Hyper Local News Pages

Saturday, March 28, 2009

03/28/09 Thank God That State Attorney General Richard Blumenthal Is Finally Listening To Greenwich Roundup About The Second Round Of AIG Bonuses

No Other Connecticut News Media Outlet Or Blogger Reported That The Clock Was Ticking On A Second Round Of AIG Bonuses Until Yesterday Afternoon

Only Greenwich Roundup Was The Voice In The Lone Voice In The Wilderness Howling That The AIG Pirates Were Planning To Double Down With A Second Taxpayer Taxpayer Theft

It Took Greenwich Resident Richard Blumenthal Ten Days To Finally Listen To Greenwich Roundup,

But After He Read The Greenwich Roundup Reports And Then Looked At The Fine Print Of The AIG Contract He Found Out That......

Greenwich Roundup Had
Been Right All Along About
The Second AIG Bonus To Be
Paid Out On March 15, 2010


Everyone Town Knows That The Greenwich Time Has A Long History Of Not Name Names In The Backcountry.

But These Greedy Backcountry Sleazeballs Should Face The Judgement Of Every Working Greenwich Resident They Encounter As They Spend Their Dirty Bonus Bucks.

Incompetent Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Has No Nose For News And Doesn't Realize That This Is Not Going To Just Blow Over.

Here Is A News Flash For The Clueless Bruce Hunter:

An AIG Source Has Told Greenwich Roundup The Truth About The AIG Employee Retention Plan, That Is Causing Working Folks To Start Sharpening Their Pitchforks.

There Are Two Sets Of Bonus Payments.

This Is The First Bonus And Covers December 01, 2007 To November 30, 2008 That Was To Be Paid No Later Than March 15th of 2009.

Most People Including Bruce Hunter Don't Realize That The Clock Is Already Ticking On A Second Round Of Bonus Payments.

The Is Second Bonus Payments Cover December 01, 2008 To November 30, 2009 That Was To Be Paid No Later Than March 15th of 2010.

Next Years Bonus Payments Are A Done Deal

Yes The Greedy Backcountry SOBs Are At Home Patiently Waiting For Their Second Bonus Check As Hard Working Greenwich Taxpayers Holler About How Their Hard Earned Money Is Being Wasted.

Hearst Newspaper Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Should Tell Greenwich Time Reporters To Name Names And Rat Out The Greedy Backcountry Bonus Babies, Because Hardworking Greenwich Families Now Own 80% Of AIG.

Now Ten Days Later Every One Is Reporting
This Greenwich Roundup News Scoop:

Look At All Of This News In The Last 16 Hours....

Connecticut's attorney general urged Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Friday to block an additional $232 million in bonuses scheduled to be delivered to AIG Financial Products employees next March — plans confirmed by AIG officials during a state legislative hearing Thursday.Since December, AIG has delivered $218 million in bonuses to keep employees working at its dying Financial Products subsidiary in Wilton.

AIG executive Stephen Blake confirmed in testimony before the legislature's banks committee Thursday that the company plans to deliver more bonuses in March 2010. That would bring the total of so-called retention bonuses paid to division employees — designed to keep them working long enough to dismantle the business — to $450 million......

AG seeks to nix AIG bonuses for 2010
HARTFORD, Conn., Mar 27, 2009 (UPI ) -- The Connecticut attorney general said Friday he'll try to stop $230 million in additional bonuses ...

......it was revealed that the total projected payout of bonuses for 2008 and 2009 is closer to $451 million as opposed to the previously understood $232 million, and there may be additional payouts in 2010.....
(Bloomberg) -- American International Group Inc. should be stopped by the federal government from paying another $230 million in ...

AIG Bonuses Could Be Closer to $450 Million
NBC Connecticut
AIG employees might be taking home $450 million in bonuses, rather than the $185 and $232 million figures tossed around ...

Attorney General Richard Blumenthal -- in a letter today -- urged Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to block another $230 million in AIG bonuses slated for payment, saying no Connecticut law impedes such action.

AIG bonus estimate doubles to $451M
Hartford Business
By Greg Bordonaro opposed to a previous estimate of $218 million, and there may be additional payouts in 2010, state lawmakers said today. State Sen. ...
But Greenwich Roundup Readers Like The Employees In Richard Blumenthal's Office Have Known About The Scheduled March 15, 2010 Payment For Days.

