Hyper Local News Pages

Thursday, June 5, 2008

06/05/08 Are Hamilton Avenue School Parents Getting Screwed By The Board Of Education? It's Time For Parents To Connect The Dots

Hamilton Avenue Parents Are Getting
Incomplete information And Construction!!!


Hamilton Avenue School Building Is Not Going To Qualify For A Certificate Of Occupancy.

On June 19th the Board of Education is going to get a TEMPORARY Certificate of occupancy.

The Town has promised to give the Board Of Education a TEMPORARY Certificate of Occupancy so that school maintenance personnel can legally start bringing in the contaminated school furniture, so that the airing out process can begin.

Some school and political insiders are saying the Board of Education can't legally open with a TEMPORARY Certificate of Occupancy unless the find off site classrooms for Hamilton Avenue Schools youngest children.

Hamilton Avenue School will NOT be finished at the start of the new school year.

Unscreened construction workers and workmen will be inn the school with your young children.

The Principal, Teachers and school aids will all have background checks that are necessary to help protect your children.

There is no legal requirement that these construction who just walk off the street into the school will have the same background checks.

Looks like it's going to be time to once again to put some preschoolers on the a school bus for a long ride.

Hamilton Avenue parents will probably be told last minute about how the littlest children of Hamilton Avenue School will once again be disbursed.

Where is the Greenwich Citizen, the Greenwich Post, the Greenwich Time, radio station WGCH and Cablevision News 12?

The compliant media of Greenwich is sitting on their collective rear ends waiting for the June 19th Board Of Education certificate of occupancy that says Hamilton Avenue School is on schedule and things are going great at Hamilton Avenue School.

Then the compliant media of Greenwich will run the Board of Education press release through the spell checker, before reporting it as news.

The little children of Hamilton Avenue School have suffered so much, because of the compliant media of Greenwich.




Seeing real progress at Ham Ave. School

Saturday, just two days away, is a very important date if you live in the western end of town or, more important, if you have a child at Hamilton Avenue School.

I think it's safe to say that construction at the Hamilton Avenue School will be completed some time in June, possibly by June 15, or maybe by June 30. Understandably, one still can't be certain about the completion date given the countless number of delays encountered by the Board of Education and Worth Construction Co., the Bethel contractor. The latest news is that it is expected to be ready, finally, for the start of the school year this September, or some 10 months later than originally scheduled.

Word came from Sylvester Pecora Sr., a member of the Building Committee, that a "walk-through" has been scheduled for anyone interested in inspecting the new Chickahominy school. Emphasis was placed on the time of the inspection, which is 11 a.m. sharp. Anyone showing up after that time will not be permitted in the building, as all gates will be closed to prevent stragglers from walking through the school rooms without supervision. I took a tour of the building two months ago with members of the Board of Ed, School Superintendent Betty Sternberg and First Selectman Peter Tesei heading the group...

...The modulars have since been cleared of the mold, inspected and readied for use by Glenville School students so that work can begin on their new kindergarten-though-fifth-grade school this year....

...It bears repeating: The Hamilton Avenue School walk-through is this Saturday beginning at 11 a.m. sharp.

Nino Sechi, a Greenwich native, is a former newspaper reporter and public relations executive. His e-mail address is nsech@aol.com.



Once again we have a clueless Greenwich Time Reporter Snookers By Sylvester Pecora And One Of His Dog And Pony Shows.

One again, we have a Greenwich Time article that is based on a Board Of Education press release without any investigative reporting.

No dissenting members of the Glenville or Hamilton Avenue school community are interviewed by this clueless Greenwich Time writer.

No the equally clueless, Greenwich Time editors have once again ran an article through a spell checker and published the article in the kitty litter liner known as the Greenwich Time.

Let's see if the clueless Nino Sechi or the Greenwich Time editors correct this non-factual and amateurish reporting.

A $23 million school building is now going to cost the single family home-owners well over $30 million, as clueless reporter keep telling the taxpayers that things are under control.

According to Sal and Nino, you just don't know how well things are going in the Greenwich Public School System.

In fact, things are going so well that the Greenwich Board of Education is coming to Monday's Represenitive Town Meeting asking for an additional 1.4 Million dollars from the single family home-owners of Greenwich.

No wonder, their is no accountability in Greenwich, because the fourth estate is lazy and clueless. Nino's article is a A textbook case of bad reporting.

In May 1789, Louis XVI summoned to Versailles a full meeting of the 'Estate General'. The First Estate consisted of three hundred clergy. The Second Estate, three hundred nobles. The Third Estate, six hundred commoners. Some years later, after the French Revolution, Edmund Burke, looking up at the Press Gallery of the House of Commons, said, 'Yonder sits the Fourth Estate, and they are more important than them all.'"

However, in Greenwich the forth estate consists mainly of useful idiots who allow failed school officials to survive to cash another big fat pay check.

When is citizen's and advertized going to get tired of this senseless barrage of Bad Reporting. Maybe the Greenwich Time editor should get of his rear end and drive over to look at the incomplete construction of the front steps on the Hamilton Avenue side of the building.

Sylvester Pecora and his disaster of a building committee can not legally get a Certificate of Occupancy for Hamilton Avenue School. In fact, a lot of issues will have to be overlooked for them to get a TEMPORARY certificate of occupancy that will allow them to air out the school furniture from the contaminated school modular classrooms.

The Greenwich parents and single family home-owners need to start demanding that this orgy of bad reporting comes to an end at the Greenwich Time.

Please send your comments and school news to

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