Hyper Local News Pages

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

04/16/08 - The Pope Is Looking Good Thanks To CM Almy In Old Greenwich

Gloria Blute, manager of the CM Almy Greenwich store, holds a stole...
(Helen Neafsey
- Greenwich Time Photo)

Faithful eager to see pope

The Rev. Shawn Cutler of St. Michael Church is expected to be among the 12,000 invited guests this morning to see Pope Benedict XVI officially welcomed to the White House during a ceremony on the south lawn with President Bush and first lady Laura Bush.

Full Story

Please See:

04/15/08 - News Links From Arround The World - The Raw Greenwich News Feed

Money in the Morning

San Diego Daily Transcript

... Lauren are busy preparing the uniforms and clothing for U.S. Olympic athletes heading to China, a small company in Greenwich, Conn. is gearing up to provide apparel for another event receiving worldwide attention. CM Almy will provide the vestments ...

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“There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.”

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