In Fact Greenwich Roundup Has Been Reporting On The Second AIG Pay Out Almost Every Day For The Last Ten Days



Jimmy Did You Rescind Both Taxpayer
Funded Multi Million Bonus Payments?

Not May People Are Aware That There Are Two Sets Of Bonus Payments

This Is The First Bonus And Covers December 01, 2007 To November 30, 2008 That Was To Be Paid No Later Than March 15th of 2009.

Most People Including Clueless Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Don't Realize That The Clock Is Already Ticking On A Second Round Of Bonus Payments.

The Second Bonus Payments Cover December 01, 2008 To November 30, 2009 That Was To Be Paid No Later Than March 15th of 2010.

Jimmy, If You Tried To Pull A Fast One And
Retained The Second Bonus That Is
Fully Funded By Your Neighbors,
Then You Are One Hell Of A Greedy Fool.

Jimmy, You Are Just As Stupid As You Look
If You Did Not Rescind Both Bonus Payments

Jimmy What Were You Thinking When You Wanted To Use Your Neighbors Tax Dollars To Pay Out A Contract That You Knew Was Not Worth The Paper It Was Written On.


Check out the chaos and class -warfare breaking out on:
2Jon Green and his Working Families party are planning the "hatred-palooza 2009" tour of AIG FPG execs houses on Saturday AM. They are soliciting nasty grams to send to AIG employees.
Seems to me opinion is mixed.Hey - reasonable people can argue whether these guys should keep or give up this money, but no one deserves to have the mob with pitchforks terrorize their children and neighbors......
.......If The Working Families Want To Shine The Spotlight On A Bunch Of Fat Cat Cockroaches, Then Greenwich Roundup Says Let Them Shine The Light So Everyone Can See These Predatory Insects Scurry For The Dark

As You Men And Women Fight Overseas To Protect Our American Way Of Life, In No Way Is Greenwich Roundup Going To Criticize Them For Exercise Their Rights To Assemble And Speak Out Against The Greed That Is Destroying Our Great Country.

It Is Not Even Clear If Jackpot Jimmy Haas Rescind Both Taxpayer Funded Multi Million Bonus Payments?

Not May People Are Aware That There Are Two Sets Of Bonus Payments

This Is The First Bonus And Covers December 01, 2007 To November 30, 2008 That Was To Be Paid No Later Than March 15th of 2009.

Most People Don't Realize That The Clock Is Already Ticking On A Second Round Of Bonus Payments.

The Second Bonus Payments Cover December 01, 2008 To November 30, 2009 That Was To Be Paid No Later Than March 15th of 2010.

Lisa, In Your Letter You Say.....

"Hey - reasonable people can argue whether these guys should keep or give up this money."
I Don't Know Of Any Reasonable Person That Would Argue That Jackpot Jimmy Should Keep His Nieghbors Tax Dollars.

In Fact The Greedy Jackpot Jimmys Of This World Considered Working Families That Lost heir Homes To Forclosure A Bunch Of Losers.
Conn. forces AIG bonus recipients to testify
There Are Two Sets Of Bonus Payments.

This Is The First Bonus And Covers December 01, 2007 To November 30, 2008 That Was To Be Paid No Later Than March 15th of 2009.

Most People Including Bruce Hunter Don't Realize That The Clock Is Already Ticking On A Second Round Of Bonus Payments.

The Is Second Bonus Payments Cover December 01, 2008 To Novemb
er 30, 2009 That Was To Be Paid No Later Than March 15th of 2010.

Next Years Bonus Payments Are A Done Deal
Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz Has Doomed His "100 Days Of Change" Initiative To Failure, Because He Continues To Employ An Incompetitant Editor At The Greenwich Time
Apparently, Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Has No Contacts In The CT AG's Office
Hearst Newspaper Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Is A Sleep At The Switch As Out Of Town News Organizations Are Covering The Story In The Greenwich Time's Backyard
Ex- Greenwich Time Managing Editor And Now Hearst Newspaper Reporter Jim "I Like Writting About Beer" Zebora Is Clueless That AIG Lied And Paid Out An Additional 53 Million In Tax Dollars To The Jackpot Jimmys At AIG....



