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Saturday, October 25, 2008


The Corporate Suits At Hearst Newspapers Were Stupid Not To Have Ex-Greenwich Time Editor Joe Pisani and Ex-Greenwich Time Reporters Like Susie "The Dish" Costaregni sign a non-compete agreement as part of their severance package. Now They Are Free To Continue To Embarrass The Greenwich Time And Stamford Advocate Without Limitations.

When Joe Pisani And Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy Misuse Tax Dollars And Public Resources At Stamford's Ferguson Library For Ticket Sales To A private Party At The Greenwich Hyatt. Pisani's 30 Years At The Greenwich Time Are Mentioned Over And Over And Over And Over.............

Greenwich Roundup,

I love it that Joe Pisani has to tell everyone, not only did some unknown or currupt losers throw him a party, but he has incredible humility. What is that ? THE OXYMORONIC Statement of 2008? Hey, I am THE MAN and I'm so modest too?

Who went to the party? Rhetorical question, my friends. The same people Dilenschneider had over to his cozy ass-kissing shmooze fes? What is with this Bob the Builder of ass-kissing shmooze fests? Dilenshneider Firm madness mania? Who are these people anyway and why does anyone care about Pisani or mystery guests or humility or the party no one went to?

Hey bob d....wanna kiss my ass, buddy? Not rhetorical, my friends. Do ya?????

My guess is Bishop Lori wasn't at this "let's give Joe a round of ass-applause." party. He's learned he needs to disengage from crooks, liars, and people who are immoral. The Bishop's PR man, Joe McAlleer said "OMGGG.....stay away from these people William.....will you ever learn....omyfreakinGGGGG?????!!!!!!!

Sorry Suzy Costergarglejoeini...The Dish of Zippo.....all that isn't even worth printing, hon. Keep close to Joe's ass, honey. It's your only job. And just be quiet. You have nothing to say. At All. You can't write, babe. You're also deeply disturbed.

Oh thank you Joe for being THE BEST of the WORST EDITORS in newspaper history.

You make me look so goooooooooooooood :) Hey I wanna a party people!!!!!!!!

I think you sat on your big ass for 30 years doing squat....for that you should be tortured....


another Joe (whose no shmoe)


Dear Joe No Shome,
I am continually amazed at the anger that Joe Pisani has caused in the community over the last 30 years. Almost 75% all of the Greenwich Bloggers Either Feel That They Were Burned By Joe Pisani's Greenwich Time Or The Were Fired By The Greenwich Time While Working For Pisani.

You appear to have a great deal of inside information on the Ex-Greenwich Time Editor Joe Pisani. However, some of the information is hard to follow. I Know that Bob Dilenschneider is Pisani's new boss in New York City and this is the second party in less than a month that has been promoted by the two places Pisani volunteers (The Greenwich Post and his word press blog called Our Greenwich).

Both Susie "The Dish", who is Pisani's former high school student and his ex-Greenwich Time gossip hound has used her new volunteer job at the Greenwich Post to promote parties involving Bob Dilenschneider, Dan Malloy and the Ex-Editor of the Greenwich Time.

Is Dilenschneider using Pisani and The Greenwich Post to help promote Dan Malloy for future or current business deals in Stamford?
It is odd that the Greenwich Post keeps mentioning Malloy and those that work under his administration at the Furguson Library?

Now Pisani's word press blog that is filled with fired Greenwich Time employees, which is called, "Our Greenwich" is promoting Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy. There were two Dan Malloy posts with in a week of each other.

What does Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy have to do with "Our Greenwich".

Further was Hearst Newspapers and the publisher of the Greenwich Time so stupid that they did not get a no compete agreement from the Ex-Greenwich Time Editor and reporters.

Joe Pisani's shameless self promotion and self reporting on his repetitive Dan Malloy parties reflects very badly on both the Greenwich Time and Stamford Advocate, Because The Parties Are Always Promoted By Saying Joseph Pisani, former editor and senior vice president of Greenwich Time and the Stamford Advocate will Be At The party or will be the keynote speaker .

The Corporate Suits At Hearst Newspapers At Hearst Media And The Greenwich Time Were Stupid To Let Pisani And Costaregni Go To The Greenwich Post And Compete Directly With Their Property.

Moreover, Only A Bunch Of Corporate Morons Would Let All Of Those Ex-Greenwich Time Employees Like Joy Haenlein , Sarah Darer Littman , Susie Costaregni . And Ex-Greenwich Time Editor Joe Pisani set up a web site that competes directly with the Greenwich Time.

The Corporate Suits At Hearst Newspapers Were As Stupid As They Look To Give Out Severance Packages With "No Strings Attached"

Please send your comments, blog posts, news tips, press releases and photos of the Ferguson Director using taxpayer funds and resources to sell tickets to the Joe Pisani/ Dan Malloy party at the Greenwich Hyatt to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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