Hyper Local News Pages

Sunday, May 4, 2003

May 4, 2003 - YUDAIN COLUMN - It's Wetherell Not Witherall

Please "ell" not "all" at the end

The deceased may have worked as a printer at the huge Conde Nast plant on the Post Road where now stands the Hyatt Regency Greenwich hotel and a nicely gentrified office building. Or maybe he or she worked at Electrolux in Old Greenwich, a major maker of vacuum cleaners and other devices.

Others may have earned their daily bread at the sprawling Maher Bros. coal and stone establishment that once dominated Greenwich Harbor. Or in one of the many small machine shops and iron works, or in some of the historic mercantile shops in all parts of town, like Meyer Cohen's fancy grocery, where two young guys named John Gleason and Dave Robbins worked and went on to become Greenwich chiefs of police.

If I may say so, it behooves those who write and and babble about The Nathaniel Witherell nursing home at least take the trouble to learn how to spell and pronounce the name of the benefactor in whose honor the home is named. It's Witherell - not Witherall. The gaffe becomes more conspicuous when used in the context of a presumably erudite dissertation about the issues involving Witherell. Please - "ell" not "all" at the end.



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