Here Is A News Flash For The Incompetent
Bruce Hunter And Jim Zebora:

The AIG Employee Retention Plan That Is Causing
Working Folks Sharpening Their Pitchforks.Has Two Componets
There Are Two Sets Of Bonus Payments

This Is The First Bonus And Covers December 01, 2007 To November 30, 2008 That Was To Be Paid No Later Than March 15th of 2009.

Most People Including The Clueless Bruce Hunter Don't Realize That The Clock Is Already Ticking On A Second Round Of Bonus Payments.

The Is Second Bonus Payments Cover December 01, 2008 To November 30, 2009 That Was To Be Paid No Later Than March 15th of 2010.

Next Years Taxpayer Funded Bonus Payments Are A Done Deal ..

Be Sure To Read Bonus Bum"Fake Jake" DeSantis' Fine Print:

....On March 16 I received a payment from A.I.G. amounting to $742,006.40, after taxes ......
(Jake DeSantis Is Such An Unethical AIG Bum That He Has Obviously Visited An Accountant To Calculate The Amount Of Taxes To The Penny. DeSantis Is Such A Greedy SOB He Couldn't Add $933.40 Of His Own Money To Make The Taxpayer Funded Package An Even $743,000)

....In light of the uncertainty over the ultimate taxation and legal status of this payment, the actual amount I donate may be less...... (Greedy Con Artist Jake DeSantis Really Has Hug Balls. This AIG Scamster Says I Am Going To Act Like A Big Shot Donating Your Tax Dollars, But If He Miscalculated The Tax Ramifications ..... He Is Going To Use Your Tax Dollars To Pay Any Additional Tax Liability That He May Incur. As Leona Hemsley Said,"Only The Little People Pay Taxes.").....

.....Here Is How The Jake DeSantis Ponzie Scheme Will Probably Work:

First AIG Bum "Fake Jake" DeSantis Will Use Over $250,000.00 Of Your Tax Dollars To Pay His Tax Bill. Then He Will Claim Huge Tax Deductions For Donating $742,006.40 Of Your Tax Dollars To Help Those "Who Are Suffering From The Global Downturn".

Greedy " Fake Jake" DeSantis Will Then Be Able To Carry The The Taxpayer Funded Deduction Forward Three Years, Thus Allowing Him To Pay Virtually No Taxes.

The $742,006.40 Of Mr. Desantists' Neighbors Tax Dollars Will Need To Go Into A Financial Vehicle Like A Private Foundation To Distribute The Tax Dollars.

Of Coarse, There Will Be Expences Involved With Distributing Your Tax Dollars So Greedy "Fake Jake" Desantis Will Have To Be Compensated. Desantis May Even Need To Hire Friends And Family Members To Help Disburse Your Tax Dollars To Help Those "Who Are Suffering From The Global Downturn".

Then There Is Greedy Jake Desantis Mission Of Distributing Your Hard Earned Tax Dollars To Help Those "Who Are Suffering From The Global Downturn".

This Mission Statement Includes Virtually Everybody In The World .... Greedy Jake Desantis' Laws .... Greedy "Fake Jake" Desantis' Golfing Buddy ...... Greedy Jake Desantis' Business Associates ..... Etc.....

.....There Are Two Sets Of Bonus Payments
For "Fake Jake" Desantis And The Other AIG Pirates

This Was Only The First Bonus And Covers December 01, 2007 To November 30, 2008 That Was To Be Paid No Later Than March 15th of 2009.

And As We Read Above ..... The Greedy AIG SOB's Like "Fake Jake" Desantis Couldn't Wait Till March 15, 2009 So They Accelerated 25% Of The Bonus To Be Paid In December.

Most People Don't Realize ThatThe Clock Is Already Ticking On ASecond Round Of Bonus Payments For"Fake Jake DeSantis And The Other AIG Pirates:

The Is Second Bonus Payments Cover December 01, 2008 To November 30, 2009 That Was To Be Paid No Later Than March 15th of 2010.

03/26/09 Former Greenwich Resident Fake Jake DeSantist: "I didn't do nothin' .... Besides I deserve All That Cash ......"

Eventually, We Will Learn Who The AIG Bonus Bums Are Because New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo Is Not Afraid Of AIG.

After Cuomo Releases The Names, Then Resident "Me Too" Richard Blumenthal Will Join The NY Attorney General's Band Wagon

03/26/09 Once Again Greenwich Time Editor Bruce Hunter Is Late To The Party And His Niave Reporter Gets The Story Wrong

Fake Jake DeSantist Wont Tell You ThatThe Other AIG Shoe Has Not Dropped Yet.....




