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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

12/03/08 Reader Submitted Comments: Cos Cob School Insider Reports That Ham Ave Kids Might Be Around For A While

The Cos Cob School Insider Says......

"If there’s any doubt the kids are not moving this year, the BOE just delivered brand new lockers to Cos Cob School for the Glenville kids. I suppose they assume these kids have to get comfortable, for the long run."

But The Board Of Education Is Telling Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin Gustafson That ......

Hamilton Avenue School could open Jan. 5

GREENWICH - School officials are moving forward with plans to re-open Hamilton Avenue School early next month, on the assumption that the necessary approvals for occupancy will have been secured by then.

The district will begin conducting environmental testing at the renovated school within the next week, in preparation for students to return to classes there after holiday recess ends Jan. 5, Assistant Superintendent Sue Wallerstein said.....

.....If the certificate doesn't arrive by then, Board of Education Chair Nancy Weissler said board members may have to reconsider the current schedule - though at this point, "we're assuming we will have occupancy by Jan. 5."

Last week, Weissler said the board would consider an April fallback date, if the certificate had not arrived by Dec. 5.

She declined to say whether that option was still in consideration today.

The project, which was initially slated to span 18 months when work began in April 2005, has missed a series of interim deadlines set by the school board ......

.....the bathroom fans will have to meet inspection standards in order for the school to receive the temporary occupancy certificate.

Mazza said he expects to have addressed the bathroom issues by the end of the week.

"Will we have a TCO by Friday? I don't know. Probably not," Mazza said, adding later that the work would almost certainly be done by January.


Assistant Superintendent Sue Wallerstein And Board of Education Chair Nancy Weissler Are Just As Stupid As They Look If They Think The Town Building Department Can Be Pressured Into Giving A Temporary Certificate Of Occupancy To A School Building That For Over Six Months Has Had Serious Issues With The Air-Balancing System, Which Is Supposed To Distribute An Even Supply Of Air To Different Parts Of The Building.

Just A Little Over A Month Ago, Parents Found Mold In The New 30 Million Dollar Hamilton Avenue School Building.

While Hamilton Avenue School Building Committee Chair Frank Mazza Was Telling The Building Inspector The "It's Green Paint" Lie A Hamilton Avenue Parent Took Pictures And Helped A Greenwich Post Reporter Obtain A Sample Of The Mold To Be Tested.

If Mold Is Found In That 30 Million Dollar School, Sue Wallerstein, Frank Mazza And Chair Nancy Weissler Are Going To Point Their Fingers At The Greenwich Building Department And Say,"It Is Not Our Fault!!! We only Put Small Children In Moldy Hamilton Avenue School, Because The Building Inspector Said The Building Was Safe For Greenwich Kids.

Frank Mazza And His Band Of Idiots Will Be Long Gone And The Only Ones Left To Go After Will Be The Town Building Inspectors Who Approved The Unsafe School With Unbalanced Air Flow The Allowed Mold To Make Hamilton Avenue Kids And Teacher's Sick Once Again.

Hamilton Avenue Staff Members And Greenwich Children Were Exposed To Foul Moldy Air At The Old Hamilton School Building And Also At The Hamilton School Modular.

If Mold Continues To Appear And Grow At The New Renovated Hamilton Avenue School, You Can Almost Bet Your Last Dollar A Hamilton Avenue Staff Member Or Parent Is Going To Sue The Town For Big Bucks And Name The Building Department Officials That Signed Off On The Schools Certificate Of Occupancy.

Worse Yet, Hamilton Avenue Insiders Are Saying That There Are Still Unresolved Problems With The School's Safety Lights.

Once The Greenwich Building Department Signs Off On The Hamilton Avenue's Temporary Certificate Of Occupancy ...... Cell Phone Camera Carring Teachers, Staff Members, Parents, Contruction Workers And Other Disgruntled Contractors Will Be Able To Document Any Unsafe Problems Over Looked By The Town's Building Department.


10/23/08 Greenwich Time News Links Or Frank Mazza's Screwups Cost Town Employees Their Jobs

10/09/08 In case You Missed It Here Is Frank Mazza Starring On Cablevision News 12

....Mold problems have plagued Hamilton Avenue students for months. Before construction on the new school began, mold damage was found on the old building. Then, the modular classrooms used by students during construction were discovered to have mold issues last spring.

The chairman of the school's building committee says he wasn't aware of this latest test.“Number one, I don't even know how anyone got in there and took samples,” says Building Committee Chairman Frank Mazzo. “…I don't know what they're trying to prove, but at this point we're just leaving it up to the board of education and their hygienists.”

Play The Frank Mazza Video

10/09/08 Frank Mazza Doesn't Know An Ass From A Hole In The Ground. It Wasn't Green Paint It's Green Mold

09/14/08 You Wont Read This At The Greenwich Time, But You Will Read It On The Ham Ave PTA Website, HEY, TONY BYRNE, THE MODULARS ARE LEAKING .....







07/11/08 You Wont See This In The Greenwich Time - Failed Board Of Educaion Gives Our Children Facilities like this - Glenville School Bathroom Pics


Please send your comments and your Hamilton School news tips, pictures and video to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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