Hyper Local News Pages

Thursday, March 20, 2008

03/20/08 - Greenwich Police Blotter

Police Watch: The following are yesterday's released reports

Police do not release the names of those 17 years old and younger because they are protected as juveniles or youthful offenders. The Post does not publish the names of those arrested in domestic violence incidents to protect the identities of the victims. The following are today's released arrest reports :


Kelsey Curley, 18, of 296 Delavan Ave. was arrested March 19 and charged with possession of marijuana under four ounces, driving under the influence, simple trespass and possession of a controlled substance. While patrolling Grass Island Park, police reportedly saw a car with its engine running stopped between boats that had been dry docked for the season. Police said officers smelled marijuana and ordered Curley out of her car, then discovered a hand rolled, thin cigar filled with marijuana. According to police, a further search of the car revealed two other, smaller cigars that had been burnt on one end and a prescription bottle that had been prescribed for Curley’s father. Police reports said the bottle contained two broken white pills and one gel tablet. Police said Curley slurred her speech during the investigation and failed field sobriety tests. Curley was released on a $500 cash bond and is due in court March 26.

Via Greenwich Post


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Hugo Black quotes
(American Jurist, Lawyer and Politician
best known for his absolutist belief in
the Bill of Rights as a guarant, 1886-1971)

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