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Monday, August 25, 2008

08/25/08 The Raw Greenwich Blog Feed

Greenwich Diva
Are Greenwich newspapers fair when reporting police blotters?
Just asking a question. I notice a pattern with the Greenwich newspapers, it seems that the only domestic disputes that they print are for people in Bryam, Pemberwick and sometimes Cos Cob, but never in Backcountry, mid-country, Belle Haven or Mead Point.

As a Backcountry resident, I know that domestic disputes takes place here. I have friends and acquaintances who have called the police many times for domestic abuse and many times a spouse is taken away in hand cuffs, and I never see their names or addresses in the papers.
Are Greenwich newspapers afraid of some wealthy Backcountry resident suing them? .....

Greenwich Library Today's Events
Baby Lapsit Registration
*When:* Tuesday August 26th, 2008 - All Day Open enrollment begins August 18 for Baby Lapsit for infants up to 12 months with a caregiver. Five-week Fall S...

One of these things is not like the other....
The Himes campaign held a press conference at the Congress Street Bridge in Bridgeport earlier today. The bridge has been stuck upright for over a decade, ...


Michelle Obama's Speech
My daughter, who hates politics, liked her speech. "She's a good speaker. I didn't even want to turn off the TV." Given daughter's antipathy for all things...

Jane Genova: Speechwriter - Ghostwriter
Working-Class Background - For Sale to Highest Dem/GOP Bidder
What I was trained in my high-achieving high-school Snyder in Jersey City, New Jersey to keep under wraps has become a hot commodity: My working-class background...

Robb Adam's Exit 55
Save It, Please? Not a Chance.
I'm glad somebody did this. I've signed their petition, but there's no way that the City of New York is going to keep Yankee Stadium standing. I've believe...

Greenwich Forum
Police blotter - Greenwich Time
21 Comments And Growing....

Hopelessly biased Greenwich Time fails to mention Wiffle Ball connection, so readers must report the truth....

No wonder Greenwich Time editor David Warner want to ban the comments of frustrated readers who are tired of the one sided reporting in the local rag....

A family that fights together, stays together! Lesson one kids, road rage doesn't pay!!!!!!!!!!

Way to go!!! You should be sooooooo proud!!! Way to set an example for your kids!!!!

This Atkinson family is REALLY freakin' CRAZY. No wonder Gallagher feared for his safety!!!

...Those silly fighting tresspassers

Wow! Total vindication for P, Mrs. P and Mr. G!! Looks like the Atkinson family made another "mistake." Now the victim of their latest crime gets to be anonymous. How does it feel? More great parenting, Mr. A.!! Maybe it's time to start hanging out with people your own age. After all, wiffle ball really should be reserved for the 12 and under crowd.

Once again no one has the facts. Poor Mrs P and Galligar. Their day is coming this week. So sad evryone feels so bad for her. The more you contiue to slander the family the deeper you piss them off so watch who gets arrested now.Great Job Feeling safe in Riverside

I think that the Atkinson family does a good job slandering their own name. They don't need any help.

You obviously dont know them, but of course you will enjoy watching the people you are trying to protect be escorted away this week.

It will all be over soon

They couldn't find a school yard, so the McDonald's parking lot will do.

If you knew the circumstances, you would do the same thing

Why is the police blotter always the most viewed story in the Greenwich Time?

Because people love this crap.Anyone still debating the "nature vs. nurture" argument - heredity vs enviornment..........this story should help clear that up - it's BOTH!! What a family - all acting as one tiny-brained organism.

The man is 50 years old. If he couldn't call his sons,or if he was far away from home, would he confront anyone, especially being outnumbered?

etc., etc., etc., etc.........

Greenwich Time reporting is so bad. You often have to read the comments to get the real story behind the filtered puff piece....

For What It's Worth
*So you're thinking of buying a house* Okay, perhaps you aren't, but maybe you should be. As I mention below, there are a lot of houses out there that have ...

Rock Star Diary
Kyle & La Perla's reception for friends!
Last week Kyle & La Perla had a reception for their friends at The Lodge in Williamsburg. La Perla & friend: Madonna, Gail, Kyle & Creepy Uncle Steve: Alice:...

Greenwich News
You're Gonna Get Banned
...Now, you might ask, is some of this subjective judgment on our part, about what's acceptable and what's not? Yes. Not all curse words are created equal for instance. My advice: Don't use any of them. In fact, don't say anything in reader comments you wouldn't say to your mother at dinner.
Some of you, I sense, are emboldened because your comments are anonymous, carrying only the screen names you've chosen. Even then, however, we reserve the option of not only pulling an offending comment from the site, but of banning a user from posting again. It's not something we would do lightly. But we're willing to do it so that the vast majority of you who play nice....
But David Warner is probably not aware of the Greenwich Times long history of censorship in town.....

Tribune Company's Greenwich News Feed
A horse is more than a horse in 'Equus'
'Shoulder!" "Head!" "Chest!" "Nose!" Nose? Fin Walker, the tiny Englishwoman with the haircut of a small boy, is shouting this peculiar command to six mass...

Greenwich Gossip
The Yellowwich Time Can't Speak English
Today's headline in the local rag, AKA *Yellowwich Time*, shows us all just how pathetic they really are: *Cops relish in Golder verdict* So there you hav...

The Perrot Memorial Library Blog
A Great Read from the Reference Desk
[image: The Fourth Watcher]*The Fourth Watcher, by Timothy Hallinan* [Mystery] This is a new suspense novel that would take center stage on our “For the Guy..

The Daily Spurgeon
Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow
The saints of old fell into sin, but they did not remain there. David cries “Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean: wash me, and I s...

The Blonde Excuse
What You're Reading
For those of you who haven't already heard me complain about it... my computer is broken. I even stumped not one but two geniuses at the Apple Genius Bar. Ri...

Ed's First Blog
Sherlock Holmes and Tarzan Are Related To Each Other?!? (No, Really!)
When I first read *Philip Jose Farmer's* *Doc* *Savage: His Apocalyptic Life * (a "biography" of Doc, based on the 181 pulp novels by "*Kenneth Robeson* "...


Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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