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Sunday, November 16, 2008

11/16/08 Old Timer Bernie Yudain Discovers Greenwich's Citizen Journalists And He Wants To Edit Them too.

As though we don't have enough staggering problems on our tray, my friend Chris Fountain, lapsed lawyer-author-rampant Realtor and estimable bloggist, has tossed in another.

The gravamen of his poser: What's the proper spelling of Conyers Farm?

From the above, you'll see my version of the answer. Although it seems to defy common rules of grammar, that's the way it goes.

Chris waded into the issue because he had been spelling it Conyer's Farm, with the possessive apostrophe, and a reader of his blog had challenged him by insisting it should be an unadorned Conyer Farm - singular, no apostrophe or "s."

Both wrong, in my view. Most reliable references to that iconic North Street estate spell it as I've just done. Even Judge Hubbard, one of Greenwich's most respected historians who wrote a weekly column for the defunct weekly Greenwich Press, always spelled it "Conyers Farm.".....

.....How come we have Palmer Hill Road in Greenwich, and the second it crosses the Stamford line it picks up an apostrophe "s" and becomes Palmer's Hill?
Now that's a question that keeps me awake at night. ......

Bernie Yudain, whose Greenwich Time column appears Wednesdays and Sundays, is a former managing editor of Greenwich Time.
His e-mail address is bernardct6@aol.com.


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