horrific trauma themselves. But people who help child predators deserve punishment and harsh condemnation, because otherwise we encourage future wrongdoing.

Based on the article, Russell sounded chipper and upbeat. I'd feel a little more reassured if he felt at least a tad chastened.

Barbara Dorris
St. Louis, Mo.

The writer is outreach coordinator for the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.

First Of All Barbara Dorris Probably Has Not Ever Met Or Is Familure With The Case Involving Mr.Russell, She Appears To Be A lady Who Does A Daily Google News Search For "Clery Sex Crimes".
Personaly, I Think Mr. Russell Got A Bad Rap And Because Of The Hideous Nature Of Mr. Tates Crime. Attorney Russell Has Acknowledges He Destroyed The Computer.
But The Greenwich Media Has Continually Failed To Explain That He Had No Reason To Believe The Matter Was Under Investigation Or That It Would Lead To An Investigation.
Mr. Russell Was Charged Under The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Which Congress Passed In 2002 After A Wave Of Corporate Accounting Scandals.
This Law Has Illegally Made It Easier To Prosecute Obstruction Of Justice By Only Requiring That An Investigation Was Foreseeable Rather Than Already Pending.
The Prosecutors Use Of This Law In This Manner Was A Mis-carriage Of Justice.
If Prosecutors Are Allowed To Pursue Cases Against Defense Lawyers Caught In Similar Predicaments, Their Ability To Defend Clients Could Be Greatly Compromised.
By Virtue Of The Case Against Philip Russell, All Defence Attorneys Are Conscripted To Be Agents Of The Government. And If The Defence Attorneys Don’t Act In That Capacity.....The Government Will Prosecute You.
Personally I Was A Bit Surprised , That Philip Russell Pled Guilty, I Had Really Hoped He Would Have Fought This Misuse Of The Law.
And For The Record He Did Not Pled Guilty To The Original Charge Of Obstruction Of Justice, But To A Much Lesser Charge Of “Misprision Of Felony”.
What That Legal Mumbo Jumbo Means Is That He Knew Of A Clients Felony And Didn’t Report It To The Government.
Since Mr.Russell Pled Guilty To The Lesser Charge, The Bigger Issue Of Whether What He Did Should Be A Crime Goes Unresolved And Is Left For Another Attorney On Another Day.
It Is A threat To Our Librities To Make Defence Attorneys Maditory Reporters.
So Be Carefull The Next Time You Call Up The Family Lawyer And Say My Son Did A Bad, Very Bad Thing...... Because Your Attorney Might Say Hod On While I Conference The Greenwich Police Chief In On This Call.
I Do Not Know Mr. Russel But Have Heard That He Is A Very Ethical And Professional Attorney. He Was Prosecuted For Basically Doing His Job Well.
It Is Shocking That The Law Supposedly Says That A Criminal Defense Lawyer Is Supposed To Rat Out Clients Who Are Potential Felons And Aide The Police In Building A Case For A Posible Crime They Have No Knowledge About.
In The Future When Another Attorney Takes This Misuse Of The Law To A Higher Court You Will See That Mr. Russell Should Have Never Went To Prison At All.
Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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