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Monday, January 14, 2008

01/14/08 - The Power Of Prayer - Part 2 - Another Coincidence ?????

A Phone Call From God ?????
This morning my landlord called me and asked if I was still going to the RTM meeting tonight to be sworn in as a legislator for Byram District 4.

I told him I was going and he suggested I skip the meeting and call in sick.

He said you can always get sworn in at next months meeting.

He said that if I go and get sworn in that the Police and some Town Leaders are going to get very mad at me.

I told him I would think about calling in sick, but I new I was going to get sworn in tonight.

As soon as, I hung up the phone and the phone rang again and it was First Selectman Peter Tesei on the line. He asked if I would meet with him on Wednesday at 9am to talk about Byram. We talked briefly and as Mr. Tesei said goodbye he said I will see you at the RTM meeting tonight.

As I hung up the phone my wife was bringing me my morning tea.

I told her that I just got off the phone with Mr. Tesei and said he was going to meet me about Byram at Wednesday at 9 am. Plus, I told her Mr. Tesei said he would see me at tonight's RTM Meeting.

My wife said,"I knew that. Don't you remember the prayers at church about softening hearts?"

I then told my wife, "Unbelievable, are you and Harvest Time Church going to take credit for everything. Since, December 28th I have called or went by his office every other day asking for a meeting. I have driven his secretary Paula nuts with my requests for a meeting. I even called the ask the First Selectman Show on WGCH looking for a meeting."

I then told my wife that this meeting was already in the works and the prayers were coincidental.

My wife then said,"I hope you will notice how nice he and everyone is going to be to you tonight. You are going to see that everyone has a soft heart."

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