Hyper Local News Pages

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

12/30/09 My New Year's Resolution

Linda McMahon For Senate

Dear Greenwich Roundup,

As we approach the end of the year, it's time to think about a New Year's resolution that will stick. My pledge for 2010 is to unite Connecticut so that we can take back Washington.

Uncontrolled spending, massive recurring deficits and unacceptable debt -- this is what career politicians have given to us. Government is not working for people, and career politicians are doing what they do best when their jobs are threatened: spending even more of our money and driving the country further into the red.

We need to end this cycle, and the way to do that is to stop sending career politicians to Washington. Instead, we should elect a Senator who has the strength to end business as usual, make Washington work for Connecticut families, and most importantly, put people back to work.

Share this message with your family, friends and neighbors. As we ring in 2010, you will have your chance to tell Washington you want a new direction. Right now, you can keep the momentum building by taking these last few hours of 2009 to sign up for a yard sign, a bumper sticker or the opportunity to volunteer.

We are ready to take the voice of Connecticut families to Washington, D.C.

I will work for you. The journey has already begun. See a glimpse.

Best wishes for the New Year,
Linda McMahon

Linda McMahon for Senate 2010
PO Box 271386 West Hartford, CT 06127
Telephone: 860-244-2010

Linda McMahon for Senate 2010, 973 Farmington Avenue, West Hartford, CT 06107

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

12/30/09 A critical year end deadline

Jim Himes for Congress


It's almost time to put 2009 in the history books. Let's face it: tough year to end a tough decade. Too many Americans are still hanging on by their fingernails--worried about losing a job, losing a home, losing health insurance. Too many Americans are still bewildered by hatred focused on us from abroad. Too many Americans are worried about the future.

But at the end of my first year as a U.S. Representative, I am optimistic. This year, we saw a reverse on the stem-cell research ban, the passage of Lilly Ledbetter legislation requiring equal pay for equal work, a credit card reform law, and substantial progress on the critical issues of health care reform, a financial regulatory overhaul and energy.

Typical of our system, there has been compromise and delay. There has been gross partisanship, distortion, anxiety and anger. But we've taken some very important and difficult first steps. We've drawn on that limitless American capacity for improvement, that belief that we can always do better. That, at the end of the day, is the source of my optimism. For 233 years, we have pulled a more prosperous and just nation from the teeth of adversity.

But, as I said, the fight is just getting started.

At midnight on New Year's Eve, I'll have to report my fundraising total for the year to the FEC. The media, pundits and my opponents will use my fundraising numbers as a measure of our grassroots support, and as an indication of whether there is continued support for moving forward or desire to revert to the policies of the last decade.

That means we have just 1 day left before the most critical fundraising deadline in politics. We are just $20,000 from our 2009 goal - I need to your support to put me over the top.

Contribute $1000, $500, $250 or even $50 before the 2009 FEC deadline on December 31st

Republicans are looking to take back the House in 2010, and I am squarely in their crosshairs.

They think they have the momentum and are prepared to fight tooth and nail against me to take back this seat. They have their special interest-funded attacks, but I have you.

I know that if I can reach my goal of $20,000 by Midnight Dec. 31st, there will be no doubt that my campaign has the necessary momentum going into 2010.

Contribute $1000, $500, $250 or even $50 before midnight December 31st and help me reach my 2009 fundraising goal.

We can't afford to wait until spring and summer to fight back - I need your help today. I can't be more clear: elections can't be won today, but they can be lost - especially at year-end when the Palin-Limbaugh-Beck right-wing kicks into high gear funding mode.

I know I can count on you to make 2010 my strongest year yet.

All the best,


Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com