Hyper Local News Pages

Friday, August 29, 2008

08/29/08 Do You Think It Was A Big Mistake For The Greenwich Time To Fire Sarah? Do you think it's a good idea for Sarah's bolg to steal?

by Sarah Darer Littman

Seven years ago today, I made an attempt on my own life, and ended up in hospital. It was the worst time of my life, but it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

This evening, I was lying in the hammock (Reason # 6894759 to love The Webmeister), cuddled up with my puppy Benny, thinking about far I have come since that day seven years ago and thanking G-d for the gifts in my life today. My two wonderful children. A great relationship with a supportive guy. A lovable white fluffball to play with by day and curl up with at night. A career doing what I love, and on this very day, some great news that I hope to share very soon.

A new online project with some former colleagues at the Greenwich Time/Stamford Advocate called Our Greenwich that I'm really excited about. So much to be grateful for - including that most dreadful, horrible time, seven years ago; because if I hadn't gone through that, I wouldn't be here. Plus, the experiences in the hospital gave me a lot of material I used in writing PURGE, a book I feel so passionate about.

I'm so happy and grateful to be alive, to be here, to be in my life right now, waiting to watch Obama make his speech tonight, a historic moment mingling with my own moment of personal triumph.

It is great to see that Sara has survived and preveiled, but this Our Greenwich is certainly no Greenwich Time Killer.

The first posting is this hard hitting item .....

It’s Our Town - and there are just so many things to love about it. Tell us your 10 favorite things about living or working in Greenwich - or even visiting, if you’re reading this from farther afield.

To kick things off, we have Nicole Crosby of Cos Cob, who gave us the idea for fun feature.

My Greenwich Top Ten List - Nicole Crosby

(In no particular order)

A Pont-Neuf pastry from Versailles on the Avenue

Filling my red wagon at the May Gardener’s Market.....blah....blah.....blah

Is Our Greenwich trying to out fluff the Greenwich Time.

So far Our Greenwich actually makes the Greenwich Time look good.

I Actually Think That The New Greenwich Time Editor David Warner Is Rolling On The Floor And Laughing His Ass Off At.....

After Greenwich Time Publisher John M. Dunster fired Editor Joe Pisani. And David Warner was brought in to clean house. Joe Pisani and the unemployed ex-Greenwich Time staffers started telling anyone who would listen about how they were going to drive the Greenwich Time into the ground with a new killer web site.

They contacted a web master who wanted $25,000 to start, but Joe Pisani got some advertising job in the city and began writing for the Greenwich Post. The word is that a conference call with the $25,000 web master was set up and no former Greenwich Time employee showed up.

I hope to god that Joe Pisani .John Ferris Robben ,Joy Haenlein ,Sarah Darer Littman and Susie Costaregni did not spend $25,000 on Our Greenwich.

The Our Greenwich team blog kind of reminds one of the The Greenwich Blog which has not been updated for over two months.

I have been told that Chris from the StationStops blog might be the web master behind the Our Greenwich blog.

It does have his crisp and clean with no caffeine style.

Sarah Darer Littman does have a lot of bucks and maybe she forked $25,000 over to Chris at StationStops for this standard word press team blog.

Now that Greenwich Time editor David Warner has recuperated from laughing his ass off.

I will say that Greenwich Roundup wishes Joe Pisani .John Ferris Robben ,Joy Haenlein ,Sarah Darer Littman and Susie Costaregni all the best and hopefully they will stop blogging about "Pont-Neuf pastry" and "little red wagons" and get serious about issues that are effecting the single family homeowners of Greenwich.

All these years Greenwich Time reporters and columnists have been telling us that the corporate owners will not let them tell all about the powers that be in Greenwich.

Now that they are free of the corporate bullies they bring us "Pont-Neuf pastry" and "little red wagons".

No wonder Dunster and Warner got rid of Joe Pisani .John Ferris Robben ,Joy Haenlein ,Sarah Darer Littman and Susie Costaregni.

If the Our Greenwich blog doesn't start getting serious they will be buried by David Warner and the Greenwich Time.

It is actually very pathetic to see how uncreative the former Greenwich Time staffers are. For example, Joy Haenlein is calling her blog page

Old Greenwich Roundup.

No wonder David Warner cleaned house and got rid of these amateurish and unimaginative third and forth rate plagiarizing columnists who were washed up has beens.


08/29/08 Joe Pisani .John Ferris Robben ,Joy Haenlein ,Sarah Darer Littman and Susie Costaregni. Are Headed To Court
Joe Pisani .John Ferris Robben ,Joy Haenlein ,Sarah Darer Littman and Susie Costaregni. attempt to steal Old Greenwich Roundup Name And Concept On Their New Team Blog.It is actually very pathetic to see how uncreative the former Greenwich Time staffers are.

Joy Haenlein is calling her blog page Old Greenwich Roundup.

No wonder David Warner cleaned house and got rid of these amateurish and unimaginative third and forth rate plagiarizing columnists who were washed up has beens.

Each Roundup Media Site Is Tracked By Google Analytics,

And We Believe That Joe Pisani .John Ferris Robben ,Joy Haenlein ,Sarah Darer Littman , Susie Costaregni And Their Associates Have Visited The Roundup Media Websites Multiple Times At Home And At Their Former Employers Computers.

Joe Pisani .John Ferris Robben ,Joy Haenlein ,Sarah Darer Littman , Susie Costaregni and their associates working together to steal the Old Greenwich Roundup Blog name and Concept After Visiting Roundup Media Websites Is Going To Cost Each Of Them A Hell Of A Lot More Than The $25,000 They Had Initially Talked Of Investing In A Website/Team Blog.

Just As They Can Not STEAL The Greenwich Time Name, They Can Not Use The Greenwich Roundup, Old Greenwich Roundup Without Paying A Very High Legal Cost And Personal Judgement.

Joe Pisani .John Ferris Robben ,Joy Haenlein ,Sarah Darer Littman and Susie Costaregni is the only persons using some Greenwich Time traditional design elements in their new blog.

These design elements might be considered proprietary and Hearst Media may not look favorably on former employees violating trademarked design elements.

Old Greenwich Roundup would remind Joe Pisani .John Ferris Robben ,Joy Haenlein ,Sarah Darer Littman , Susie Costaregni and their associates that they are stealing this intellectual property as sole proprietors and not as members of a LLC or shareholders of a corporation or trust.

Old Greenwich Roundup and it's affiliated Roundup Media Websites demand that Joe Pisani .John Ferris Robben ,Joy Haenlein ,Sarah Darer Littman , Susie Costaregni and their associates immediately cease and desist the theft of the name Old Greenwich Roundup and other intellectual property associated with the name or be prepared to loose your personal assets.

The Old Greenwich Roundup website / blog was backed up tonight in order to preserve previous posting as evidence for a potential lawsuit against Joe Pisani .John Ferris Robben ,Joy Haenlein ,Sarah Darer Littman , Susie Costaregni and there associates.

Some Our Greenwich web pages have been saved.

All Google Analytic Reports were downloaded for all of the Roundup Media Websites / Blogs for use as evidence.

Should The Legal Papers For

Joe Pisani And Company

Be Sent To

PO Box 201,

Cos Cob, CT 06807


Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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Contact me directly at GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com if you have a suggestion or comment you don't want publicized (but tell me so in your email).

I look forward to publishing your opinions.

COMMENTING RULES: We encourage an open exchange of ideas in the Greenwich community, but we ask you to follow our guidelines. Basically, be civil, smart, on-topic and free from profanity. Don't say anything you wouldn't want your mother to read!