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Saturday, November 29, 2008

11/29/08 Greenwich Time News Links -- Or -- Meredith Throws Away the Press Releases And Actually Interviews Someone In Town

By Rookie Reporter Meredith Blake

James McArdle is general manager of McArdle's Florist and Garden Center, 48 Arch St. He recently sat down with Greenwich Time to talk about what's popular in holiday decorations and how the company has expanded over the years.

What is it that you do here?

(Rookie Reporter Meredith Blake Is Actually Asking A Florist What He Does For A Living)

This time of year, people come to us for festive decorations for the outside and inside of their homes. We have so many things for them to use. As far as perishables, we have Christmas

cactuses, poinsettias, and amaryllises, all different things to spruce up the home for the holidays. People can design their own or one of our five designers can make an arrangement for them.

What is very popular this year?

Well, if their mantles need sprucing up, they might get some artificial fruit from us. We've got different fruits, from cherries to pepperberries. Or they might want to decorate their fireplace - we have lots of items for that. É A lot of people buy their Christmas trees with us and then buy ornaments as well. Some go with a different theme, such as an all-white theme, which is gorgeous. We have all the materials for that.

When did you set up for the holidays?

The first week in November This upcoming weekend is one of the busiest of the year. And we're ready.

What are some tips that you can offer people for decorating this holiday season?

Well, if someone has a covered porch, we have (floral) kissing balls that you can hang. Taking it a step further, if they have urns by their front door, or by ..... Blah ..... Blah ....... Blah ...... Blah ....... Blah ..... Blah


.....Has the business grown?

Yes, certainly in that respect we have changed. We offer a lot more services, such as the tree-delivery service.

What do you love about the business?

Interfacing with people. That's just fun. And helping people find solutions to objectives and enhancing lifestyles.


Beach card distributor wants her job back

A former Greenwich parks worker who was fired for issuing free beach cards is fighting to get her job back after a state labor board ruled that she was misrepresented by her union during grievance proceedings against the town, which she won.

UK gives a hand to RBS Greenwich

LONDON - The British government said Friday it will take over Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, the parent company of RBS Greenwich Capital of Greenwich, which plans a move to a new headquarters in Stamford next year.

Loading Zone: Tesei tells car dealers to shape up

First Selectman Peter Tesei is threatening to shut down a commercial loading zone used by car dealers on a crowded West Putnam Avenue side street A popular spot for unloading new vehicles, Edgewood Drive is frequently blocked by the cars and the trucks carrying them, according to Tesei, who said the practice has created a public safety hazard.

Blumenthal proposes gift-card protections

Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal will propose legislation aimed at protecting consumers who buy gift cards when the state's Legislature reconvenes in January.


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