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Monday, August 18, 2008

08/18/08 Greenwich Time News Links For Monday

Breyer collecting makes Shuras a model family

By Meredith Blake
Staff Writer

Sophie Shura, 9, was only three weeks old when she attended her first plastic model horse show. Her mother, Greenwich resident Renata Adamowicz-Shura, 37, has been collecting Breyer model horses for 20 years and showing them competitively since 1998.

Her mother, Greenwich resident Renata Adamowicz-Shura, 37, has been collecting Breyer model horses for 20 years and showing them competitively since 1998.

The plastic horses that replicate real horses in type, color and breed, are a popular collectible. Thousands of people across the country trade, sell and show these toys at shows - winning ribbons and awards for the horse's unique and flawless presentation.

"It's a addictive," Shura said...

...The collection began to multiply. Shura and her family now have more than 500, which are on display in the basement of their home.

Both of their children Sophie and Billy, 11, also participate, collecting and helping to maintain the horses, Shura said...

....The Shuras have a variety of test-run models, the most coveted because they are one of kind and can go for thousands of dollars.

"The hope is to find something that nobody else has," said Renata Shura.

But they are not in it for the money.

"It's just so much fun," said Shura, "The trick is to find something to collect that you love."

Please Read The Full Greenwich Time Story

Please See A Far Better Use For All Of That Time And Money That This Model Family Spends:
  • 08/18/08 - Campbellton Tribune, Canada - George Piers has seen his share of parents walk into the Fredericton Community Kitchen with their children in tow.

    It's a sight that breaks his heart.

    "I have real mixed emotions on it. I hate to see small children here," Piers said. "Still, I'm glad we're here for them."

    It's a sign of the way poverty hits children in the community....

  • 08/18/08 - Daytona Beach News-Journal, FL - Halifax Urban Ministries (HUM): For hungry, homeless, low-income people in emergency need of food, baby food/formula, diapers, financial assistance or cold weather shelter. 386-252-0156

Siebert to lead public works

BY Neil Vigdor (neil.vigdor@scni.com or at (203) 625-4436)

For the first time in Greenwich's history, a woman has been named public works commissioner and assumes responsibility for a gamut of messy jobs, from sewer upkeep to trash disposal.

Amy Siebert, who was previously deputy commisioner of DPW, was promoted to the top job Thursday during a meeting of the Board of Selectmen. Previously, she was in charge of operations at the town's Grass Island wastewater treatment plant...

...A Greenwich High School graduate who was raised in town and lives in Ridgefield with her husband, Siebert will earn $155,615 annually as commissioner and take the reins of the town's largest non-school department, which has a yearly budget of $21 million and 170 full-time employees. Efforts to reach Siebert, who did not speak at Thursday's meeting, were unsuccessful.

Siebert, who has a bachelor's degree in environmental technology from Cornell University, a master's degree in environmental engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and a master's degree in public affairs from the same school, put out a statement thanking the town for the opportunity....

...Siebert inherits a number of key projects, including the completion of the Hamilton Avenue School renovation and town public safety construction; the start of the Glenville School renovation, development of the former Cos Cob Power Plant site into a waterfront park and the adoption of a comprehensive flood control plan.

Please Read The Full Greenwich Time Story

Please Also See:

08/16/08 Home Much Did The Single Family Homeowners Pay Walters Odani To Recruit The Deputy Commissioner To Be The Commissioner Of Public Works?

Separate ways
How to send the kids off to kindergarten without losing it

By Beth Cooney Staff Writer

Saying the name of her daughter Millicent, 4, and the word kindergarten in the same sentence gives Jeanine Getz of Greenwich "a big pit in my stomach.

It's not that Millicent is not ready for the transition from preschool to kindergarten. "She is more than ready, she's excited," says her mother. "We both are."

Still, the prospect of sending her daughter to the "big school, with the big kids," makes Getz wince a bit. "She's my only child. So it's a big change for the both of us. I'm thinking a year or two from now I'll have cooties. And then it's off to college. It's the beginning of her really growing up."....

Connecticut is one of only six states in the United States in which the proportion of women in state government leadership positions genuinely reflects the percentage of women in the general population.

An Out Of Town Member Of The Well Oiled Republican Machine Invites Us To "Compare And Contrast"

To the Greenwich Time editor:

President of the United States is not an entry level position. Surprisingly, our choice is now between an inexperienced, admittedly liberal, well spoken celebrity, and a vastly experienced, moderately conservative, straight talking war hero. Now that the Hollywood fanfare is done, a comparison of the candidates' leadership and character-building experiences is both useful and telling:

1967: McCain, a Navy pilot, survives aircraft carrier explosion; later shot down in combat and becomes a POW. Obama begins grade school in Indonesia.

1973: McCain released from "Hanoi Hilton" and returns to duty after length recovery; given command of Navy's largest aviation squadron; later attends the National War College. Obama attends sixth grade.

1978: McCain serving as Senate Navy liaison. Obama a Hawaiian high school senior and basketball player.

