Hyper Local News Pages

Thursday, August 7, 2008

08/07/08 Dinnertime Bandit trial will start Aug. 12 (updated)


The Dinner Time Bandit Scores Another Point

The Constatution Also Wins


"Let it be impressed upon your minds, let it be instilled into your children, that the liberty of the press is the palladium of all the civil, political, and religious rights." - Junius


Judge denies effort to put reporter on stand

By Monica Potts

Greenwich Time Staff Writer

STAMFORD - A judge Wednesday denied the prosecution's efforts to compel a reporter to testify in the trial of accused "dinnertime bandit" Alan Golder.

During the hearing in state Superior Court, Judge John Kavanewsky Jr. said he would file a written decision at later date.....

Please Read The Full Greenwich Time Story

Please See:

08/02/08 Prosecutor Joseph Valdes Falsely Claims That John Christoffersen's Testimony And Notes Are Needed To Prove Golder Is Guilty Of 10 Felonie

  • Disparate And Lazy Prosecutor Joseph Valde Wants The Associated Press To Save The Poorly Investigated Greenwich Police Department Case.
  • ”If people knew that every time they talked to a reporter they'd be talking to a state prosecutor, they'd stop talking to reporters,” New York attorney David Schulz said. “The state is trying to get the benefit of a reporter doing his job covering this case. That's exactly what the shield law does not allow.”
  • “It's a fishing expedition.”said Howard Ehring, Golder's public defender.
Please Also See:

08/01/08 Judge John Kavanewsky Jr Would Be A Fool To Try And Weaken Conneticuts 2006 Shield Law

  • Judge John Kavanewsky Jr had better tell the Connecticut States Attorney to have the Greenwich Police Department to hit the bricks and uncover another states witness. Otherwise Judge Kavanewsky is going to find his overturned decission in featured in law school text books.

07/17/08 When asked if anyone in the court room appeared to be the person that she described to police she said no.

  • Howard Ehring Says Greenwich Detective's Police Work Does Not Meet Judicial Standards
  • Patricia Solari identified Alan Golder a decade ago from an array of eight photos as the intruder who robbed her home in 1997. She said she only saw him for a few seconds and that he wore a ski mask and gloves.
  • "We have a photo array here that really does not meet the standard," said Howard Ehring, a public defender representing Golder.
  • Ehring said Golder's photo had a background distinctive from the other seven photos and that police presented Solari with all the photos at once, alloing her to quickly eliminate all but two based on eye color. Ehring also said the lead investigator should not have shown her the photos because of the potential for bias.
  • Solari only saw the intruder for a few seconds and was not certain of his eye color, Ehring said. He also said she felt badgered to make an identification.
  • Solari said last week she eliminated six of the eight photos quickly because their eye color was not blue or green.
  • Asked if anyone in the court room appeared to be the person she described to police, she said no. Golder, who has blond hair and blue eyes, was in court.

Speaking of a Free Press

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