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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

08/13/08 Can't Bill And Lee Just Kiss And Make Up?

Some Times I Think Bill Clark At

Greenwich Gossip

Just Doesn't Like Ms. Whitnum Very Much

Greenwich Gossip

By Bill Clarke

Well, dear reader, the people of Greenwich have spoken, and Loopy Lee has been knocked for what one hopes is her final loop. The only astounding thing about the vote totals in yesterday's Democratic primary is that 73 other loonies apparently voted for Loopy Lee in addition to her own vote.

That is, of course, assuming that LL did not do what we were taught in grade school, namely not to vote for yourself in an election. Your scribe thinks it is possible, though perhaps not very likely, that Gentleman Jim Himes did in fact vote for his opponent out of old-fashioned sportsmanship, in which case there are only 72 certifiable loonies still at large in the Town of Greenwich.

But the damage has been done. Loopy Lee squawked loud enough and long enough to get both the local rag, AKA Yellowwich Time, and the local non-news station WGCH, otherwise known as the World's Greatest Communication Hoax, to take her seriously. Their craven kow-towing to her stridency has done our community a great disservice, spreading her hate-filled views as though they actually had a place in civilized society. Shame on the media of the Town of Greenwich for playing along as Loopy Lee's patsy!

And, of course, one of the most rational minds and skilled writers this Town has ever been privileged to call a citizen has lost her job for trying to maintain a sense of balance and fairness in this community. The local rag - which, quite appropriately, has just been taken over by the Hearst Corporation, long known for its propesnity for yellow journalism - chose to listen to Loopy Lee's malicious and largely false accusations against Sarah Darer Littman, and relieved Sarah of her long-running responsibilites on the op-ed page.

On second thought, dear reader, Loopy Lee may have won the election after all. The final score is Loopy Lee one, and the truth zero. And we are all the losers as a result.

Please Read A Related Article About Another Of Bill's Favorite Persons:

08/13/08 Boston Shocker: Search for library president narrows down to Mario


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