1982: McCain elected to Congress. Obama transfers colleges.

1986-87: McCain becomes senator for Arizona. Obama becomes a Chicago social worker.

1988-89: McCain co-sponsors the Missile & Proliferation Control Act with Al Gore. Obama goes to law school.

1991: McCain co-sponsors High Medicare Hospital Relief Act. Obama becomes a lawyer and lecturer.

1996-97: McCain named one of America's 25 Most Influential People by Time. Obama writes his biography and runs for state office.

2000: McCain co-sponsors the Airport Security Improvement Act a year before 9/11. Obama runs for Congress and loses.

2003-04: McCain proposes nation's first comprehensive legislation to limit greenhouse gases with Joe Lieberman. Obama runs for Senate; gives speech at Democratic convention.

Simply put, McCain's profound service, knowledge and instincts are unmatched. His vast experience allows him to make the right call - e.g. Russian threat, domestic energy production, Iraq surge - even when unpopular. Our country faces complex domestic challenges and serious international threats. Thus, glitz and hollow oratory must yield to substance and battle-hardened experience.

John T. Shaban

30 Miles Away In "Redding"

Now Here Is A ....

Retort From Greenwich Roundup:

John T. Shaban of Reading Letter Begs The Question....

Is McCain fit to lead America?

John Shaban did not really ask or answer the question.

Shaban's assumption seems to be that McCain's years of experience in the military and in Congress of course give him the background and tools he'd need in the White House.

As Britney might say, "Duh! For sure he's qualified!!! He's Mac!!!"
But is that true? Does McCain have the right stuff?

However, if John Shaban were to take careful look at McCain's biography.

Mr. Shaban would soon see that McCain isn't prepared for the job.

Let's educate Shaban on just on the ""real" McCain resume, that is much thinner than most Greenwich residents think.

Here are some reasons why McCain would at best be a mediocre president.

First Lets point out to John Shaban John McCain's Lack of accomplishments.

Like the medicore current occupant of the White House, John McCain got his first career breaks from the insider connections and inherited money of his family, not from good-old-honest-hard work.

Surely John Shaban is aware that, John McCain was the son and grandson of Navy admirals,

Almost everyone including, John Shaban, knows that John McCain attended Annapolis where he did poorly.

Nevertheless, John McCain jumped ahead of more qualified navy candidates and was commissioned as a pilot, where he performed poorly, crashing three planes before he failed to evade a North Vietnamese missile that destroyed his plane.

Because of America's technical superiority only a very few small percentage of pilots were shot down.

As Britney would say, "Oppps, I Did It Again!!!"

John Shaban, points out, John McCain spent more than five years in a North Vietnamese prison camp.

But Shaban conveniently forgets to mention that after his release, McCain knew his weak military record meant he'd never make admiral, so he turned his sights to a career in politics.

Mr. Shaban also forgets to tell us about John McCain's new "sugar daddies and mommy" helped him move on up.

Yes, with the help of his new wife's wealth, his new father-in-law's business connections and some powerful friends had made as a lobbyist for the Navy, he was elected in 1982 to a Congress in a district that he didn't reside in until the day the seat opened up.

Then john Shaban informes us about how a few years later, John McCain succeeded Barry Goldwater as a senator.

McCain hasn't accomplished much in the Senate. Even John Shaban doesn't want to trumpet John McCain's real successes.

Probably John Shaban convienantly skips over these sucesses, because the few victories MCain has had still rankle the true blue Greenwich Republicans and Redding Republicans.

  • John Shaban forgot to tell us that John McCain's campaign finance law failed to significantly reduce the role of money in politics.

  • John Shaban forgot to tell us that John McCain failed to get a big tobacco bill through the Senate.

  • John Shaban forgot to tell us that John McCain failed to change the way Congress spends money; his bill to give the president a line-item veto was declared unconstitutional, and the system of pork and earmarks continues unabated.

  • John Shaban forgot to tell us that John McCain failed to reform the immigration system.

Every senator who runs for president misses votes back in Washington, so it's no surprise that McCain and all the others who ran in the primaries have missed a lot of votes in the past year.

But John Shaban fails to inform Greenwich Time readers that between the beginning of 2005 and mid-2007, no senator missed more roll-call votes than McCain did, except Tim Johnson, who was recovering from a near-fatal brain aneurysm.

Is John Shaban afraid to tell Greenwich and Redding republicans just how shallow John Mcain is.

  • Mr. Shaban won't tell Greenwich Time readers that McCain has demonstrated that he doesn't understand the workings of Social Security, or the political history of the Middle East.

  • Mr. Shaban won't tell Greenwich Time readers that McCain doesn't know who our enemies are.

  • Mr. Shaban won't tell Greenwich Time readers that McCain says he wants to reduce global warming, but then proposes ideas that would stimulate -- not reduce -- demand for fossil fuels.

McCain has done one thing well -- self promotion.

