Hyper Local News Pages

Friday, April 4, 2008

04/04/08 - Stop The Presses - We Have Breaking News Headlines From The Greenwich Citizen !!!!

Crabgrass robs your lawn of good looks - right? Absolutely. But do you also know those chemicals used to clobber crabgrass and/or to slay ticks, hornets and other nasty winged things are bad for the environment and can harm humans - especially children? Continue »

  • The sunny day and the usual weekend bustle at the Riverside Shopping Mall was punctuated by an urgency among a small gathering in front. Continue »
  • Rainy Monday night spirits at Town Hall were lifted by objects in a unique exhibit - kid art, a frothy pink ballet costume, a violin, sheet music, a camcorder, fine art paint brushes, handmade pottery. Continue »
  • The giving side of Greenwich's youth was center stage at the North Street School last Tuesday when students of all ages were commended for what they have given of their hearts, their time and their talents to the community - at home and far afield. Continue »
  • Despite protests by some senior users of the Western Greenwich Civic Center (WGCC), along with a host of unresolved issues, the WGCC site continues to be the desired relocation option for the Glenville School community.

    The WGCC was put back on the table some two weeks ago by the Board of Education after being termed too limited a space to accommodate the students of Glenville School while their school undergoes renovation...

  • Dave Roberson, free-lance writer and former NASA scientist, was elected new chair of the Democratic Town Committee (DTC) last Thursday in Town Hall.

    He replaces Jim Himes, who stepped down as chair to concentrate 24/7 on his relentless campaign to unseat U.S. Rep. Chris Shays in the Fourth Congressional District - Fairfield County.

    In stepping down, Himes received a thunderous ovation from the DTC in tribute to his success in challenging Republicans for seats in the Connecticut legislature.

    Roberson, in the local election two years ago, labored tirelessly to get out the vote for Frank Farricker and Ed Krumeich in their races against incumbents Bill Nickerson in the Connecticut Senate and Dolly Powers in the state General Assembly.

    The effort fell short, but DTC insiders say Roberson's hard work during the Farricker and Krumeich campaigns made him a natural to succeed Himes....

  • A "bury the hatchet" milestone was marked in Town government Thursday when First Selectman Peter Tesei reinstated Deputy Fire Chief/Fire Marshal Joseph Benoit to active duty, effective March 31.

    He will be "the third highest ranking officer in the chain of command" in the Greenwich Fire Department (GFD). staffed by 104 uniformed personnel and three administrative.

    Benoit was suspended last fall by then-First Selectman Jim Lash, who alleged "poor job performance." Hearings to document the allegation were in progress when Lash's tenure ended in November.

    It was expected hearings would resume in the Tesei administration that started Dec. 1. But they were not.

    Lash placed Benoit, a 34-year GFD veteran, on administrative leave. In that limbo, Benoit continued to draw on his $144,000-a-year annual salary but was barred from reporting for work.

    When he took office, Tesei stated he would take a fresh look at the recommendation of the former administration that Benoit be dismissed. Until an agreement, signed March 26 by Tesei and Benoit, the Town of Greenwich and Benoit were locked in a legal battle over alleged age discrimination.

    In addition to the reinstatement, there was this good....

  • S'il Vous Plait - That's French for If You Please
  • Your mother most probably was an expert in drilling these tried and true maxims: sit up straight at the table, say please and thank you, and write thank you notes to show appreciation for someone's kindness.

  • ========================================

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