The AIG Employee Retention Plan Has Two Components
There Are Two Sets Of Bonus Payments

There Are Two Sets Of Bonus Payments
For "Fake Jake" Desantis And The Other AIG Pirates

This Was Only The First Bonus And Covers December 01, 2007 To November 30, 2008 That Was To Be Paid No Later Than March 15th of 2009.

And As We Read Above ..... The Greedy AIG SOB's Like "Fake Jake" Desantis Couldn't Wait Till March 15, 2009 So They Accelerated 25% Of The Bonus To Be Paid Last December.

Most People Don't Realize ThatThe Clock Is Already Ticking On ASecond Round Of Bonus Payments For"Fake Jake DeSantis And The Other AIG Pirates:

The Is Second Bonus Payments Cover December 01, 2008 To November 30, 2009 That Was To Be Paid No Later Than March 15th of 2010.
Oh, Look Here Is Failed Hearst Newspaper Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Hastily Throwing Up Connecticut Post Reporter Ken Dixon's News Report Up On The Greenwich Time In An Effort To Cover A News Story That Greenwich Roundup Broke Over A Week Ago ......

AG wants no more AIG bonuses - Greenwich Time

$230M in payouts planned

Ken Dixon
Connecticut Post.

HARTFORD -- State Attorney General Richard Blumenthal said Friday that he will try to stop an estimated $230 million in additional bonuses scheduled for American International Group employees.

And the co-chairmen of the legislative committee looking into the bonuses said they were ready for their next phase of researching the legality of the hefty payouts.

In an interview, Blumenthal said he will ask Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to prevent the bonuses scheduled for March 2010. Blumenthal said he believes that state law does not protect bonuses the way it shelters regular wages under employment contracts.....

Greenwich Roundup Hates To Say
We Told You So, But Damn It ....

We Told You So

"We're writing today to the Fed that in light of the disclosure yesterday that another $230 million will be paid in March of next year to the employees there this year," Blumenthal said.

The Disclosure Yesterday????

Is Greenwich Resident Richard Blumenthal On Drugs ????

Blumenthal's Office Has Known About This For Over A Weak, Because Google Analytics Says His Server Has Logged On To Many Greenwich Roundup Pages That Have Reported This Second Payment All Most Every Day For A Week.

"We are urging the Fed take prompt and aggressive action to protect taxpayer money going to bonuses that seem excessive and unnecessary."

Blumenthal made his remarks after Thursday's hearing before the legislative Banks Committee, in which AIG officials defended the recent $218 million in bonuses paid to executives. The bonuses were funded from the $180 billion taxpayer-funded bailout of the company, which nearly failed under the weight of toxic financial instruments.

"There is a difference between wages and bonuses under our statutes," Blumenthal said. "This compensation seems to have no link to any specific or measurable services or tasks, but rather is at the discretion or latitude of the corporation and should be regarded as a bonus, not a wage, under our statutes."
During a four-hour hearing Thursday, a lawyer for AIG said Connecticut law requires the bonuses or the company could be liable for double the bonus amount, plus legal fees, for each of more than 400 employees.

CT Sen. Bob Duff, D-Norwalk Is Just As Phony As Blumenthal.
Before, AIG Ever Turned Over One Page Of The Retention Contract Over To The State Of Conneticut, Google Analytics Says Bob Duff's Office Was On The Very Pages Greenwich Roundup That Reported The Second Payments.

In a joint statement Friday, Duff and state Rep. Ryan Barry, D-Manchester, co-chairmen of the committee, said the total amount of bonuses over the last two years was about $220 million more than the $232 million widely reported; and there may be additional bonus payments in 2010.

In a joint statement Friday, Duff and state Rep. Ryan Barry, D-Manchester, co-chairmen of the committee, said the total amount of bonuses over the last two years was about $220 million more than the $232 million widely reported; and there may be additional bonus payments in 2010.

"Though that number could be reduced by resignations, it is a significant difference," Duff and Barry said. "In fact, documentation provided indicates that executives put on a personal life vest in the first quarter of 2008 when they knew the ship was starting to sink.

