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Thursday, April 9, 2009

04/09/09 Clueless Greenwich Time Editors Who Approved Biased Reports About The Wibur Peck Riot Now Try And Opine On The Situation

Preserving peace at housing complex
Greenwich Time Editors

The Greenwich Housing Authority deserves a nod for stepping up and meeting residents' concerns following last month's melee at the Wilbur Peck Court housing ...

Aldina Portu moved into Wilbur Peck two years ago and has since made multiple complaints to police and the Housing Authority about the increased violence and harassment she says plagues the complex. Last weekend's clash between some residents and police has been a long time in the making, she said
......"There is a lot of violence and it's gotten worse," said Aldina Portu, 47, a two-year resident of Wilbur Peck Court. "I'm sick and tired of calling 911."
Portu said she has spoken to police and housing authority officials informing them that a small group of people harass neighbors, fight, abuse drugs and alcohol in public and create loud noises during all hours of the night.....
..........Eby Kerekes, 52, an eight-year resident of Wilbur Peck Court, said she is constantly disturbed by a group of young men she sees hanging out from her window."I have no peace," said Kerekes.
"You have to walk on egg shells around here. It keeps getting worse."Ramone Medrano, 86, who has lived at Wilbur Peck Court for 20 years, said he often hears a group of men drinking and making noise late at night."Every day it's the same thing," he said.....
The Greenwich Time Editorial Continues.....
The authority this week announced it will pay for extra police patrols on "critical evening hours, Fridays and weekends when trouble may arise," said Jonathan DuBois, chairman of the authority's board.

Officials as of yet haven't said how many extra hours they will pay for.....
The Clueless Greenwich Time Editors Should Have
Exposed How Jonathan DuBois, Chairman Of The Authority's Board,
Has Ignored The Violence And Gang Problem At Wilbur Peck
Please Notice How The Clueless Greenwich Time Editors Fail To Mention That Terry Mardula, Deputy Director Of The Greenwich Housing Authority Doesn't Think The Extra Security Will Work Against The Rowdy Gang Members.....
"People think this wouldn't have happened if there was more security there, or if there were more cameras. That is not the cause of this. These are young adults who abuse alcohol and do not like to be directed on what to do," - Terry Mardula, Greenwich Time 03/20/09
The Greenwich Time Editorial Ends With.....

....Housing Authority officials in this case have been responsive to residents' concerns. And it will be the residents who will be able to tell them if the added patrols make a difference. If so, they may need to become permanent.
Once Again The
Greenwich Time Managing Editors
Are So Full Of Crap
As Greenwich Roundup Mentioned Above It Has Been Widely Reported That Residents Complaints Were Repeatedly Ignored By The Greenwich Housing Authority.
The Housing Authority Was Only Responsive When The Very Powerful Greenwich Police Union, Became Upset With After 3 Police Officers Were Sent To Greenwich Hospital.
Lets Flash Back To The Greenwich Time Article
Of March 14th, 2009 That Only Quoted
Greenwich Police Union
President Jim Booney
Well The Mob Made To Havemeyer Today......
Just A Half A Block From Greenwich Avenue
Wilbur Peck Court Turns Into Fort Apache The Bronx .......
To Bad Paul Newman Wasn't Around To Help Protect The Police Station !!!!!
Gang Awareness: Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg Needs To Learn To Recognize The Signs Of Gang Activity

The Davis Avenue Are Has Around The Clock Drug Sales, Gang Graffiti Tags, Young Men And Teens Throwing Down Gang Signs, As Well As, Repeated, Escalating And Aggressive Behaviour Towards Law Enforcement.

The Only Argument Is Just How Embedded And Organized The Gang Culture Is In The Neighborhood That Is Just Blocks Away From Greenwich Avenue
The Greenwich Time Likes Referring To Gang Members Who Assault Police Officers As Just "Residents", Because They Don't Want To Upset Chief Ridberg Who Keeps Insisting That There Are No Gangs In Town.
Many Of The Gang Members And Some Of Those Arrested Are Not Even "Residents" At The Wilbur Peck Projects .....
"It was unlike anything that I've seen before," said Sgt. James Bonney, who responded to the call.

The incident began when officers arrived to disperse the crowd. Several members of the group began yelling profanities at them, Bonney said.
.....More officers were called to the scene as the crowd grew to more than 50 people. Several members of the group continued to incite others to attack the officers, police said, adding that dozens rushed the police vehicles......
......After nearly an hour, the crowd finally dispersed, Bonney said.
"We probably could have arrested another 15 people, but we just didn't have enough officers," he said. .....
.....Three of the 12 responding officers sustained injuries ranging from a lacerated hand and a contusion on the head to a possible concussion.....
.....In all, five people were arrested and charged with inciting to riot and breach of peace....
The Article Ended With Police
...... Police will follow up this week with the Greenwich Housing Authority, which oversees the housing complex, to determine if the alleged offenders will face further consequences, possibly eviction, for their actions.....
At A Minimum The Greenwich Time Editorial Should Have Noted That It Was Bad That Greenwich Housing Authority Executive Directer Had Been Negligent By Ignoring Residents Complaints.
Further, It Was A Disgrace That Greenwich Police Officers Had To Get Injured In Order To Get Anthony Johnson To Take Wilbur Pecks Security Problems Seriously.
If The Greenwich Police Union Was Not Under The Strong Leadership Of Jim Bonney, Then There Would Not Be Extra Police Patrols At Wilbur Peck.
The Greenwich Time Editors Are A Lot Like Anthony Johnson And Terry Mardula.... They Just Simply Are Not Doing There Job.
The Greenwich Time Editors Should Be Asking:
Shouldn't The Port Chester And Stamford Police Departments Have Been Called Under The Mutual Assistance Agreement When You Have......
* More than 50 people inciting others to attack the officers
* An Incident That Lasted An Hour And Involved All 12 Officers,
*Leaving The Rest Of The Town Uncovered For An Hour
* That Allowed At Least 15 Rioters To Escape Arrest.
*That Had Three Officers Injured.
*And Had A Mob Marching On The Greenwich Police Headquarters.
Why Didn't Greenwich Time Editors Ask .....
Why Didn't Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg Call For Backup From Port Chester And Stamford To Contain This Gang Of Thugs Attacking His Men?
Could It Be That Chief Ridberg, Minimizes The Wilbur Peck Problems, By Falsely Claiming That There Are No Gangs Members Just Blocks Away From Greenwich Avenue?
Please send your comments, news tips, press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of this post.

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