  • Instead of working on legislation or boning up on the issues, he's been on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" more than any other guest.
  • He's been on the Sunday talk shows more than any other guest in the past 10 years.
  • He's hosted "Saturday Night Live"
  • McCain even announced his candidacy in 2007 on "The Late Show with David Letterman."
  • And now John Shaban of Redding is sending a letter to The Greenwich Time that resembles a recent John McCain Campgain piece I recived at my home in Greenwich.

McCain has not articulated any lofty goals. So far, his campaign theme has mostly been "McCain: He's None of the Above."

In the primaries, John McCain campaigned on....

  • "Hey, at least I'm not that robotic businessman,

  • "Hey, at least I'm not that sanctimonious hick"

  • "Hey, at least, I'm not that crazy libertarian"

  • "Hey, at least, I'm not that washed-up actor"

  • "Hey, at least, I'm not that delusional 9/11 guy"

In the general election, John McCain has John Shaban of Redding writting letters to the Greenwich Time that emphasize that McCain is not that treasonous dreamer.

Why won't John Sabban tell Greenwich and Redding republicans that John McCain has no leadership abilities?

Mr. Saban fails to report that John McCain has frequently taken on near-impossible missions that go against the grain of the Republican party.

Mr Shaban wants Greenwich Republicans to buy into the myth that John McCain is a maverick !!!!!

  • Mr Shaban fails to mention that McCain has never been able to bring more than a handful of Republicans along with him on issues such as campaign finance reform or immigration.
  • Democrats on the Hill have accepted McCain's help on some issues, but except for a few exceptions (John Kerry and Joe Lieberman), they've never warmed to him.

John Shaban fails to tell Greenwich Time Readers that to achieve anything as president, McCain would have to win over two hostile parties: The Democrats and the Republicans.

The Facts Are The Facts: John Shaban Of Redding And John McCain of Arizona Are Living In The Sixties

Like Christopher Shays John McCain is still fighting the Vietnam War.

But Christopher Shay's and John McCain are not fighting the "real" historic war, which taught us the folly of injecting ourselves into a civil war that was none of our damn business.

Christopher Shays and John McCain did not learn that, in a world where even peasants have guns, explosives and radios, a determined and popular guerrilla force can defeat a modern army equipped with the mightiest technology if that army has no vital national interest to protect.

Instead, Christopher Shays And John McCain are fighting an imaginary Vietnam War, where a sure victory could have been achieved with just a little more bombing, just a little more "pacification," just a little more will to win at home.

These fantasies cloud Christopher Shays And John McCain's judgment on foreign policy.

Most of the other high-profile politicians who fought in Vietnam -- Colin Powell, Chuck Hegel, John Kerry, and Jim Webb -- aren't stuck in the past, and they don't view the Iraq War as a chance to get Vietnam right.

It's Time For John Shaban Of Redding To Wake Up And Tell Greenwich Republicans That John McCain Has No principles.

After years of honing a reputation as a "Maverick" who'll say the truth regardless of the political consequences, John McCain has crashed the Straight Talk Express right in front of every Greenwich republican's eyes.

John Sabban knows that on almost every issue where McCain went on television and took a "principled stand" against the die hard Republican line -- taxes, immigration, oil drilling, the Religious Right -- John McCain has changed his views.

Greenwich and Redding voters like politicians who change their mind when the facts change; it shows maturity, judgment and flexibility.

But Greenwich and Redding voters know that politicians who change their mind to suit the prevailing winds show the exact opposite.

Here Is The bottom Line For Those Confused John McCainiacs Like John Shaban

Successful presidents come from two molds: visionaries, or mechanics.

The visionaries -- think Reagan or FDR -- see what others can't and say 'Why not?" to inspire the country.

The mechanics -- think LBJ or Eisenhower -- know the ins and outs of government and are able to harness the power of millions of humans to accomplish great things, or at least keep the wheels from coming off.

John McCain, like George Bush, fits neither style. He's neither a dreamer, nor a detail guy.

Let's Support The Troops Who Are Putting Their Lives On The Line To Protect Our Freedom.

My youngest son has just completed a United States Army commitment that sent him to Iraq and earned him eleven commendations.

This young man just voluntarily signed another United States Army contract, which most likely see him being deployed to Afghanistan.

My son Gero has always been a hero was willing to give and volunteer. On 9/11 he left Greenwich High School to go down to the American Red Cross's old headquarters to donate blood for those unfortunate victims.

My son like most of the other volunteers in the military have said in surveys that will be voting for Barack Obama on election day.

In fact, it was recently reported that the young volunteers in military are contributing more to the Obama campaign than to the McCain campaign.

The majority of the young people who are putting their lives on the line for your family and for my family are donating from their meager pay checks in hopes that Obama will become their next Commander and Chief.

I say that if the majority of volunteer patriots who are having to

wipe blood off their High School rings want, Barack Obama....

then I say support these young men and women

the Comander and Chief that THEY want.

All John Shaban of Redding has told us is that

John McCain's major accomplishment,

in Vietnam and in the Senate,

has been merely to survive.

Just surviving doesn't make you're a war hero,
or the best possible candidate for president.

America needs to do more than survive
the next four years.

Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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