Hyper Local News Pages

Thursday, October 27, 2011

10/28/11 PRESS RELEASE: A Sneak Peek - The make Schiff Happen PAC's new website is now live

September 27, 2011

There's great news to report from my political action committee.

Make Schiff Happen PAC's new website is now live: www.MakeSchiffHappen.com.

A world class political action committee deserves a world class website. My staff is currently working on the finishing touches, but I wanted to give you – one of my most dedicated backers – a first glimpse at the new design.

The website gives visitors background about the goals of the PAC, and includes a form for you to suggest candidates for endorsement.

In the coming weeks, I will unveil additional content, including my detailed rubric for how candidates will be assessed. I believe an objective, standardized certification process is the best way to ensure that Make Schiff Happen will be the gold standard of political action committees.

Please send me your thoughts or suggestions on how I can improve the website. You can do so via the contact page.

Over the last few years, millions of Americans have become involved in the fight for liberty and personal responsibility. I want you to be involved in making this PAC your own.

You and I have a great opportunity during the coming year to shake the political world to its core. I believe that the results we saw in 2010 will pale in comparison to what is possible in 2012.

With the policies that the government continues to pursue under Obama and before under Bush – and under all Presidents in my lifetime – I believe the time has come to "make Schiff happen."

This week, I hired a research director to help assess political races across the entire country. Our goal will be to seek out and actively support the best candidates for public office – those who understand Austrian economics and who are serious about addressing our nation's financial issues.

As we identify worthy candidates through our candidate survey and your suggestions, I will begin an in-depth interview process to grill them on economics and to see how well they understand the issues.

Candidates who are not committed to serious reforms need not apply. That means cutting spending and taxes, reducing entitlements, lowering the debt ceiling, phasing out borrowing and achieving sound money.

Your financial support makes the work of Make Schiff Happen possible. I look forward to dedicating my time to giving Schiff-endorsed candidates the intellectual and financial ammunition to win – and win BIG.

My personal influence and name recognition will ensure that people pay attention to the endorsements that we make. But the key to making the PAC a success is money.

Please make a financial contribution to Make Schiff Happen today. Your support ensures that we will maximize our impact: https://co.clickandpledge.com/sp/d1/default.aspx?wid=41462.

In Liberty,

Peter D. Schiff
Honorary Chairman
Make Schiff Happen PAC

Make Schiff Happen PAC

PO Box 196
Branford CT 06405


Make Schiff Happen PAC | 2 Branch Rd. W | Weston | CT | 06883

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10/27/11 Statement from the Greenwich Board of Selectmen

Please see the attached statement from the members of the Board of
Selectmen regarding the Selectmen's Nominations Advisory Committee.

Dustin Anderson
Town of Greenwich
p: (203) 622 7710
c: (203) 609 1945
f: (203) 622 3793

(See attached file: Board of Selectmen Statement Regarding SNAC.pdf)

Questions have been raised and allegations recently made with respect to claims

of inappropriate banter regarding the ethnicity and socioeconomic class of

potential volunteers being considered by the Selectman's Nominations Advisory

Committee (SNAC).

The committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Board of Selectmen, but

does not formally nominate candidates for Town boards and commissions. The

committee identifies residents who have the skill sets requested by the Board or

Commission Chairs and the Board of Selectmen and encourages them to submit

their nomination forms to the Selectmen for consideration.

To begin with, let us emphasize that we have the greatest respect and sense of

gratitude for these citizens who volunteer their time in an attempt to locate

volunteers to serve on our boards and committees. These are individuals

respected as leaders within our community and leaders who we do not believe

would engage in the type of activity or the kinds of comments alleged.

Be that as it may, once such an issue is raised, we must address it and see to it

that we continually improve our sensitivity to the concerns of others and to any

allegation of inappropriate comments. We believe the manner by which we are

dealing with this is proper in arranging for the Town Affirmative Action Officer to

provide training to the members of SNAC. This type of continuing education is

something we continually emphasize. Our officer has done a great job in training

and educating our community on a regular basis to be sensitive to others.

What is important for SNAC and for our community is that we always are

sensitive to even the slightest suggestion of inappropriate comments. It is for

that reason we think additional sensitivity discussion is always important for any

organization. We are confident that none of these members harbor any thoughts

which would suggest in any way bias or insensitivity to ethnicity or the

socioeconomic class of anyone .

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com