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Friday, July 25, 2008

07/25/08 Greenwich Citizen News Links



Greenwich Citizen Reporter
pours on the sticky syrup.

Police Chief David Ridberg used a
"comforting tone of voice" and "a sympathetic manner and demeanor" as his officers made sure that Wiffle ball players did not chain themselves to the outfield fence.

First Selectman Peter Tesei faced
"the darkest of my administration"

Reporters were "
drawn like bees to clover"

DPW workers were "handling great fragile treasure"

Teenagers were "
civil on the outside but sobbing on the inside"


Solemn Signs of the Times

The woman appeared saddened that Town workers had just taken out the controversial Wiffle ball field, as ordered by First Selectman Peter Tesei.

"I understand both sides of this," Ridberg, using a comforting tone of voice, told the woman who exhibited the deep sorrow of one returning from the funeral of a loved one.

The Chief's demeanor - a sympathetic manner - mirrored that of other uniformed police officers and Town workers on the scene from around 7 a.m. to carry out Tesei's order.

When he issued it, Tesei related that the day was "the darkest of my administration."...

...Only an American flag was left.

"That belongs to the players," the foreman said. "It's their property.

We won't touch it."

"That belongs to the players," the foreman said. "It's their property.

We won't touch it."

Here Is Some More Sugar Coated Very Old

News Reports From The Greenwich Citizen:

Ham Ave. Parents Plead for Timely Finish

The hard working-through-summer school administrators and members of the Board of Education were confronted by an angry parent body of two western Greenwich elementary schools Tuesday night at an emergency meeting of the board in the Greenwich High School Auditorium....

The name of Shoreline Pools has been synonymous for elegantly laid out swimming pools across Greenwich, often with fieldstone surrounds, or artful waterfall features.

But Monday, Shoreline President David Lionetti, 53, of Stamford, stood accused of manslaughter in the second degree for, according to Greenwich police, "having recklessly caused the death of six-year-old Zachary Cohn." With the charge comes a possible prison term of 10 years...

Fresh Back from Israel, Himes Hones in on Issues

Congressional candidate Jim Himes, displaying a smoother oratorical style than in the past, spent two hours updating a packed Town Hall crowd on campaign issues July 16...

So the Big Bad Wolf decided to go and blow the house down. Nice. When the powers that be in Town Dysfunction decided in the name of "Holy Liability" that a Wiffle ball stadium built by teens....

Letters To The Greenwich Citizen Editor

About Letters In The Greenwich Time

To the Greenwich Citizen Editor:

The July 16 issue of the Greenwich Time carried a letter, written by the chairman of the Greenwich Democratic Town Committee, regarding increased drilling for domestic oil and natural gas - which he opposes.

The letter is predictably snide and nasty in its tone. More important, however, is that it unintentionally illustrates the danger to the country from political policies and politicians driven by ideology rather than common sense. Try as it might, the left wing of the Democratic Party cannot repeal the law of supply and demand; it is thus willing to repeat the failed energy policies of the Clinton administration.

The left wing (i.e., the Obama, Pelosi, Reid and Himes wing) of the Democratic Party is apparently so beholden to radical environmentalists that it will not or cannot adapt to changing economic circumstances.

Most Americans, however, want a common sense solution to the nation's current energy problems. That solution will be found in a combination of policies: greater conservation right now and, we assume, the development of economically and environmentally viable alternative energy sources in the longer term.

At the same time, it is absolutely essential, for both national security and economic reasons, that we take immediate action to increase our domestic energy resources. To pretend otherwise is to continue to live in an ideological fantasy land.

Voters should note which political party is likely to be willing and able going forward to support rational policies in the vital and rapidly changing energy sector.

John R. Raben Jr.

Chairman, Greenwich Republican Town Committee


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