Hyper Local News Pages

Thursday, March 20, 2008

03/20/08 - Why Won't Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg Let Hamilton Avenue Parents Independently Test The Contaminated Modular Classrooms?

This IS EXACTLY Why The Parents Don't Trust

"You Can Trust Me"

And Her Failed School Administrators

Here's a Greenwich School reply to a concerned parent's request asking for permission to have a parent paid expert take test samples of the modulars.

Just what is
Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg

Where is the independent testing that the parents and taxpayers were promised?

What would it hurt to let the parents to test the modular classrooms?
Is anyone in Greenwich surprised at this response to a concerned parent?

Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg
is soooooooo sneaky.

I bet the single family home owners of Greenwich know about this.

Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg has authorized 3 day compensatory bonuses for her top staff, including Sue "Please Don't Fire Me" Wallerstein, for all their hard work over the last few weeks due to the closing of the modulars.

Hey in the Greenwich School System you don't get fired if you screw things up......

You get a freaking bonus !!!!!

Do the member's of the Board Of Education know about the bonus for screwing up at the modular classrooms?

Probably, because a dim witted Board Of Education Member had the audacity to state at a Hamilton Avenue School PTA meeting that the parents should be thanking Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg and Sue "Please Don't Fire Me" Wallerstein for all their hard work.

Is this dim witted school board member on drugs?

Maybe it's just me, but if I was a Hamilton Avenue School parent I'd be damned if I were going to thank the people for trying to fix their own messes!

----- Original Message -----
To: LauraDiBella
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 11:41 PM
Subject: Re: Modular Testing

Dear Laura,
Mike Bodson forwarded your email to me as Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Facilities. We understand your concern about the status of the modulars. As you know, the decision was made to close the school once the mold condition in the unoccupied areas of the building was discovered. EAS, an outside firm with expertise in this area, with assistance from an independent testing laboratory, has been handling the evaluation for the district, and has confirmed acceptable air quality inside the building. The additional tests results that were received yesterday indicated that it is safe to remove the materials from the building. To give you greater confidence in the results, we can arrange for your representative, at your expense, to have a meeting with Mr. Schwartz to discuss his testing protocol and methods and can provide you access to the tests results. We are still limiting access to the building and will be unable to accommodate the testing you requested. Please let us know if you would like to arrange the meeting with Mr. Schwartz.
Leslie Moriarty
cc: Mr. Michael Bodson
Dr. Betty Sternberg
Mr. Peter Tesei
Mrs. Nancy Weissler

This Cold And Insensitive Email Was Sent In Response To This Written Request By A Parent Concerned About The Children Who Were Confined In A Contaminated Modular Classroom For Over One Year.

Ladies and Gentlemen -

At both the meeting of the newly established Facilities Committee and the last BOE meeting, much was made of earning back trust and faith in the Board of Education.

With that goal in mind, it would behoove the members of the Facilities Committee and the Board of Education to allow the parents to hire a testing company to go into the modulars and test the air quality, soil, water and building.

The parents want to have faith in the people who are hired to teach and protect our children. By allowing us this opportunity, you extend the necessary branch that is needed to help that goal along.

Please understand that your response to this request will be very telling to the parents of Hamilton Avenue School, and the community at large.


Laura J. DiBella

The School District Response Is Telling.

It's Telling Me That There Is A Cover Up Going On.

Where Are The Independent Tests That The Taxpayers And Parents Were Promised?

Please send comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

"Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want rain without thunder and lightning."

Frederick DOUGLASS
American abolitionist, author, orator (



Please See....

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