Second, the committee learned that payouts also go to involuntarily terminated employees, or employees who resign with reason, despite the fact that they fall outside the Connecticut Wage Act because those payments appear to be similar to severance payments," the lawmakers said.

They said that documents obtained under subpoena indicate that past employee-retention plans did not have guaranteed payouts.

Greenwich Roundup Is Sick And Tired Of Phoney Politicans Like Bob Duff And Richard Blumenthal Not Giving Propper Credit To Citizen Journalists And Bloggers Who Often Often Break News Stories That The Lazy Mainsteam News Media Is Afraid To Touch.

Greenwich Roundup Is So Mad He Just Might Go And Freedom Of Information Request Blumental And Duffs Server Logs And Resolve Them Right Down To The Computer Used To Access The Greenwich Roundup Pages Reporting On The Second AIG Bonus Payments Due In March Of 2010.

CT State Server Logs Are Public Documents That Can Be Aquired Through A Simple Freedom Of Information Request.

For Years Richard "Me Too" Blumental Filed Copy Cat Lawsuits As New York Attorney General Elliot Spitzer Acted As The Sherrif Of Wall Street
Now Richard "Me Too" Blumental Is Filing Copy Cat Lawsuits Every Time New York Andrew Cuomo Takes On The Greedy Corporate Bums At AIG
But This Time Richard "Me Too" Blumental Has Gone To Far
When Google Analytics Shows That Blumental's Office Repeatedly Comes To Greenwich Roundup And Takes An Independent AIG News Scoop And Then Showboats With It.
What's Up With
Bob Duff And
Richard "Me Too" Blumental
Pretending That He Uncovered The Information
All By Thier Little Ole' Selves.
All Richard "Me Too" Blumental Does Is Play Copy Cat And Showboat.
If He's Not Copying The New York Attorney General
Then He Is Copying Greenwich Roundup
Maybe Richard "Me Too" Blumenthal Cut And Past His Letter To Bernanke From Greenwich Roundup

Would It Has Been So Hard For Blumenthal

To Say At His AIG Hearing....

"Citizen Journalists And Bloggers Have Been Reporting on the internet That There Is A Second Massive Bonus Payment Scheaduled On March 15th Of 2010..... Is This True? ..... And Remember You Are Under Oath."

One Thing Is For Sure Is That The Mainstream Press Had No Clue About The Second Bonus Payment Until After Yesterdays Hartford Hearing

One Thing Else For Sure Is That Google Analytics Shoes That Bob Duff And Richard "Me Too" Blumenthal Servers Were At All Of The Above Mentioned Greenwich Roundup Articles.

Greenwich Round Up Publicly Challenges Bob Duff And Richard "Me Too" Blumenthal To Show One News Article Or Blog Post Before March 18th 2009 That Mentions The Second Aig Bonus Payments To Be Paid Out On March Of 2010

Bernake Did Not Catch It AIG's Documents

Congress Did Not Catch It In AIG's Documents

Cuomo Did Not Catch It In AIG's Documents

And Duff And Blumenthal Sure As The Hell Did Not Catch It All By Themselves.

It Was An Inside Secret That A Greenwich Roundup Source Provide And We Repeated Almost Daily Until Richard "Me Too" Blumenthal Started Showboating With His Letter To Bernnake.

Let's See If Richard "Me Too" Blumenthal Can Show Us A News Article Or Blog Post That Is Older Than 24 Hours That Even Mentions The Possibility Of A Massive Second AIG Bonus Payment To Be Paid Out In March Of 2010.

Close To 2,000 Unique Visitors A Day Read About The Second AIG Bonus Payment Almost Every Day Right Here At Greenwich Roundup ...... And Some Of Those Of Those Unique Visitors Were Using Bob Duff's And Richard "Me Too" Blumenthal Servers.

Since Richard "Me Too" Blumenthal

Wants Everyone To Think He Is So Sharp.

Let's See If He Can Show Us Where There Was Anything On The Internet, Before at 3/18/2009 02:32:00 AM That Talks About The Secret Second AIG Bonus Payment For March 15th, 2010

It Is Alright With Greenwich Roundup If Richard "Me Too" Blumenthal Wants To Take And Use Information From His Hometown Blog, Greenwich Roundup.

However, Richard "Me Too" Blumenthal

Should Give Credit Where Credit Is Due.


Please send your comments, news tips and comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of this post.

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