Hyper Local News Pages

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Google Alert - Byram Gets Covered In Graffiti - Where Are The Police? - Maybe They Are To Busy Harrassing A Critic?

My landlord told me that Byram got hit hit real bad by vandals this weekend.
He said his properties got hit, as well as, Johnny Cakes and other businesses.
All of the property owners are working feverishly to remove all of the graffiti.
By landlord hired a power washing service and had to pay an extra $300.00 for a special graffiti remover to get his places clean.
I hope the police catch these vandals, so that he and the other property owners might have a chance of suing these vandals for the damage they caused.
But, unfortunately, the police are more interested in bothering a police critic instead of protecting Byram from graffiti vandals.
I can't wait to see how the police explain to the newspapers and WGCH about how vandals can cover Byram in graffiti all night long and not get caught.

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