Hyper Local News Pages

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

12/24/08 Greenwich Hospital President and chief executive Frank A. Corvino Causes A Hissy Fit At The Business Council of Westchester

Chief Executives Behaving Badly

Jon Schandler Ends His Hissy Fit Over Frank Corvino

Journal News

White Plains Hospital Center has resumed its membership in the Business Council of Westchester after the head of a competing hospital in Connecticut agreed not to seek a seat on the council's board of directors.

Marsha Gordon, the president and chief executive of the business council, said today that White Plains Hospital rescinded its Dec. 16 resignation from the council. That followed a "mutual decision" by the council and Greenwich Hospital President and chief executive Frank A. Corvino that Corvino would not be a candidate for a seat on the board, she said.

Jon B. Schandler, the president and chief executive of White Plains Hospital, had said in his letter notifying the council of his hospital's resignation that his hospital believes the council should be "advocates for businesses in Westchester County."

"Clearly, your board of (directors) has a different idea of the council," he wrote.

Greenwich Hospital is in Greenwich, Conn. and competes with White Plains Hospital for patients.

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1 comment:

  1. How disappointing that a hospital CEO would feel so competitive that he would threaten membership in a business council over the membership of another hospital CEO. One would expect all members in a business council to welcome business leaders from nearby neighboring communities, especially those who clearly are exemplary leaders in their same fields of work--and Frank Corvino is such an extraordinary leader. Perhaps by threatening to pull his hospital out of the Westchester Business Council Mr. Schandler is merely showing how jealous he is of Mr. Corvino's leadership abilities and how jealous he is of his capabilities---why else pull such a juvenile stunt?


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