Hyper Local News Pages

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

03/26/08 - If the construction does not finish on time, officials will have to find alternate classrooms for students at Hamilton Avenue and Glenville

Super Slick Leslie Speaks
There also is the question of what the Glenville community thinks about the options, committee head


"I Know How To Handle The Press"

"We haven't circled back to the community and found out where modulars sit on their radar for education," Super Slick Leslie said.

Civic center may be Glenville's temporary housing

Greenwich Time - Staff Writer

Board of Education officials are leaning toward using Western Greenwich Civic Center as temporary housing for Glenville School students when the school is scheduled for renovation later this year.

The Advisory Committee on Facilities, which met last night at the Havemeyer Building, said students at the school could relocate to the civic center in some combination with classrooms at other buildings nearby.

But officials don't know for sure whether the option can work. For instance, Glenville's student population cannot entirely fit into the civic center, so officials also must look at placing some classes at Parkway School or Hamilton Avenue School and St. Roch's YMCA Child Care Center. Officials also are considering bringing in new modular classrooms to augment the civic center space......

Get A Translator Don't These Egg Head's Know How To Speak English? They speak like a bunch of now nothing bureaucrats and politicians

Board of Estimate and Taxation Chairman Stephen Walko, who attended last night's meeting, said education officials must get a better sense of the timing issues.

"If there's consensus that Western Greenwich Civic Center is the linchpin, what's your critical path here?" he asked. "If you're saying you have to wait until that day, realistically, what's that day?"....

Translation: Glenville Students Are Going Suffer, Because Of Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg and her failed administrators.

But Don't Worry

"I Know How To Handle The Press"

Will Baffle Everyone With You Know What

03/26/08 - Hot Off The Press - Breaking News From The Greenwich Post

03/23/08 - What No Heartfelt Thank - You For Betty "You Can Trust Me Sternberg?


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Albert Camus quotes
(French Novelist, Essayist and Playwright,
1957 Nobel Prize for Literature, 1913-1960)

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