Hyper Local News Pages

Monday, November 1, 2010

11/01/10 Former Greenwich Time Investigative Reporter Teri Buhl Arrested Over Incident With Wall Street Big Shot's Teenage Daughter

Dateline: New Canaan, Conn.
Why do people do this? « For What It's Worth
By christopherfountain
Teri Buhl has been arrested. CF, what's this all about? http://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/New-Canaan-woman-accused-of-cyber-harassing-high-778165.php · christopherfountain · November 1, 2010 at 2:38 pm ...
For What It's Worth - http://christopherfountain.com/

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

11/01/10 This Sunday - Adult Learning Opportunity at Temple Sholom

Temple Sholom
Adult Learning

In the past, you have expressed interest in adult learning opportunities at Temple Sholom.

We want to tell you about an exciting program coming up on Sunday:

The Global Day of Jewish Learning:
Miracles - What are they and who generates them?

November 07, 2010
9:30 - 10:30 am

Educator Bob Abrams will lead a session that challenges popular conceptions and definitions of the idea of Miracles. Can something be a Miracle if it can ALSO be explained through scientific means? Do Miracles have to be irrational?

Coffee & Breakfast will be served.

Questions?? Email lori.baden@templesholom.com

On Nov. 7, Jewish communities around the globe will unite for a day of learning. Temple Sholom is participating in this Global Day of Jewish Learning in conjunction with UJA Federation Greenwich. For more information about this initiative, visit their website
Temple Sholom | 300 East Putnam Avenue | Greenwich | CT | 06830

11/01/10 Family Mitzvah Opportunity In Greenwich

Family Mitzvah Opportunity
November 2010

The USY Kinnus (convention) is Coming...
Friday, November 19 - Sunday, November 21

Temple Sholom is excited to host a youth group convention for Koach USY. Over 150 teens are coming to Temple Sholom for a weekend of fun and learning.

We need your help!

We are looking for volunteers to host 3-5 teens for two evenings.

This involves:
- Picking up your guests Fri. and Sat. evening from Temple Sholom and returning them the following morning.
- Providing floor space for them to sleep. Teens will have sleeping bags.
- Providing Saturday morning breakfast.

With such a large turnout, we really need your help to make this weekend a success. We appreciate your assistance in advance.

If you are able to host or have questions please e-mail Josh Altman.

Find us on Facebook

What is Koach USY? Click here for more information
Temple Sholom | 300 East Putnam Avenue | Greenwich | CT | 06830

Greenwich Post Breaking News

Covering the news of Greenwich, Connecticut

Breaking News

Worker killed in construction accident on Macpherson Drive.

11/01/10 Greenwich Resident Jim Himes: The Choice is Ours



This is it. Tomorrow we will decide either to continue moving our country forward or to allow all that we have worked so hard to accomplish to be stopped and reversed.

This choice is ours, but only if we vote.

If you don't vote tomorrow, if you don't do all you can to remind your friends, family, and neighbors to vote, you will allow others to choose your destiny, and it won't be a pretty one.

At a time when this country was in staggering crisis, under the leadership of our President, with the energy you gave us, together we tackled some of our generation's biggest challenges.

Two years ago, we were staring down the barrel of a second Great Depression. We went to work. We made some hard choices and we moved this country forward. We were losing over 750,000 jobs a month when I took office. Today, we've had nine straight months of private sector job growth.

We've made lots of progress on things like reforming Wall Street, increasing student loans, and improving our health care system.

But we have huge challenges remaining - energy, education, immigration--to name a few.

I want America to lead the clean energy revolution. I want every child in this country educated to be a world-leader.

I know we're up for that challenge. But we have a choice on Tuesday: we can either keep moving forward, or we can hand the keys back to the folks who created the problems we face today.

This isn't a time for bullet point answers. This is the time for thoughtful solutions to the immense challenges and opportunities we face.

Please forward this message on to your friends, family, and neighbors, and ask them to do the same. We've got a little less than 30 hours until the polls close. Will you have done everything you can?

It has been the privilege of my lifetime serving you in Congress at, perhaps, one of the most challenging moments in our history. I'll always be grateful to have been a part of this--what YOU created. And I hope we can continue working together to keep the progress going.

Thanks for your support and work,


P.S. Please join us for a victory party at the Holiday Inn in Bridgeport (1070 Main Street) on Tuesday night. Doors open at 8:30. Hope to see you there!


Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

11/01/10 Breaking News: Kissel Murder Trial

Kissel murder trial delayed after Trujilo attorney claims prosecutor had "undisclosed evidence"

11/01/10 Long line for opening of Greenwich Avenue Apple Store

Topix Greenwich
Greenwich News - November 1, 2010
More (Connecticut Post)
"They're not addressing the issues, they're just addressing each other," said the 84-year-old Greenwich resident as she finished up breakfast with friend Joan Ingersoll at Glory Days Diner Sunday.
More than four years after the mysterious death of Greenwich millionaire Andrew Kissel, the trial of chauffeur Carlos Trujillo, accused of orchestrating his boss's brutal killing, begins this week.
Republican Tom Foley is touting the support of prominent Democratic fundraiser Carl Feen, who is well known among insiders for serving for four years as finance chairman of the state Democratic Party.
Designer departs 'Project Runway' (Greenwich Citizen)
In the end, the number 8 was not a lucky one for Jason Troisi . The Greenwich designer, who created a silver satin dress inspired by the number 8, failed to impress the judges on the second episode of the Lifetime television series "Project Runway." "We hoped to see something different from you," said the show's host and judge, model Heidi Klum , ...
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
It's a bureaucratic slow-dance that has lasted for several years: State auditors say that the Connecticut Development Authority isn't following a law requiring it to disclose the revenue, wages and benefits at companies it lends money to.