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Monday, April 14, 2008

04/14/08 - And The Winner Is !!!!

Win A Job! Forbes, NY

With pressure constantly growing on companies in the financial sector to make smarter hiring decisions, some firms are using real world-style contests to cast a wider net for skilled technology workers they might have missed on traditional campus recruiting tours.One example is Interactive Brokers, a Greenwich, Conn.-based broker that competes with major investment banks and hedge funds, not to mention popular tech destinations like....

....Three years ago, Interactive Brokers cooked up a trading contest to widen its talent search, luring skilled contenders on college campuses with a $100,000 top prize. This year's winner, Chris Michalak, a Ph.D. candidate in mechanical engineering at the University of British Columbia, beat out 326 other contestants from North America, Europe and Asia with a high-risk, come-from-behind bet on the euro.

Unorthodox thinking is part of the firm's corporate culture, and the contest is designed to ferret out such prospective candidates. Interactive Brokers is best known for its fast and low-cost options trading systems, and, like other financial firms, it is constantly upgrading and developing new systems to keep up with fast-moving markets. As such, it needs a solid supply of fresh ideas from software designers.....


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Paul Martin: For years governments have been promising more than they can deliver, and delivering more than they can afford.

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