Hyper Local News Pages

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

05/26/08 Why Wont The Greenwich Board Of Education Listen To The Single Family Home Owners Of Greenwich?

Betty must Go...
by greenwichguy

Greenwich school superintendent Betty Sternberg came to Greenwich for two reasons.

First for the money. Greenwich residents shower money on her. Between her salary, car allowance, housing allowance and bonuses, she makes somewhere in the neighborhood of $300,000.

Second, she thinks she is here to straighten out the elitist/racist attitude that she perceives to be in Greenwich. She sees herself as a champion of the less fortunate and those who disagree with her, as a cancer. The irony is that she is least regarded among the very people she believes she is the champion of.

The BOE is now being sued by a Hamilton Ave parent who saw the light when her children were shipped off to other town schools when mold was found in their modular classrooms. According to the parent, Mina Bibeault, she discovered that other schools in Town had superior library facilities and computer labs. She is fed up with the double standard in the Greenwich school system on Ms. Sternberg's and this BOE's watch.

It is time for the BOE to stand up and stop this insanity. Ms. Sternberg has shown that she is not up to the task of running a school system. It is time for her to go.
Eye on Greenwich Connecticut - http://eyeongreenwich.blogspot.com/


US investigates complaints of disparities among whites, minorities ...

GREENWICH, Conn. (AP) - Complaints of disparities in Greenwich schools serving minority and white students have prompted an investigation by the US Department of Education...
Lohud.com: Latest News - http://www.lohud.com

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